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06-28 投稿




英:['?u:t?(r)]  美:['?u:t?r]

英:  美:


n.射手, **炮


trouble shooter
-(政治、外交等)解决麻烦问题的能手; (机器等)故障检修员
square [straight] shooter


mo(u)ld shooter


1 、They had orders to shoot at sight.───他们接到命令说见人就开**。

2 、A television outfit went there to shoot the story.───一个电视摄制组到那儿去拍摄这个故事。

3 、You want to tell me something? Well,shoot!───你有事告诉我吗?那好,说吧。

4 、A lateral shoot from the main stem of a plant.───分枝植株的主茎上长出的侧枝

5 、The soldiers were authorized to shoot at will.───士兵得到允许可以随意开**。

6 、Shoot! My coat is caught in the door.───哇,上衣被车门夹住了。

7 、With our cops looking for the shooters and the shooters looking for our cops, they're on a collision course.─── 警察在找**手 **手也在找警察 正好有冲突的点

8 、If you don't drop that gun, I'll shoot you.───如果你不放下**,我就**毙你。

9 、They tied for the third place in the shoot put.───他们在推铅球项目并列第三。

10 、Halt! Or I'll shoot you with my pawn shop ticket!───不许动!不然我要用当票向你射击了!

11 、He means business: he really will shoot us if we try to escape.───他不是说著玩的; 我们要是逃,他真会开**。

12 、He shoot the bolt as soon as he came in.───他一走进来,就把**销一下子**上了。

13 、Finished the photo shoot for the tour book today.───今天完成了巡演手册照片的拍摄。

14 、This is where they believed the shooter was perched.─── 他们认为这里是**手藏身的地方

15 、It is possible that he never intended to shoot her.───可能他从未想要开**打死她。

16 、He broke the window so that he could shoot out.───他打破了窗户,便可以向外开**了。

17 、The sentry was ordered to shoot on sight.───哨兵奉命一发现目标就射击。

18 、He goes to Scotland every year to shoot wild duck.───他每年到苏格兰打野鸭。

19 、A healthy shoot should form a strong graft.───健康的嫩枝可以长成强壮的接穗。

20 、The troops have been instructed to shoot on sight.───军队已被指示见人就开**,格杀勿论。

21 、The soldier was checking his accoutrements when he heard the gun shoot.───听到**响时,这个士兵正在检查他的装备。

22 、You want to tell me something? OK, shoot!───你有话要告诉我?那好,说吧!

23 、But in the shooter's mind, they're connected.─── 但是在射手眼里 它们大有联系

24 、Great spurts of gas shoot out of the sun.───太阳气体射出形成大爆发。

25 、What a shooter! He scored 40 points all by himself.───好一个投手,一人得了40分!

26 、A large playing marble, often used as the shooter.───大弹子经常用来击打其它弹子的大理石弹子

27 、They shoot off their weapons as a sign of victory.───他们对空放**象徵胜利。

28 、She's innocent, didn't do it, wasn't the shooter.─── 她是无辜的 不是她干的 她不是**手

29 、Can you shoot up at the bird on the roof?───你能射中房顶上的那只鸟吗?

30 、He shoot the cat right after the meal.BS!───他刚吃完饭就吐了。

31 、He was tackle before he had a chance to shoot.───他还来不及射门即遭阻截。

32 、Could be the third shooter's in here.─── 第三个**手有可能就在这里面

33 、Should O'Neil Shoot Like Your Granny?───奥尼尔要跟你的奶奶学投篮?

34 、Dixon couldn't have been the shooter, then.─── 那这个**手可能也是迪克森

35 、Leaves begin to shoot forth early in spring.───初春时节,叶子开始长出来了。

36 、This still frame tells me that you're not our shooter, but what it doesn't tell me is why the shooter was in your car.─── 截到的画面显示你不是我们要找的**手 但未能解释 为何**手会出现在你的车里

37 、Athena will be there, ready to shoot.───athena会到这里, 准备开拍.

38 、You shoot first,I'll stand by and wipe your eye.───你先开**,我等你打不中时再来结果它。

39 、Do not shoot a glass arrow into a painted deer.───别对画鹿射琉璃之箭?

40 、The hero gets to shoot all the bad guys.───主人公结果射杀了所有的坏蛋。

41 、Just you make a noise again, I will shoot you!───只要你再弄出声响来,我就毙了你!

42 、He missed a great opportunity to shoot at goal.───他错过了一个投篮的最佳机会。

43 、Fruity shooter with no alcohol burn.───不用点燃的水果子弹酒.

44 、They were told to shoot looters on sight.───他们奉令见到打劫者立即射击.

45 、You can't shoot the silver bullet into me.───你不能用那银色的弹头灭了我这就是骷髅旗,你他妈的。

46 、That would mean the shooter was at a distance.─── 那可能说明**手是远距离开**

47 、Cargo Could you shoot those down for us?───你们可以帮我们把它们击毁吗?

48 、Hi,I heard that you've been a shooter for over one year.───嗨,我听说你当射手有一年多了。

49 、Shoot as soon as they come within range.───他们一进我们的范围就开火。

50 、He was able to shoot down a flying bird with the bow and arrow.───他张弓搭箭能射落空中的飞鸟。

51 、We shoot at will Why does God permit it?───为什么神沉默了?我们试图成为神,于是得到满足。

52 、The gardener pinched out the weak shoot on a plant.───园林工人掐掉植物上发育不良的芽。

53 、The guard had orders to shoot on sight.───哨兵奉命见人就开**。

54 、All the can shoot is a clay pigeon.───他所能射击的不过是一个容易的非移动靶。

55 、To speak without think is to shoot without look.───不思就说等于无的放矢。

56 、Twenty-eight is not an old age for a shooter.───28岁对一个射击运动员来说年龄并不算大。

57 、Don't make a move or I'll shoot.───不许动,否则我要开**了。

58 、They shoot up at the hilltop for pleasure.───他们向山顶射击以取乐。

59 、Hands up! I'll shoot anyone who moves!───举起手来!谁要动我就开**!

60 、He found it necessary to shoot a sheriff.───他认为有必要开**结果执法长官。

61 、Broke Captain Hadley's heart to shoot him.───哈利队长被迫开**。那是事实。

62 、Added First Person Shooter Mode.───增加了第一人称射击模式。

63 、As the best flak shooter in the troop, you have to guard your base!───作为基地中最出色的高射炮手,你必需要捍卫你的基地!

64 、What? You husband is the shooter?───什么?你丈夫是那个杀手!

65 、Your encouraging word is a real shoot in the arm.───你对我的鼓励真是一针兴奋剂。

66 、To shoot at power lines and related facilities.───向电力线路设施射击;

67 、The sentry had orders to shoot on sight.───哨兵奉命一发现有动静就立即开**。

68 、A shoot originating form below ground.───从地下长出的枝条。

69 、They are going to shoot live ammunition today.───他们今天要实弹射击了。

70 、He invited us to his country estate for a weekend shoot.───他邀请我们到他乡下的庄园去过一次打猎的周末。

71 、A shoot or branch arising form a main stem.───从主茎上分出的枝。

72 、And the shooter if you stayed here and called 911, you must have seen the shooter leave.─── 还有凶手 如果你待在楼下报警 你肯定看到凶手离开了

73 、El: You want me to shoot the cook?───你想让我杀了厨师?

74 、He took his rifle to shoot wild duck.───他拿起**打野鸭子。

75 、You'll feel a lot better if you shoot your wad at the meeting.───如果你在会上把心里的话都说出来,你会觉得舒畅得多。

76 、Are you gonna join in this Turkey Shoot?───你要加入我们的射击火鸡游戏?

77 、New Structure Design Plan for Rotary Core Shooter.───回转式射芯机结构设计方案

78 、His big seller right now is a marshmallow shooter.───他的大卖家现在是一个射击游戏的商家。

79 、Shooter or shooters got away clean, like a gang killing.─── **手或**手们会逍遥法外 就像黑帮杀人一样

80 、Crusoe pointed his gun at him, ready to shoot him.───克鲁索用**指着他,准备把他打死。

81 、Don't shoot from the hip, make a plan first.───别莽撞,先定个计划。

82 、I what to study the problem before I shoot off my mouth.───在我没有发表意见之前,我想研究一下这个问题。

83 、The trouble is, that I don't shoot.───可惜的是我不打猎。

84 、One journalist, an Italian, walked over and just calmly stood in front of the wretched men, implying that if the soldiers shot them, they would have to shoot him too.───一位意大利记者,走过去镇定地挡在了那群可怜无助的人身前,意思是说,士兵们要杀他们的话,得先把他杀了。

85 、They were told to shoot looters at first sight.───他们奉命见到打劫者就开**.

86 、Why did you shoot him down like that?───你为什么那么严厉地批评他?

87 、TC in a text mode under the shooter.───一个用TC在文本方式下的射击游戏.-

88 、A grade of Chinese black tea, obtained from the fifth and largest leaf gathered from a shoot tip of a tea plant.───功夫茶中国的一种浓茶,茶叶采自茶树顶部第五片和最大的一片叶子

89 、He can shoot as well as riding horse.───他不但能骑马,而且能射击。

90 、You are very good, a dai! You shoot in it at last.───好,阿呆你好棒呀,终于投进了。

求孤单**手2(alien shooter2)通关详细攻略?





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