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06-28 投稿





英:  美:


v.解放, 使获得自由, 释出, 放出


名词: liberator | 动词过去分词: liberated | 副词: liberatingly | 动词现在分词: liberating | 动词过去式: liberated | 动词第三人称单数: liberates |


rescue | unloosen | gasify | vaporize | unbind | unchain | discharge | affranchise | extract | unhook | dissociate | unloose | free | unfasten | unpen | sublime | separate | loosen | unfetter | disimprison | dissolve | acquit | dismiss | justify | sunder | divide | disenthrall | sever | set free | unmuzzle | extricate | manumit | emancipate | enfranchise | unfix | disunite | disconnect | release | disjoin | franchise | deliver | sublimate | unshackle | disengage | loose | unmew


restrain | restrict | compel


1 、Bulgarians thanked Tsarist Russia for liberating them from the Ottomans, and many recall communist rule as a time of modernisation.───保加利亚人感谢沙皇俄国将他们从奥斯曼帝国解放出来,甚至许多人今天仍然认为当年保共执政时期是国家完成现代化的黄金岁月。

2 、Reacts violently with water, liberating highly flammable gases.───与水猛烈反应,释放出极易燃气体;

3 、There's something liberating about not pretending.Dare to embarrass yourself .Risk.───不装的时候你会感到比较自由。别怕难为情,要敢于冒险。

4 、A Review of the Militant Features of Liberating the Yijiangshan Island───一江山岛战斗特点述评

5 、LIBER; League of Friends of Paul;───圣保罗之友联盟;

6 、Absolutely nothing can financially stop you once you master this liberating philosophy.───一旦你掌握了这种思想开明的哲学,就没有任何经济原因能够阻止你了。

7 、Epicurus summed up his liberating philosophy with what he called the four medicinal herbs───埃匹克罗斯用他所谓的四种药草来总结自己的解放性的哲学

8 、International Cooperation and Systematic Innovation: Liberating the Productivity of University───国际合作与体制创新:解放大学的生产力

9 、But not before he liberated the belt.─── 但是在那之前他把皮带拿了出来

10 、The latter considers the state's welfare policies as having the liberating functions of decommodification.───后者则认为国家制定的社会福利政策应该具有去商品化的解放功能。

11 、It is a release of fear. It liberates you.─── 这是恐惧的释放 让你解放了

12 、This highly agitated confidence in the liberating efficacy of innovation has in some places become an article of faith almost as strong as the Natchez Indian’s consuming faith in the deity of the sun.───在某些地方,这种对创新所产生的作用高度膨胀的自信不亚于美国密西西比州那切兹镇印第安部落对太阳神的无比的崇拜。

13 、liberating feminism───妇女解放思想

14 、When a ball valve is closed in periods of inactivity, the bleach will decompose over time liberating oxygen gas.───当球阀在不工作期间关闭,经过一段时间,漂白剂将分解并释放出氧气。

15 、We have to understand that engineering breakthroughs are not just mechanical or scientific, they are liberating forces that can continually improve people's lives.───我们必须了解,工程上的突破不只是机械和科学问题,而且是一种能够不断改善人民生活的解放力量。

16 、"Carnivalesque" by Bakhtin has been the first selected word to demonstrate the liberating and creative thinking and fashion.───巴赫金提出的“狂欢”一词现已成为标举解放性、创造性的思维、潮流的首选词语。

17 、Her mother instilled another dream, ever-present in the experience of working people: that of liberating herself through education.───她母亲灌输给她一种经常从劳动人民苦难经历中滋生出来的美梦:那就是通过受教育以争得自身的解放。

18 、He's a liberal, he's like you and me.─── 他是自由派 和我们一伙的

19 、After liberating Anakin, Jinn sold Anakin's Podracer.───在解放了安纳金后,金卖掉了安纳金的赛车。

20 、This is the humanity regarding nonego demanding, rather the humanity has been carrying on to oneself is liberating, free is always humanity's highest dream.───与其说这是人类对于外物的索求,不如说人类一直在对自身进行着解放,自由从来都是人类的最高梦想。

21 、Her mother instilled in her another dream, ever-present in the experience of working people: that of liberating herself through education.───她母亲又灌输给她另一种经常从劳动人民苦难经历中滋生出来的这样一种美梦:那就是通过受教育以争得自身的解放。

22 、And he was a lifelong propagandist for the liberating force of the music he helped create.───他还是自己协助创造的这种音乐(即摇滚乐)的解放力量的终生宣传者。

23 、but our shirts are our liber, or true bark, which cannot be removed without girdling and so destroying the man.───我们的衬衣可是我们的韧皮,或者说,真正的树皮,剥下来的话,不能不连皮带肉,伤及身体的。

24 、1.You mean all the gadgets, busyness, and complexity that we have been taught are so crucial to success, may not be necessary? How liberating!───妳说我们所学到的这些小事,忙碌以及繁复的事情阻碍了我们成功,并不必要?简直是胡扯!

25 、This is one of the most liberating approaches: it liberates you right now!Forget all about sin and forget all about saintliness;both are stupid.───忘掉一切的罪恶,也忘掉一切所谓的圣人风范,这两者都是愚蠢的,这两者加在一起会摧毁了所有人类的喜悦。

26 、For pyritecontaining unoxidized kaolinite, the selective comminution aims at liberating and separating pyrite and its interlocking minerals.───对未经氧化的含黄铁矿高岭岩,选择性粉碎的目的是解离并分选出黄铁矿及其聚合体。

27 、IF LIBERATING a nation from an egregious dictatorship had been the initial impulse behind the invasionof Iraq, it might have been a “just war”.───如果将一个国家从一个极度独裁专政中解放出来是伊拉克战争的最初动力的话,它本应该是一场“正义的战争”。

28 、Randy:Justin had done a lot of things that i wish i had been in power enough to do when i was in high school,it was liberating.───感同身受,痛苦的时候我还可以画,那是属于我一个人的,无论有多少麻烦我始终有那个世界,蹭线条也好,速写也好,有时可以抽离意识,单纯的想去画些什么,远离那些鸟事。

29 、In the Rostov offensive, Soviets capture Rostov-on-Don and move forward 300-450 km, liberating most of the Rostov region.───在罗斯托夫反击战中,苏军攻占了罗斯托夫城并向前推进了300到450公里,解放了罗斯托夫大部分地区。

30 、The experience of developed countries certainly seems to indicate that economic growth is profoundly liberating for women.───发达国家的经验似乎暗示是经济增长引发了妇女解放。

31 、Boosting the Progress of People by Means of Liberating the Individual Spirit -- A Study of SHU Wu's Modern Essays───以个性解放促人民进步--舒芜现代杂文论

32 、He meant to show the liberating magic of industrial technology. And of course he meant to be funny.───他想表现工业技术所具有的神奇的解放力量。当然他也想逗人开心。

33 、What we want more than anything else is to assist you, as members of the Family of Light, to succeed in liberating the humans.───我们想的超过任何其它别的去援助你们,作为光之家族成员,成功使人类自由。

34 、RC:[Wow, that was actually quite liberating.───[哇,这可真是解放了。

35 、He sums it up in his British travelogues, The Kingdom By the Sea, as the liberating fantasy of running away from home───他在自己的英国游记《濒海的王国》中,将他的这种逃避概括为“使人解脱的离家出走奇想。”

36 、It is quite liberating once you really do let go and put your trust in other people.───一旦你真的放开了手脚,并给予别人以信任,那将是一种莫大的解放!

37 、And he was a lifelong propagandist for the liberating force of the music he helped create───他还是自己协助创造的这种音乐(即摇滚乐)的解放力量的终生宣传者。

38 、That's the whole point of the women's liberation movement to be liberated from men.─── 那就是女性解放运动的意义所在 要摆脱男性

39 、Going from my fancy office to being a brewer was like mountain climbing: exhilarating, liberating and frightening.───从条件舒适的办公室出来,去做一名酿酒人,就像爬山一样:令人振奋,感到自由,但又觉得有些害怕。

40 、And theyre over there fighting for the cause of freedom and liberating the oppressed, much in the same way other countries did for us over 200 years ago.───他们在那里为自由而战,为释放被压制的人而战,就像200年前别的国家为我们做的一样。

41 、"Liberating Nature"───天放

42 、(Homo liber, qui inter ignaros vivit, eorum, quantum potest, beneficia declinare studet.───一个生活在无知的人群中的自由人将尽可能努力避免他们的恩惠。

43 、Since I sometimes wrestle with the limitations of writing complex thoughts in simple language, it is liberating, even hilarious.───基于有时候我会挣扎于用最简单的词句表现出复杂的想法,(我会说),它是一种解放,甚至是好笑的。

44 、It was liberating to be able to serve God for free.───可以为上帝做事而不拿薪水实在让人感觉自由清新。)

45 、You need to do something innovative, daring, unusual, liberating, exciting, and challenging.───你需要做一些革新的、大胆的、不同寻常的、解放的、激动的有挑战的事。

46 、If we try to live this liberating revelation to the full, we will look at the mystery and the sacredness of human life with clearer minds and more loving hearts.───我们如果切实遵守这些启示,就会以更清的思想,更大的爱心,去默观体验人生的神圣和奥秘。

47 、” It's so important to both experience and to enjoy the liberating understanding that it is OK to aspire to a better self, even to love that better self you can become.───去体验和享受这种割达的见解意义深远,它可以很好地激励你日臻完善,甚至令你爱上那个有可能达到的更加完美的自我。

48 、Can't be translated into the liberal terms.─── 也不能被解读为有自由主义的条款

49 、Once Olga copped to her real fears, facing and embracing her worst-case scenario was even more liberating.───一旦Olga接受了她的真正恐惧,面临和拥抱她最糟糕一幕带来的是更多的解脱。

50 、They're considering liberating him from economic worry.───他们在考虑解除他的后顾之忧。

51 、Today, pay close attention: Are you following the gripping energy of fear or the liberating energy of love?───今天,密切关注一下:你在跟随着的是纠缠的恐惧力量,还是带来解放的爱的力量?

52 、Deepening realization on labor value theory sticking to the principles of liberating thoughts and seeking truth from facts───坚持实事求是的原则深化对劳动价值论的认识

53 、This is possible by connecting the three theaters underground, and with bridges in the air, leaving each building independent and efficient, while liberating the ground surface as public space.───三座地下剧场与空中桥梁连接,使每个建筑物在空间与功能上各自为政,并解放地面为公共空间。

54 、" She says her mother found the war a liberating and politicising experience.───她说她的母亲认为二战的经历解放并政治化了她。

55 、Well, it's not because I'm a liberal.─── 这不是因为我是一个自由派的律师

56 、Its victory did not prove that Palestinians had been bewitched by Islamist militancy or come to believe again in liberating all of Palestine by force.───它的胜利并没有证明巴勒斯坦人已经转化成伊斯兰好战分子或他们再次开始相信诉诸武力解放所有巴勒斯坦领土。

57 、Georgy Zhukov would lead the Red Army in liberating the Soviet Union from the Axis Power’s occupation and advancing through much of Eastern Europe to conquer Berlin during World War II.───希特勒领导德国纳粹以及轴心国占领了大部分欧洲大陆以及部分亚洲和非洲。

58 、She's politically conservative; I'm more liber al.───她政治上保守,而我却比较开明宽容。

59 、Argument: The following is a letter from an editor at Liber Publishing Company to the company's president.───另一个看都没有看, 义无返顾地选择了这个issue, 因为这一个总有点映象啊。

60 、Only through your own experience, however, does it become liberating.───但是只有通过你自己的体验它才具有解放能力。

61 、I thought it would be liberating knowing how much time you had left to work.───我以为知道自己还有多少日子是一种解脱。

62 、Therefore, all talk of “this is our land,” “we are liberating our land,” is meaningless.───因此,那种“这是我们的地盘”,“我们在解放我们的土地”的论调是毫无意义的。

63 、Honorius, according to the Liber Pontificalis, came from Campania and was the son of the consul Petronius.He became pope on October 27, 625, two days after the death of his predecessor, Boniface V.───关于霍诺留斯就职的日期有两种说法,一种是11月3日,另一种是10月27日。

64 、A few years later he staged a spectacle called "Useless Mechanical Activity," continuing his work of liberating machines into their own world.───几年后他办的一场展示叫“无用的机械行为”,延续了他把机器们解救出来,使其归于原始形态的风格。

65 、That you were not liberating the people, you were destroying them.─── 说你不是在解放人们 而是在摧毁他们

66 、They don't want to hear such liberating news.───他们不想听到如此这般宽慰的话。

67 、I'm liberal and all, but, like, they don't get it.─── 我是不在意 但是 他们不懂

68 、Going from my fancy office to being a brewer was like mountain climbing: exhilarating, liberating and frightening───从条件舒适的办公室出来,去做一名酿酒人,就像爬山一样:令人振奋,感到自由,但又觉得有些害怕。

69 、"By pilfer date, it is to be returned overnight before liberating " , xiaowang mouth sighed.───“又被**了,又是一夜回到解放前了”,小王叹了口气。

70 、The computer revolution is stimulating intellects, liberating limbs and propelling mankind to a higher order of existence.───{计算机革命正在促进人的智力发展,解放人的四肢,将人类生活提到一个更高的水平。

71 、Sunt bona, sunt quaedam mediocria, sunt mala plura quae legis hic. aliter non fit, Avite, liber.───好东西,一些平凡的东西,更多糟糕的东西,你都在这儿读到。若非这样,阿维陀,书就造不成了。

72 、But then, as he dissects the situation in his mind, he sees how liberating it can be - freed from responsibilities, he no longer needs to be a slave to the establishment.───后来,经过细细的盘算,他发觉只要摆脱责任的束缚就可以获得解脱,他决定不再受此奴役。

73 、It also meant liberating one’s individuality and the personality independence, and causes the human to become for a modern and independence " human".───也意味着个性的张扬,人格的独立,使人成为一个现代的独立的“人”。

74 、"After liberating Afghanistan inshallah, our forces will be ready to conquer the land beyond the river [the old name given by the Muslims to central Asia].───“等按照安拉的旨意解放阿富汗之后,我们的军队将准备征服‘河那边之地’(旧时穆斯林对中亚的称呼)。

75 、Over the next few weeks, Alexander marches nearly a thousand miles through Anatolia, liberating the Greeks.───亚历山大在接着几星期内行军近千哩,横越安那托利亚,解放了希腊人。

76 、Perhaps science will in time slip completely into cyberspace, liberating investigators and trees from the hard-copy legacy of ever longer shelves groaning under the weight of ever more detailed and dusty tomes.───也许很快科学就要进入一个电脑化的空间时代,人们将不再需要不断扩大书架以搁放内容越来越细、灰尘越来越厚的硬皮书籍。

77 、Her mother instilled in her another dream, ever-present in the experience of working people: that of liberating herself through education───她母亲又灌输给她另一种经常从劳动人民苦难经历中滋生出来的这样一种美梦:那就是通过受教育以争得自身的解放。

78 、He pointed out that Soviet troops had made a huge sacrifice in defeating Nazism and liberating Europe.───他指出,苏联军队为打败纳粹主义和解放欧洲作出了巨大牺牲。

79 、Every community is called to be an instrument for the liberation, the liberation and promotion of the poor.─── 我们号召所有群体 为解放贡献力量 为了贫苦之人的解放和福祉贡献力量

80 、The Structure of Prevailing Relations between Me and You: Exclusion for the Extent of the Individual Liberating───当前的我和你间关系结构:个体解放度的排斥

81 、XML is liberating because its simplicity and extensibility allows you to define just about anything, while allowing room for expansion.───XML给了您很大的自由度,这是因为它的简单性和可扩展性使您能够定义几乎任何内容,同时还留有扩展空间。

82 、So, instead of promoting resigned powerlessness, the early Buddhist notion of karma focused on the liberating potential of what the mind is doing with every moment.───因此,远不同于鼓励逆来顺受的无奈感,早期佛教的业力概念,侧重于释放心智在每时每刻如何行动的潜力。

83 、While Findan was absent, the Elves succeeded in lifting the siege of Syris Thalla and liberating much of the Elven kingdom.───在芬丹离开塞利斯塔拉后,精灵们成功的粉碎了敌人的围攻,并收复了大部分失地。

84 、She's the most liberal judge in the county.─── 她是全县最随心所欲的法官

85 、Moderator:If we position community colleges as higher adult education institutions, then the goal should be focused on liberating knowledge and molding the civil society.───主持人:如果我们将社区大学**为社区的成人高等教育机构,主旨就在于知识解放与型塑公民社会。

86 、De oppresso liber !!!!!───愿上帝保佑美国!

87 、For the artist, the best way to "self-salvation" is to "save the masses", and therefore, only by liberating "the Other" can one liberate oneself.───对于艺术家来说,“自我拯救”的最佳途径本来就是“普渡众生”,因为只有解放“他者”才能最后解放自己。

88 、Bring guilty motorists and their victims together, at the appropriate time, so that they can undergo the liberating experience of forgiveness.───发生连环车祸时,先把所有肇事者集合在一起.因为打群架赢的机率比一打一还要高.

89 、The examination system of the optical liber sensor has been widely used in the large building.───光纤传感检测系统在大型建筑物安全监测中已经得到了广泛的应用。

90 、And the idea of liberating hydro from geography with small, free-standing turbines may have local applications, but maintaining such turbines is far more trouble than taking a spanner to a windmill.───利用小型、自立式涡轮机水力发电,可以就地使用,但维护这些水轮机要比用扳手修理风车麻烦的多。




(1)What does this word mean? 这个字是什么意思?

(2)This is what is meant by“failure is the mother of success”. “失败是成功之母”就是这个意思。


(1)Whom do you mean by “they”? 你说“他们”,指的是谁?

(2)I mean the red one, not the green one. 我说的是那个红的,不是那个绿的。


(1)To take it apart now would mean wasting a lot of labour. (接动名词)现在把它拆卸开,就意味着浪费大量的劳动力。

(2)Revolution means liberating the productive forces. 革命意味着解放生产力。

(3)This mean we have to wait another week or so.(接从句)这就意味着我们还得等一个星期左右。


This also meant many smaller ditches to be dug and more fieldsto be leveled. 这意味着要挖许多小水渠和平整更多土地。


(1)Anybody could see that he meant no harm. 谁都看得出他没有恶意。

(2)We had meant to leave on Monday, but have stayed on. (与完成时连用,表“本打算”)我们本来是想早来的。

(3)I thought you meant me to come with you.(接不定式的复合结构)我还意为你打算让我跟你一道去呢。


1、I'm so happy I get to be next to you and look at the world through your eyes.

我很庆幸能陪在你身边  通过你的目光看世界。

2、Because I love the way you look at the world.


3、Just whisper in my ear one little thought you had today.


4、The most fear of emotion is selfishness, but people's heart will not be filled gradually, if you love more, the capacity of the heart will become larger and larger.


5、Sometimes when I look at people, I try to think of them as myself, imagine how much they love others, or how heartbreak they have experienced.


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