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06-28 投稿




英:[d?s't?ld]  美:[d?'st?ld]

英:  美:





1 、You can distil fresh water from the sea.───你可以用蒸馏法从海水中提取淡水。

2 、To pass a solvent, such as distilled water, through (a precipitate).───使溶剂(如蒸镏水)通过(沉淀物)

3 、The petrol offered for sale to motorists is a blend of straight distilled petrol.───卖给汽车驾驶者的汽油是纯蒸馏汽油的混成品。

4 、And I've just compiled it all, so this is all distilled action.─── 我刚把图像都编辑好 这些都是精选出来的

5 、Now, from all this, I distilled the characteristics of leaders who are thriving and what they do differently, and then I also distilled the preparation practices that enable people to grow to their potential.─── 从这之中 我分析出活跃领袖的特质 以及他们做了什么不同的事 后来我也分析了 能促使人们发挥潜力的准备措施

6 、So confecting developering and developering is preferable to use diluted with deionized water or distilled water.───因此配制显影液及不浓缩显影液时最坏用去即子火或蒸馏火。

7 、The process, which uses distilled water to clean the statue, comes ahead of the statue's 500th anniversary.───为了迎接雕像的500周年纪念日,专家们用蒸馏水来清洁修复雕像。

8 、Material: distilled from animals’ bowels, without pollution.───原料:动物内脏提取,无污染。

9 、An alcoholic liquor distilled from grain, such as corn, rye, or barley, and containing approximately40 to50 percent ethyl alcohol by volume.───威士忌酒一种从谷类如玉米、黑麦或大麦等提炼出来含酒精液体,按容量包含约40%至50%的乙醇

10 、All that is required is the essential oils of choice, vodka, distilled water and a spray bottle.───所需的一切,就是你所喜欢的精油、伏特加酒、蒸馏水和一个喷雾瓶。

11 、The notes I made on my travels were distilled into a book.───我的旅行笔记精选汇编成了一本书。

12 、The majority of all brandies are distilled from a fermented mash of grapes.───大多数白兰地都从葡萄汁中蒸馏获得。

13 、Whiskey( or whisky ):Any of several distilled liquors made from a fermented mash of cereal grains.───威士忌任何由各种谷物的糖化醪发酵后制得的蒸馏酒。

14 、It is widely used in various bottles such as beer, champers, wines, brandy, Chinese distilled spirit, etc.───广泛适应于啤酒、香槟、葡萄酒、起泡酒、白酒、白兰地酒等。

15 、UDK-201/GH Series is applied to the automatic control of supply and drain for pure and distilled water.───UDK-201、GH型适用于净水和蒸馏水的给不及排水的自动控制。

16 、With other batteries, look into all six caps and add distilled water to within 1/4 inch of top.───和其它电瓶一起,打开所有6个瓶盖,将蒸馏水加到离瓶顶端不到1/4英寸处。

17 、The writer managed to distil his ideas into one succinct article.───作家努力把他的想法浓缩成一篇简练的文章。

18 、Four hundred liters of distilled water is enough.───四百升蒸馏水足够了。

19 、Subsequently, the effective area was demarcated manually, and rolling bearing outside diameter character was distilled.───接着采用区域人工标定,进行滚动轴承外径的特征提取。

20 、Traditional oxygen treatment is that oxygen is taken by patients through humidification fluid with distilled water.───传统的氧疗法是将氧气通过放有蒸馏水的湿化瓶湿化给予患者吸氧。

21 、However, it is just shoddy book, or a good book will have been distilled off, like water, have become insipid in!───但这只限于质量粗劣的书,否则一本好书将像已被蒸馏过的水,变得淡而无味了!

22 、A strong, clear Scandinavian liquor distilled from potato or grain mash and flavored with caraway seed.───“生命之水”一种烈性的透明斯堪的纳维亚酒,由马铃薯或谷物麦芽浆蒸馏制作,有葛缕子的香味

23 、Which the clouds do drop and distil upon man abundantly.───云彩将雨落下,沛然降与世人。

24 、The Majority of vodkas are distilled from corn; it yields more vodka per bushel than other grains or potatoes.───大多数伏特加从玉米蒸馏而来,因为在同一个重量单位下,玉米比谷物和土豆会产生更多的伏特加。

25 、Suspend 41.5 g in 1 L of distilled or deionized water.Heat boil to dissolve completely.Do not autoclave.───性状 称取本品41.5g,加入蒸馏水或去离子水1 L,煮沸加热,不需高压蒸汽灭菌。

26 、Commonly used medicaments injects to disinfect distilled water vein.───常用药物为消毒蒸馏水静脉注射。

27 、In his speech, Gabor has beautifully distilled the physics and the important application of photography.───在这篇演说中,Gabor精辟地论述了摄影的物理原理以及主要应用。

28 、Ten hypocotyl cuttings were dipped in 20 mL of different concentrations of CA or distilled water (as control).───10下胚轴**条分别下跌在20毫升的不同浓度的CA或蒸馏水(管制)。

29 、Something that distills who I am as a person.─── 能够提炼出我在世期间是怎样的人的

30 、If a red blood cell and an onion epithelial cell are placed in distilled water, what would occur?───如果将红血球细胞和洋葱表皮细胞浸在清水里,两个细胞分别会有什麽变化?

31 、The chemical will only form if it can be distilled out of the mixture.───只有当它能够从混合物里蒸馏出来时,该化学物质才能形成。

32 、If iron is kept in air-free distilled water, rusting is not so fast as when air is dissolved in the water.───如果把铁放在无空气的蒸馏水中,生锈的速度就比水中有空气的情况要慢。(不译“不如......那样快”)

33 、Liquor distil is one of the substantial evidences in origin investigation.───摘要白酒蒸馏器是研究我国起源的重要实物证据之一。

34 、According to comparing with the quantity of the distilled flavonoids in Fisch.───对丙酮法设计正交实验,得出最佳条件。

35 、Take the flowers of lily of the valley and distil them in sack, and drink a spoonful or two as there is occasion.───拿铃兰花数朵,置于袋中,蒸馏之,用时吞服一二匙即可。

36 、Honestly, it's hard to distill it down to a moment.─── 说实话 很难精选出一个时刻

37 、His experiment could not have found that distilled equation because it wasn't structured to do so.───他的设备不可能找到那种精简过的方程式是因为它并有被设计出这一功能。

38 、Distilled for the eradication of seemingly incurable sadness.─── 为消除无法治愈的悲伤蒸馏而成

39 、This isn't a love potion. It's my distilled pheromones.─── 这不是爱情魔药 这是我的蒸馏信息素

40 、Fowler et al, UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language(Sencond). Addison-Wesley, 2000.───中文版:徐家福译,UML精粹(第2版)标准对象建模语言简明指南。清华大学出版社,2002。

41 、Distilled Water Glycerine,Loofah Extract,Camomile,Extract Carbomber 940,Triethanolamine Methyl,Paraben Fragrance.───含天然萃取液,能滋润、保湿、舒爽、洁净,调理皮脂分泌,使肌肤柔软、舒爽。

42 、Granular pollutants include solid state carbon granule, and dissolubility organic distilled water materials.───它包含了固态的碳粒、可溶性有机分馏物。

43 、It may be distilled from the reaction mixture using the heat of the reaction.───利用反应热,它可自反应混合物中馏出。

44 、In literature, vulgarity is preferable to nullity, just as grocer`s port is preferable to distilled water.───在文学方面,哪怕粗鄙也胜似平庸,一如杂货店的葡萄酒总比蒸馏水好。

45 、Canadian whisky is always distilled and is always a blend.───加拿大的威士忌酒总是用蒸馏和混合的方法制作的。

46 、They distil themselves with nitroglycerine, all the lot of them, out of very love.───他们打着正义与爱的旗号得到的是仇恨。

47 、Examples: bread making, vinegar, and distilled liquors.───例如:面包制作,醋和蒸馏酒精液。

48 、Therefore drinking distilled water is not recommended as it will lead to diseased patterns in the blood over time.───因此,饮用蒸馏水并不推荐,因为它将随时间带来血液中的疾病模式。

49 、Clouds distil rain.───云凝结成雨。

50 、Put a piece of tainted meat in distilled water, and microbes go merrily to work.───把一块脏肉放在蒸馏水中,微生物会愉快地活动起来。

51 、During the XVIII century, England tried to force its colonies to sell the distilled production only to the metropolis.───十八世纪,英国曾命令它的殖民地只许在大城市里销售蒸馏酒。

52 、What type of whisky is distilled entirely from malted barley?───什么样的威士忌完全从大麦麦芽中蒸馏而来?

53 、The lab uses distilled water for experiments.───实验室用来做实验的都是蒸馏水。

54 、The true holy water is not that which the pope sprinkles, but is distilled from the penitent eye.───只有在一个人确实知道若没有上帝更新的慈爱,他的罪将使他无法悔改时,才能真正悔改。

55 、Fermented liquid from which liquor is distilled.───供蒸馏的已发酵的液体

56 、What spirit can be distilled from grain, potatoes, rice, sugar beets, or grapes?───什么酒可以从谷物、土豆、水稻、甜菜和葡萄中蒸馏而来?

57 、Rehydration in distilled or deionized water is lethal to the yeast.───在蒸馏或去离子水复致命的是酵母。

58 、Radix Ginseng, Lac Regis Apis, Mel , Distilled Water.───人参,蜂王浆,蜂蜜,蒸馏水。

59 、We distilled the salt water and made it into drinking water.───我们蒸馏海水使其变成饮用水。

60 、Distilled by the sun, kneaded by the moon, it is renewed in a year, in a day, or in an hour.───在日光下。。。,在月光下凝聚,它变换着,每一年每一天,甚至是每一小时

61 、A person can become just as intoxicated drinking beer of wine as when drinking distilled spirits.───一个人如果饮用啤酒或葡萄酒同样可以像饮用蒸馏酒一样醉酒。

62 、It is designed to trace back to the tradition of distilled whisky on the Isle of Mull.───它旨在追溯传统的蒸馏威士忌的马尔岛。

63 、Methods:MIC and MFC of distilled oil and boildown liquid from ZB and MF were assessed.───方法:测定花椒、肉豆蔻挥发油,水提液对5种霉菌的MIC和MFC。

64 、In distilled water,the zeranol recovery is in the range of 90%-115% and the coefficient of variation 1.75%-7.02%. 2.───对水样中的玉米赤霉醇进行添加回收试验,样品加标回收率在90%-115%,变异系数为1.75%-7.02%。

65 、Darling, we've run out of distilled water for the humidifier.─── 亲爱的 加湿器用的蒸馏水没有了

66 、We curate our identity, carve it, distill it.─── 我们对自己的身份精雕细琢

67 、Irregular granules were seen in 10%formaldehyde solution, absolute alcohol and distilled water.───10%甲醛溶液、无水乙醇、蒸馏水中含不规则形的颗粒 ;

68 、Abstract: Without soil,nutrition and light,bean sprouts are cultivated with distilled water in the beaker.───文摘:无土、无营养、无光照情况下,在烧杯内用蒸馏水培育豆芽。

69 、Iago distilled poison into Othello's mind.───依阿高把毒药滴在奥赛罗心中。

70 、Whiskey is distilled from malt.───威士忌是以麦芽蒸馏而成的。

71 、This represents the ratio of relative humidity of the air over a test solution compared with that of distilled water.───它代表一个溶液周围的空气相对湿度与蒸发纯水的空气相对湿度的比值。

72 、After this, the animal products are heated in distilled water for many hours, and finally boiled.───之后将这类动物制品放在蒸馏水中加热数小时,最后再煮一下。

73 、Some water distilled over the rocks from the moist undergrowth.───岩石下潮湿的草丛使岩石上渗出水滴。

74 、But flowers distilled though they with winter meet, Leese but their show, their substance still lives sweet.───性别:年龄:职业:所在地:关于我的更多信息:

75 、I distilled a highly fermented, potent suspension.─── 我蒸馏高度发酵酒 强力的悬浮液

76 、Scrub each optical surface with a gauze pad soaked in isopropyl alcohol. Rinse thoroughly with distilled water.───光学表面用含异丙醇的网垫擦净。然后用蒸馏水漂洗。

77 、And then flows through northeast North Hengyang, with the convergence of distilled water,” Zheng Xiang.───再东北流经衡阳北,又与蒸水汇合,称“蒸湘”。

78 、Vodka: Colourless distilled liquor of neutral spirits usually made from a grain mash (generally rye or wheat).───伏特加:蒸馏酒。无色透明,没有独特的香气和风味。通常用谷糠(一般是黑麦或小麦)制成。

79 、Methods 1) Add PVP and distilled water to active nanicarbon obtain suspl.───三.方法 1.在粒径为21nm的活性炭颗粒中加入助悬剂PVP和水制成活性炭悬浊液。

80 、Learn how to distil large quantities of information into their bare essentials.───学习如何将大量的信息归纳为简要信息。

81 、Scrub each optical surface with a gauze pad soaked in acetone. Rinse thoroughly with distilled water.───或者用含丙酮的网垫擦洗光学表面。然后用蒸馏水漂洗。

82 、Remember: Purified water is not distilled water!───友情提醒:纯净水不是蒸馏水!

83 、The maximum value of the cumulative mass loss in 2.4%NaCl was about 2.1 times to that in distilled water.───4%NaCl溶液中空蚀最大失重率是蒸馏水中的2.1倍.

84 、And that's my locally distilled rose water.─── 这是我在本地蒸馏的玫瑰露

85 、About Us The scampi is a larger version of the European distilled water shrimp.───小龙虾源自欧洲淡水龙虾,在西方是一道著名菜肴。

86 、Distilled from the fresh, flowering aerial parts, recently gathered from the Mentha arvensis plant.───我们的产品从新近采集的新鲜植物气生部位提炼而出。

87 、Only the pure truth lies distilled in the words to come.───只有纯正的真理才是永恒的。它们就精炼在我要阅读的文字中。

88 、Vodka:Colourless distilled liquor of neutral spirits usually made from a grain mash (generally rye or wheat).───伏特加:蒸馏酒。无色透明,没有独特的香气和风味。通常用谷糠(一般是黑麦或小麦)制成。

89 、They represent the key insights that distil the learning and identify the key areas that the tourism plan must address.───他们代表了关键的见解,提炼学习,并找出了关键领域的旅游发展计划,必须正视的。

90 、Chinese liquor distil derives from the main body of Chinese rice steamer.───它都由中国饭甑为主体而演变成中国酒甑。


Cooking wine最好,Distilled Grain Wine也可以,不过这指的是西餐的料酒,看你是说中餐的还是西餐的.


This famous London Dry Gin is actually distilled at Finsbury, England, which at one time was a health spa known for the purity of its water.这款著名的伦敦金酒产自英格兰德Finsbury,这里曾经因为优质的水源而驰名。

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