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06-28 投稿




英:[k?n'sju:m]  美:[k?n?sum]

英:  美:


v.消耗, 吃喝, 毁灭


动词第三人称单数: consumes | 动词过去分词: consumed | 动词现在分词: consuming | 动词过去式: consumed |


wipe out | prey | waste | go through | ingest | swallow | use up | deplete | drink up | annihilate | squander | munch | destroy | burn up | up | devour | eat up | drink | run through | ware | burn down | chomp | take in | use | incinerate | have | raze | down | eat | utilize | take | expend | spend | put away | exhaust


abstain | produce


consume away
-消耗掉; 憔悴; 枯萎凋谢
be consumed with
-因...而变得憔悴, 给...弄得心劳神疲


1 、Vas-y consomme! Consomme. Consume, consume!───去享受吧!享受!摧毁吧,摧毁!

2 、Front-end servers can consume a 100 Mbps LAN connection.───前端服务器可消耗一个100 Mbps的LAN连接。

3 、Do not consume sprouted, greened or damaged potatoes.───切勿进食已发芽、已发绿或已坏的马铃薯。

4 、Want to do not have charge when consume only.───只要在消费的时候没有费用。

5 、How did you consume the time when the electricity was cut off?───停电的时候你会做些什么?

6 、Downstream countries cannot guarantee getting enough clean water to consume for themselves.───下游国家不能确保自己得到足够的干净用水。

7 、Start up the auto consumption credit, can be the convenience of denizen’s life, improving the consume frame to remove.───启动汽车消费信贷,方便居民生活,促进消费结构升级。

8 、The Chairman has no dietary restrictions but does not smoke or consume alcohol.───基金会主委没有饮食的忌讳,但不吸烟或者饮酒。

9 、"Drought and heat consume the snow waters, So does Sheol those who have sinned.───乾旱炎热消没雪水.阴间也如此消没犯罪之辈。

10 、A small or medium web site will consume between1 GB and5 GB of data transfer per month.───一个小型或中等网站每月会有1到5gb的数据转换。

11 、In asynchronous systems, idle parts of the chip consume negligible power.───在非同步系统里,晶片中的閒置零件只会消耗微不足道的电力。

12 、Upon entering the boy, it began consuming him, but as the demon was now trapped by the containment markings, the shaman left, knowing it would ultimately consume the boy and itself.─── 它进入了男孩的体内 开始吞噬他 这个恶魔被刻下的咒符封印后 巫师就离开了 他知道最终饿灵和那个男孩将彼此吞噬殆尽

13 、If there were no trade, each country would have to consume its own production.───如果没有贸易,每个国家都必须消费其本国生产的产品。

14 、The consume of fuel of test that operating in the highway and etc.───公路实际运行燃油消耗测试等项目。

15 、Beware lest it consume all you love.───小心,别让它吞没了你所有的爱。

16 、To consume greedily; devour.───吞咽贪婪地吃;狼吞虎咽地吃

17 、The fruit here is free(self-help), and you can find compotes in the box, the average consume is 8 yuan of the box.───3我们这边水果是免费的(自助的),包厢内有果盘,包厢内人均消费八元。

18 、For example, CPU cycle sample event only shows the locations in the application that consume CPU cycles.───例如,CPU周期样本事件仅显示使用CPU周期的应用程序中的位置。

19 、If you are one of those who want us to consume it, I differ from you.───假如你是那种想叫我们把它消灭掉的人们中间的一个,那我的意见就跟你不同了。

20 、On Superbowl Sunday,Americans hold parties to watch television and consume beer,pizza,and na-chos.───举行超级杯赛的星期天,美国人会聚在一起观看比赛,喝啤酒,吃比萨饼和纳克斯。

21 、To consume and incorporate nutrients into the body after digestion.───吸收消化后把营养消耗并吸收在体内

22 、The busiest person cannot read two letters at once. Just one line in a letter will consume the reader's attention.───再忙的人也不可能同时看两封信,一行字将固定地占有人的最短距离时间。

23 、NEVER consume raw poultry products, such as raw duck blood.───不得食用生的家禽产品,比如生鸭血。

24 、Consume whole grains as the major component of each meal.───以全谷类食物作为每餐主要食物。

25 、She consumed the dark magic and now it's consuming her.─── 她吞噬了黑魔法 现在黑魔法正在吞噬她

26 、People go to blogs to read AND write, not just consume.───人们到博客上读写文章,不只是浪费时间。

27 、On average,Americans consume more than 37 gallons (American gallons,naturally) of alcohol a year per person.───一般来说,美国人每人每年要喝下37加仑(自然是美国加仑)的酒。

28 、The baby cannot consume enough milk to relieve the distension.───婴儿不能喝下足够的牛奶以减轻胀气。

29 、Consume all the coins after sending Niuniu home, the mouse to control the direction of water mains.───吃掉所有的金币,之后再送牛牛回家,鼠标控制水管的方向。

30 、Consume exist service contract with FSA. FSA will adjust the service contract according to this Form.───从现有的服务合同中转支。思博公司将根据此表调整现有的服务合同余额。

31 、There, people would meet to chat and consume hot chocolate.───人们聚在巧克力屋里聊天,喝热巧克力。

32 、Reducing waste begins with being aware of how many unnecessary goods you consume on holidays.───在节日时,总会不自觉地购买了一些不必要的物品。

33 、Most applications that consume data need to access specific records that satisfy some kind of criteria.───大多数使用数据的应用程序需要访问满足某种条件的特定记录。

34 、She consumed the dark magic, and now it's consuming her.─── 她吸收了黑魔法 现在黑魔法在吞噬她

35 、They basically sit at home all day and consume things.───基本上他们整天坐在家里消费物品。

36 、Increasing the thermostat setting above the preset temperature may cause severe burns and consume excessive energy.───如果把温度控制器的温度调节到高于工厂预置的温度,将可能导致严重的烧伤和消耗更多的能源。

37 、Children become programmed to consume primarily in attuning to the television.───孩子们在向电视调谐中会被编程为主要的消费者。

38 、How many rice did you consume last year?───去年你们吃了多少大米?

39 、We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it.───不能创造幸福的人没有权利享受幸福,正如不能创造财富的人没有权利享受财富一样。

40 、The PLE allows the learners not noly to consume learning resources, but to produce them as well.───学习者不仅在使用资源,同时也在创造资源。

41 、Get you up from among this congregation, that I may consume them as in a moment. And they fell upon their faces.───你们离开这会众,我好在转眼之间把他们灭绝。他们二人就俯伏于地。

42 、Consume all gold coins and the door will open the door to escape from there.───吃掉所有金币,门就会打开,从门逃脱就行了。

43 、I think people are gonna expect it to change for them, that if you want any sort of serialized storytelling form, then you should have it available as the consumer can consume it.─── 人们会更希望媒体平台适应自己的日程 如果你想做连续性的故事形式 你就要让用户随时能看到作品

44 、And so you must consume it, lest it consume you first.─── 因此你必须毁灭它 以免它先毁灭你

45 、Those savages consumed the flesh of my daughter to gain her strength, so I am going to consume you.─── 那些野蛮人大啖我女儿的骨肉 以获取它的力量 于是我也准备吃掉你

46 、All this would consume time, the most precious element of all.───如此一来,难免要虚掷极宝贵的时间了。

47 、Fire has to consume to give off its light.───不得不靠火来发光。

48 、I will send fire upon the walls of Gaza that will consume her fortresses.───7我却要降火在迦萨的城内,烧灭其中的宫殿。

49 、Lyekka is a predator. It is fundamental to her nature to consume other living life forms, like you.───Lyekka是个猎头动物阿。她本性就是吃掉其他活着的生物。

50 、Underwater there is no air for a combustion engine to consume.───在水下根本没有空气可以供内燃机使用。

51 、His disciples remembered that it is written: "Zeal for your house will consume me.───他的门徒就想起经上记著说:“我为你的殿心里焦急,如同火烧。

52 、KJV] But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end.───[新译]但审判要开始,他的权柄必被夺去,他必被毁坏灭绝,直到永远。

53 、A. Consume exist training contract with FSA. Simply follow the terms of the contract.───从现有的培训合同中支出。只需遵照合同执行即可。

54 、Low volatility, reduce the engine oil to consume effectively.───低挥发性,有效减少机油消耗。

55 、With low safe voltage USB joint, it only need 5V, no noise and low consume?───使用超低安全电压USB接口,输入仅需直流5V、无噪音低耗量。

56 、Consume me and you will consume the knowledge to escape this forsaken underworld.─── 吃了我你就会知道该如何 逃离这个被遗忘的人间地狱了

57 、They are serving chocolate ice-creams for the children to consume.───他们给小孩子巧克力冰淇淋,让他们在厨房吃。

58 、The world is beginning to consume its capital along with the interest.───世界不仅在消耗利息,也正在消耗本金。

59 、Creatures who act in this manner are often considered part of the vampire archetype, even if they do not consume blood.───以这一方法行动的生物时常被视为吸血鬼原型的一部份,即使他们不愿消费血。

60 、All thy trees and fruit of thy land shall the locust consume.───你所有的树木和你地里的出产必被蝗虫所吃。

61 、Service to others, others work to consume their life time.───他人的服务,他人的劳动要消耗他们的生命时间。

62 、The fastness is enduring, defending to consume, guard against theft, antirust function.───一、坚固耐用,防耗、防盗、防锈的功能。

63 、Do you know how much oil the Americans consume daily?───你知道美国人每天的耗油是多少?

64 、To redirect output to a stream that will not consume any operating system resources.───将输出重定向到不占用任何操作系统资源的流。

65 、Most of the potatoes go directly to human consumption - each year, the Chinese consume 30 kg per head.───大部分马铃薯被直接用于人类消费。

66 、Will you consume and not spare the place for the fifty righteous who are therein?───不为其中的那五十个义人,赦免那地方吗?

67 、Fixed an issue where players were able to consume a Mana Emerald at full mana.───修正了玩家在满篮状态下仍然可以使用魔法宝石的错误。

68 、The dream will become a goal. The goal will consume you and you will be alive!───你有一个梦想,那梦想要成为目标,那目标要火热你心,你就活了!

69 、He must subdue her, absorb her, rip her apart and consume her.───他立意要征服她,吞了她,不惜把她撕碎把她榨干。

70 、But she's consumed by the death of the other.─── 可她却沉浸在另一个的死亡中

71 、Can you recommend an inexpensive car that doesnt consume much gas?───你能向我推荐一部既 便宜又耗油不多的车 吗?

72 、They consume large amounts of resources.───它们消耗大量的资源。

73 、They generally consume more power and take up more space, too.───它们通常消耗更多的能量,并且占用更多的空间。

74 、So, what happens if we don't consume enough carbohydrates?───因此,假如我们不食用碳水化合物不够?

75 、China is bound to consume enormous amounts of raw materials as it develops.───在其发展的过程中中国注定要消费巨大数额的原材料。

76 、Contains information about setting a limit for the amount of disk space a tuning recommendation can consume.───包含有关设置对优化建议可以占用的磁盘空间量的限制的信息。

77 、This can potentially consume all available server cycles when traffic floods a high-speed connection.───在当信息流大量涌上高速连接时,上述情况可能潜在地消耗掉所有可以使用的服务器周期。

78 、Can you recommend an inexpensive car that doesn't consume much gas?───你能向我推荐一部既便宜又耗油不多的车吗?

79 、Youngblood, the prosecution may consume the evidence in the testing process, as long as they act in good faith.───Youngblood案中的判决,控方可以毁灭证据,只要他们秉承善意。

80 、Secondly, I consume part of my spare time by doing some exercises.───其次,我消耗的一部分由业余时间做一些练习。

81 、In fact, in the daytime, live plants will consume carbon dioxide.───事实上,在白天里,水中植物也将会消耗二氧化碳。

82 、In warm weather consume water before you are thirsty to prevent dehydration.───在暖和的天气应该在干渴前喝些水以避免脱水。

83 、Fake medicine is a danger to all those who consume it.───假药对所有消费者来说都是一个危害。

84 、Do not eat to consume the decoct blast food of the moisture inside body easily.───不吃易于消耗体内水分的煎炸食物。

85 、With low safe voltage USB joint, it only need5 V, no noise and low consume?───使用超低安全电压usb接口,输入仅需直流5V、噪音低耗量。

86 、It went from a primary consumer all the way to a tertiary consumer.─── 它从初级消费者开始 一路到了*消费者体内

87 、For the congregation of hypocrites shall be desolate, and fire shall consume the tabernacles of bribery.───原来不敬虔之辈必无生育。受贿赂之人的帐棚必被火烧。

88 、Simply open the package, reheat it and consume it.───只须打开包装、翻热,马上可以送入肚腹。

89 、You aren't a consumer, you're a citizen.─── 你不是消费者 你是公民

90 、The distance of uprising is also longer, so the body will consume more energy.───下蹲挺撑铃和起立时间较长,起立距离也较长,消耗的能量多。


解答: "consume"中文常用释义如下: 消耗,消费;耗尽,毁灭;吃光,喝光;烧毁 例句: Only 27% of the paper that we consume is recycle d. 翻译: 我们所用过的纸张中只有27%可以回收利用. 希望我的回答对您有所帮助哦!



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