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06-28 投稿





英:  美:



n.客厅, …店


1 、It was not quite two days after the scene between Carrie and Hurstwood in the Ogden Place parlour before he again put in his appearance.───嘉莉和赫斯渥在奥登公寓会客室会见相隔不到两天,赫斯渥又来求见了。

2 、I was glad to learn that our piano, our parlour organ and our melodeon were to be the best instruments of the kind that could be had in the market.───听说我们的钢琴、风琴、和簧风琴都是市面上最好的乐器,我真高兴。

3 、a tonsorial artist [parlour]───[谑]理发师[店]

4 、As an aspiring thespian he worked at an ice-cream parlour before moving on to a series of minor roles in the theatre.───作为一个有抱负的演员,他在进入剧院出演一些小角色之前,曾经在一个冰激凌店工作。

5 、"We have missed Vieira, Gilberto and now Parlour [though injury] but everytime we have responded with a strong performance in central midfield.───‘维埃拉,吉尔博特都曾经停赛过,现在又轮到帕洛尔(虽然是伤病),但是我们的回应是中场中路的强大表现。’

6 、The parlour is set out with pictures.───客厅用画装饰起来。

7 、He ascended into the fine parlour of the Morton House, then one of the best New York hotels, and, finding a cushioned seat, read.───他走进莫顿饭店豪华的休息室,当时这是纽约最好的旅馆之一,找到一把铺着座垫的椅子,坐下来看报纸。

8 、Others reduce to a short form specific sounds: a rumba rhythm, a folksong, the bells of Rome, a parlour piano.───另一些则是节录自某种特定的声音:如伦巴舞的节奏,民间歌曲,罗马的钟声或是客厅的钢琴声。

9 、She threw open the parlour door, but instantly sprung back with a scream───她打开客厅的门,但立即弹回来,发出一声尖叫。

10 、Combined parlour and sitting room───客厅起居两用室

11 、It was too late for the travellesr to reach home, so they had to be content to shake down with blankets in the inn parlour.───天太晚了,旅行者回不到家了,所以他们不得不在酒店接待室里铺几条毯子临时过夜。

12 、There is a small back parlour where the landlord will serve drinks out of hours to a privileged few.───后面是一间小会客室,这儿将是店主在非工作时间里为少数享有特权的提供饮料的地方。

13 、It includes kitchen and parlour, generally;───一般所谓屋子是把厨房和大厅都包括在内的;

14 、suggested Mr. Vance, as he met Carrie in his little parlour .───"万斯先生在他的小客厅里见到嘉莉时,提醒她说。

15 、Do photosensitive pulverization to beauty parlour, establish lever to see a movie.───到美容院做光敏雾化,立杆见影。

16 、He went into the front room, his bedroom, the parlour , lighting the gas as he went.───他走进前房间、他的卧室和客厅,边走边点亮煤气灯。

17 、The queen was in the parlour, Eating bread and honey.───国王在他的金库里,清点他的财富;皇后在大厅里,吃着面包和蜂蜜。

18 、The cup of tea, the matron's parlour, that immaculate lawn.─── 杯里的茶 *长的客厅 完美的草坪

19 、She could not believe that these bright bedrooms, this beautiful parlour, this handsome dining-room were actually hers.───她不能相信这漂亮的寝室,这美丽的客厅,这优雅的餐室,果真会算是她的。

20 、It's nice and warm in the parlour, if you don't mind sharing it with another gentleman.─── 客厅里又舒服又暖和 如果您不介意跟另外一位先生共用的话

21 、If you assume that the possible personnel are Patrick Vieira, Gilberto, Edu and Ray Parlour, then Arsene Wenger has tried five of the six possible combinations in just seven European games so far.───如果你假设备选的队员是维埃拉,吉尔博特,埃度和帕洛尔,那么在冠军联赛的七场比赛中,阿森温格已经在所有六种可能的组合中尝试了五种。

22 、"To say I have a love-hate relationship with the old pile wouldn't be an overstatement," he said, and led Harry into the first floor parlour.───“要是我说我对那些老柱子爱恨交加的话,应该不算是夸张,“他说道,然后带着Harry走进了一楼的客厅。

23 、She looked crestfallen and gazed at the parlour carpeting.───她看起来心灰意懒了,眼睛只盯着会客室的地毯。

24 、“ The terrors of the storm are chiefly felt in the parlour or the cabin .───“对于暴风雨的恐惧主要是在起居室或是船舱之中感觉到的。”

25 、When she got back to the parlour, she heard someone coughing in a fat voice; and there satMr.Jackson himself!───她回到客厅,听到有人在大声咳嗽,坐在那儿的正是杰克逊先生。

26 、Then Ehud went forth through the porch, and shut the doors of the parlour upon him, and locked them.───以笏就出到游廊,将楼门尽都关锁。

27 、"Never mind. You can go to the beauty parlour again tomorrow.───“不要紧,明天再去一次beauty Parlour

28 、Parlour, 31, is the longest serving player at Highbury - but he is now considering his future knowing that the coming season would be his last as an Arsenal player.───31岁的帕洛尔是在海布里效力时间最长的现役队员,但他现在必须考虑他的未来,因为接下来的的新赛季将是他作为阿森纳队员的最后一年.

29 、The parlour connects with the study.───客厅与书房相连。

30 、The two women shut themselves in a parlour and I took up my position.───两个女人关在一间小客厅里,我就在门外听。

31 、He continued to inhale the close, and somewhat professional atmosphere of Mrs. Glass's small parlour.───他继续呼吸格拉斯太太的那个小小客厅里的那既沉闷又带点行业气味的空气。

32 、No familiar or suspicious faces were about, and yet he did not like reading in the lobby, so he sought the main parlour on the floor above and, seated by a window there, looked them over.───四周都没看见熟悉的或可疑的面孔,可他还是不想在门厅里看报,就找到楼上的大休息室,进去坐在窗边,把报纸浏览了一遍。

33 、"It started as a dare from my friends," the Massachusetts teenager said after sharing grooming tips with his fellow record holder at a photocall in a London beauty parlour.───在伦敦一个美容馆举行的会见会上,这名来自马萨诸塞的少年与另一位世界纪录维持者分享了他的美发经验。之后,他说:"留这个发型最起头是因为受到朋友的激将。"

34 、The rooms which Mr.Withers displayed to Carrie and Lola were three and bath -- a suite on the parlour floor.───威瑟斯先生带嘉莉和萝拉看的房间是和会客厅在同一层楼的一个套房,有三个房间带一间浴室。

35 、The office was a front parlour with a panelled wall.───公堂设在墙上有护壁板的前厅。

36 、Remember we won at Inter with Edu and Ray Parlour in the centre.───别忘了在取胜国际米兰的比赛中,是埃度和帕洛尔打中场的中路。’

37 、He went hurriedly into the little parlour, still unplastered and smelling of pine wood, and would have gone further, but Anton ran ahead on tip-toe and knocked at the door.───他急急忙忙走进一间还在散发松枝气味的、尚未抹灰泥的小客厅,他本想继续往前走,但是安东踮着脚尖儿向前跑去,叩了叩房门。

38 、The parlour has to be spiffed up a bit before the guests arrive.───客人们来到之前,得把客厅搞得整洁一点。

39 、While Carrie was still in this frame of mind, the house-servant brought up the intelligence that Mr. Hurstwood was in the parlour asking to see Mr. and Mrs. Drouet.───嘉莉正沉湎在这种情绪中,公寓仆人上来说,赫斯渥先生在楼下客厅求见杜洛埃先生和太太。

40 、As an aspiring thespian she worked at an ice-cream parlour, before moving on to a series of minor roles in New York theatres.───作为有抱负的演员,在进入纽约剧院出演一些小角色之前,她曾经在一个冰激凌店工作。

41 、In one section of the parlour floor was the dining-room, and from the clink of dishes one could tell that supper was being prepared.───大接待室的一区就是餐室,听那里盘碟琳琅,分明正在预备晚餐。

42 、The parlour was beaulifully turned out.───客厅装饰得很漂亮。

43 、There are two gentlemen and a lady waiting upon you in the parlour.─── 两位先生和一位** 在客厅里等候您

44 、All kinds of High Quality Milking Machine Parts, Portable Milking Machine, Milking Parlour, Cooling Tank.───各种优质进口挤奶机部件、移动式挤奶机、奶厅、奶罐。

45 、In the parlour a colossal shade of Mrs. Melbury's head fell on the wall and ceiling.───在客厅里,麦尔布礼太太的头的巨大影子投射在墙壁和天花板上。

46 、It started as a dare from my friends, the Massachusettsteenagersaid after sharing grooming tips with his fellow recordholder at aphotocall in a London beauty parlour.───在伦敦一个美容馆举行的见面会上,这名来自马萨诸塞的少年与另一位世界纪录保持者分享了他的美发经验。之后,他说:留这个发型最开始是因为受到朋友的激将。

47 、Midfielders Gaizka Mendieta and Ray Parlour are ruled out alongside long-term casualties Tony McMahon, Stewart Downing and Malcolm Christie.───中场选手盖兹卡.门迭塔和帕洛尔将被排除在外,另外长斯伤病的有麦克马洪,达宁和克里斯蒂。

48 、She would hang it in a place of prominence in her parlour.─── 她会把画像摆在客厅最显著的地方

49 、If You're In'sh Come Into The Parlour───客厅欢聚

50 、If go to beauty parlour fleck laser scar does?───如果去美容院把雀斑激光了有疤痕怎么办?

51 、The parlour was wainscoted, and communicated to strangers a magnetic and instinctive consciousness of rats and mice───客厅墙上安着护壁板,有一种特别的魅力,能让生人一见就自然感觉到里面是成窝的大耗子、小耗子。

52 、He stepped into the parlour and stood for a few moments looking vacantly at the floor. The silence grew oppressive.───他走进客厅站了一会儿,茫然地看着地板。 屋里寂静得开始让人觉得透不过起来。

53 、David's role is to lead the cows to the parlour and help with the milking.─── 大卫的职责是将牛引到车间 并帮助挤奶

54 、She makes a point of sitting in the parlour as if she was expecting a visitor.─── 她决定坐在客厅 就好像她在等客人

55 、Towers, Battersby, North, MacArthur: parlour windows plastered with bills───客厅一扇扇窗户上满是招贴:托尔斯啦,巴特斯比啦,诺思啦,麦克阿瑟啦。

56 、This is the most beautiful parlour I have ever seen, you're obviously a man of impeccable taste.─── 這是我見過最漂亮的客廳 你顯然品位極好

57 、" She smiled playfully and made a show of looking the parlour over.───“她戏谑地微笑着,做出了环视一圈会客室的样子。

58 、On the wall of the parlour was splashed his certificate of merit.───在客厅的墙上高悬着他的奖状。

59 、Who is that in the parlour?───客厅里的那个人是谁?

60 、Yes, the mahogany cabinets make for an exciting addition to any parlour.─── 是的 这红木柜子 放在什么样的客厅 都能锦上添花

61 、The parlour was rather a small room, very plainly furnished, yet comfortable, because clean and neat.───客厅是一间比较小的房间,陈设简单,但是舒服,因为既干净又整齐。

62 、It was curious to see him lying in the parlour of this alien residence, candles at his head and feet, burning sepulchrally, a silver cross upon his breast, caressed by his waxen fingers.───于是雷斯脱停灵在异姓人的客堂,头前脚后都点着阴惨惨的蜡烛,胸前放着一个银质十字架,由死者白蜡一般的双手亲自捧着,看起来觉得很奇怪。

63 、Romford-born Ray Parlour made his Arsenal debut at Anfield in August 1992 and has clocked up over 400 games for the Gunners.───出生在朗福德的雷帕洛尔首次代表阿森那出场是在1992年8月的安菲尔德球场,至今他已经为阿森纳打了超过400场比赛。

64 、" suggested Mr.Vance, as he met Carrie in his little parlour.───万斯先生在他的小客厅里见到嘉莉时,提醒她说。

65 、He has just installed a gleaming new Swedish milking parlour, replacing an old system of pipes and pumps that, to the amateur eye, seemed to be held together by rust and cobwebs.───在外行人眼里看来,原先那套挤奶设备就是一堆锈迹斑斑的管子和水泵,靠着蜘蛛网连在一起。

66 、They said they arrived in Lithuania the previous week, expecting to work in a massage parlour -- only to find they'd been sold to a brothel owner.───她们说她们俩是上个星期才来到立陶宛的。本来打算做一些按摩的工作,结果发现自己被卖给了一个妓院老板。

67 、The two United States Senators, whenever business called them to Columbus, invariably maintained parlour chambers at the hotel.───又有两个合众国的参议员,每次有事到科伦坡来,总在这里开着有会客室的房间。

68 、He stepped onto the parlour and stood for a few moments looking vacantly at the floor.───他走进客厅站了一会儿,茫然地看着地板。

69 、He stamped and shook the snow from off himself in the bar, and followed Mrs Hall into her guest parlour to strike his bargain.───他在酒吧间里顿顿脚,抖掉身上的积雪,便跟着霍尔太太到各厅里讲价钱去了。

70 、Go to beauty parlour nodding naevus to you can leave scar?───去美容院点痔会不会留疤?

71 、Her husband was reading newspapers in the parlour then. and he, an American, was a man with few words.───她的丈夫在客厅里看报纸。

72 、Trying to predict his remaining options has become something of a parlour game in Detroit circles.───在底特律商业圈,人们纷纷猜测他会怎样处理余下部分的销售权。

73 、What is the fine salt with monopolistic beauty parlour? Which to buy? Is the salt that eats in the home no good?───什么是美容院专卖的细盐?在哪买?家里吃的盐不行么?

74 、Another discarded document rescued by the Malfoy Manor house elves and placed in a drawer in the parlour escritoire.───另一张被Malfoy庄园的家养小精灵挽救的羊皮纸,被放置在会客室写字台的抽屉里。

75 、Can you recommend a good beauty parlour?───你能推荐一家好的美容院吗?

76 、In another was the parlour proper, and there some one came to play on the piano.───另外一区就是接待室的本部,那里有人正在弹钢琴。

77 、The duo were found guilty of improper conduct, however their fines are significantly smaller then those handed down to Arsenal players Lauren, Martin Keown and Ray Parlour.───吉格斯和小小罗分别被罚款7500英镑和4000英镑,原因是两人在主场0:0战平阿森纳的比赛中的不当表现。

78 、Save me this parlour trick..───别耍小把戏了。

79 、Perhaps you believe that there is little difference between economics and the parlour games of logicians, but in this particular case there is all the difference in the world.───可能你相信,经济学和逻辑学家的室内游戏几乎没有区别,但在这个特殊的案例中,则存在天壤之别。

80 、The main staircase and parlour hall were unswept because of the absence of the regular scrub-woman.───因为常雇的扫地婆子走了,大楼梯和大客厅都还没有打扫。

81 、But up here, we wait to be asked into someone's parlour before we go charging in.─── 但在北方 我们要等人邀请 才能登门入室

82 、Go to beauty parlour how does mole collect fees probably? ? ?───去美容院去痣大概怎么收费???

83 、KATHERINA. They sit conferring by the parlour fire.───凯瑟丽娜:她们都在火炉旁边谈天。

84 、Do the chairs in your parlour seem empty and bare───你起居室里的椅子是否显得空荡荡的

85 、A typical day here starts at 5am when the cows are led to the parlour to be milked.─── 在这里典型的一天是从早上五点 当牛群被引到挤奶厅里挤奶开始

86 、They scouted around for a beauty parlour.───他们四处寻找美容院。

87 、Mother told us to spruce the parlour for Christmas.───妈妈要我们把客厅收拾整洁过圣诞节。

88 、The family passed one by one through the small parlour where the father's body was laid out.───一家人一个接一个地走过放着父亲遗体的小客厅。

89 、“So you came,” he said gaily, greeting her as she entered the ladies' parlour.───“你来了,”她一走进女客厅,他就高高兴兴地欢迎她。

90 、"I remember we played at Inter without Gilberto or Vieira so our central midfield was Edu and Ray Parlour."───‘我记得在对国际米兰的比赛中吉尔博特和维埃拉不能出场,所以上场的是埃度和帕洛尔。’

funeral parlour是什么意思

funeral parlour

英 [ ˈfju:nərəl ˈpɑ:lə ] 美 [ ˈfjunərəl ˈpɑrlɚ ]





Want to use wreath, must buy in funeral parlour.

要用花圈, 必须在殡仪馆购买.


Division judges: Do not know which funeral parlour your home is?

师评: 不知道你家是哪一家殡仪馆?


Yesterday morning, tian Yuesheng's remains leaves the ceremony is held inside Guangzhou funeral parlour.

昨天上午, 田月生的遗体告别仪式在广州殡仪馆内举行.

funeral parlour是什么意思


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