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06-28 投稿




英:['kr?k?da?l]  美:[?krɑk??da?l]

英:  美:


n. 鳄鱼


crocodile tears

1. 鳄鱼眼泪; 假慈悲

They were only crying crocodile tears at the old man's funeral.



crocodile tears
-鳄鱼泪, 假慈悲


1 、Two small crocodile businesses, mostly for tourists and with only a couple of thousand animals each, were established.───两个小的鳄鱼企业建立了,它们都只有几千条鳄鱼并且主要是面向游客的。

2 、She didn't even shed a few crocodile tears over his death?───她对他的死连一滴假惺惺的眼泪也没有?

3 、"Oh, what a big mouth", I am scared of the crocodile.───“噢,多大的嘴啊”,我很害怕鳄鱼。

4 、The pictured critter was not even the elusive American crocodile, Crocodylus acutus.───图上的动物甚至不是神出鬼没的美洲鳄。

5 、Don't shed crocodile tears over his leaving, I know very well that you are glad to see him go.───他走了你别假惺惺的哭吧,我知道你高兴看他走。

6 、Don't shed crocodile tears to me; you know you are really glad that they've met with misfortune.───别在我面前假慈悲,你很清楚你对他们的不幸遭遇实际上很高兴。

7 、When they stop, they are attacked by a huge crocodile that capsizes their boat and immediately kills Jim.───当他们停止,他们受到攻击,一个巨大的鳄鱼的沉船他们的船,并立即杀死吉姆。

8 、Don't shed crocodile tears over his leaving. I know very well that you detest him and are glad to see him go.───不要假惺惺地为他的离去而悲伤。我知道得很清楚,你极讨厌他而且很高兴看他走。

9 、Representing La Chemise Lacoste France, sue Hong Kong Crocodile Garment Ltd., For trademark infringement.───**法国拉科斯特衬衫股份有限公司,起诉新加坡鳄鱼国际私人有限公司商标侵权案。

10 、They are only crying crocodile tear at the old man's funeral.───他们在那老人葬礼上的哭是虚情假意的。

11 、She shed crocodile tears over his death.───她为他的死而假哭了一

12 、If my memory serves me well, these are crocodile eggs?Protected by the guardian, surely!───假如我记得没错,这些是鳄鱼蛋。被守护者保护的,肯定是的!

13 、Mick: How do you converse with a crocodile?───你如何同鳄鱼交谈?

14 、Don't shed crocodile tears to me.───别在我面前假惺惺的了。

15 、I heard that you gave up your crocodile.─── 我听说你放弃了你的老鳄鱼

16 、A saltwater crocodile lunges for the camera.───一只海产鳄鱼猛冲向相机。

17 、"He [man] viewed the crocodile as a thing sometimes to worship, but always to run away from" (Thomas De Quincey).───“他[人类]把鳄鱼看成可以崇拜的东西,但又经常从鳄鱼那儿逃离”(托玛斯·德·昆西)。

18 、The plover picks scraps of meat out of the crocodile's teeth, helping the crocodile avoid infection.─── 千鸟剔除鳄鱼牙齿缝中的碎肉 防止鳄鱼被感染

19 、How does the little crocodile Improve his shining tail,and pour the waters of the Nile On every golden scale!───小鳄鱼怎样保养它闪亮的尾巴,把尼罗河水灌进每一片金色的鳞甲。

20 、He wept a few crocodile tears over his wife's death and then go married again at once.───他假惺惺地为妻子的死掉了几滴眼泪,然后,很快又结婚了。

21 、Why, my lord, these are crocodile tears.─── 法官大人 那是鳄鱼的眼泪

22 、I went to Queensland, Australia, to ask the Crocodile Hunter himself.───于是我到澳洲昆士兰去访问这位鳄鱼猎人。

23 、So the gingerbread man jumped up on the crocodile's mouth.───姜饼人就爬到鳄鱼嘴巴上去了。

24 、This woman in Australia is recovering after an eight-foot crocodile grabbed her leg,pulling her into the water.───一位澳大利亚妇女被八英尺长的鳄鱼咬住大腿推进池塘,目前她正在恢复过程中。

25 、Soon, Lacoste's shirt was embroidered a crocodile , this is his friend Robert George that designed.───多位分析师表示届时原油登上80美元大关将毫不费力。

26 、Unicum large Indian rhinoceroses and the crocodile park is the most ferocious animal protection.───大独角犀牛和印度鳄是公园里最为凶猛的保护动物。

27 、Can you guess where crocodile's tooth is?───你能猜到鳄鱼的牙齿在那里么?

28 、A crocodile was swimming slowly near the bank with her baby.───一条鳄鱼和她的孩子在岸边游泳。

29 、They were only crying crocodile tears at the old man's funeral because nobody had really liked him.───在老头子的葬礼上,他们只不过挤了几滴鳄鱼的眼泪,因为老头子在世时他们都不喜欢他。

30 、A crocodile was swimming near the bank with her badly.───一只鳄鱼带着孩子在河岸附近游玩。

31 、She shed crocodile tears (ie pretended to be sorry) when she dismissed him from his job.───她把他解雇时,流出了鳄鱼的眼泪(假装难过).

32 、Theme: "Crocodile Dock, where fearless Kids Shine God s Light"(same as Compton).───今年的主题:"勇敢的孩子传达神的光"。

33 、With the instructor is in "crocodile hunter" under the command of the students began to strict almost cruel training.───在以严厉著称的教官“鳄鱼”的指挥下,学员们开始了严格的近乎残酷的训练。

34 、As soon as they reached the desert, the Arabian left the crocodile in the middle of the desert, and went away.───他们一到达沙漠,阿拉伯人便将那只鳄鱼留在沙漠中自己离去了。

35 、Gilberto tamed the crocodile so well they put on a regular show in the Costa Rican city of Limon.───在哥斯大黎加利蒙市,吉尔贝托和他的鳄鱼正在进行一场表演,吉尔贝托对鳄鱼很温柔。

36 、I can only figure that the crocodile knows I'm here.─── 我只能说鳄鱼知道我在这里

37 、The pictures of a man and a crocodile are on the wall at our site office, Sibu.───因为青春期早期这段时间是提供性教育的最好时机,医生也能借此提供有效的指导和预防性健康照护服务。

38 、He showed his crocodile tears when anut died.───姑姑去逝时,他流了几滴假惺惺的眼泪。

39 、When Marsh Crocodile comes into play, return a blue or black creature you control to its owner's hand.───当沼泽鳄鱼进场时,将一个由你操控的蓝色或黑色生物移回其拥有者手上。

40 、The woman cried crocodile tears as she told the court how she was for deserting her children.───当那个妇人在法庭上陈述她抛弃孩子的心情时假装悲伤地哭了。

41 、You mean she was crying crocodile tears?───你是说她只是猫哭耗子假慈悲?

42 、She squatted down close to the ground and from her belly there came out one by one a big heap of crocodile eggs.───她低低地蹲在地上,从她的肚子里一个接一个地出来一大堆鳄鱼蛋。

43 、T shed crocodile tears over his misfortune, I know you hate him.───不要假惺惺的为他的厄运假慈悲了,我知道你恨他。

44 、Before Paul Hogan (from the movie Crocodile Dundee) became famous, he worked on the Sydney Harbour Bridge as a painter.───保罗.弘戈成名之前就是工作在悉尼海湾大桥上的一个油漆工。

45 、Don't shed crocodile tears over his leaving. I know very well that you detest him and are glad to.───不要假惺惺地为他的离去而悲伤。我知道得很清楚,你极讨厌他而且很高兴看他走。

46 、When the play's star broke her leg, her understudy wept crocodile tears.───当这部剧的主演摔坏了腿时,她的替角流下了鳄鱼的眼泪。

47 、The man was reported missing by a diving companion who also saw a large crocodile nearby, McMaster said.───一名潜水同伴报案指这名男子失踪,并表示也在附近见到一只大鳄鱼,麦克马斯特说。

48 、No, I tell you, a crocodile is a potato.─── 不对 我告诉你 鳄鱼就是土豆

49 、About three years ago Eva Salem got into some trouble with a crocodile.───大约三年前,伊娃塞伦因为一条鳄鱼而深受折磨。

50 、Experts said Croc Croc Chan, a salt-water crocodile, could grow to a length of eight meters (26 feet).───专家称Croc Croc Chan为盐水鳄,可以长到8米长(26英尺)。

51 、What do you want from the crocodile guardian, young Chaldean?───你想从鳄鱼保护人这得到什么,年轻的卡尔迪亚人?

52 、It would hardly be up to that crocodile standard.───它恐怕很难符合那个假善人的标准。

53 、About Lacoste:French tennis champion Rene Lacoste created the world's first ...And that famous crocodile?───关于拉科斯特:法国网球冠军勒内拉科斯特建立了世界上第一个 ... 和著名的鳄鱼?

54 、Don't soften your heart; he was shedding crocodile tears.───千万别心软,他那是鳄鱼眼泪!

55 、A performer puts her head in the mouth of a crocodile at Thailand's Sriracha Tiger Zoo.───在泰国是拉差龙虎园,一个表演者把自己的头放进鳄鱼的嘴里。

56 、With its leathery skin, long tail, short legs, and needle-like teeth, the Nothosaur resembled a prehistoric crocodile.───幻龙有着皮革状的皮肤,长长的尾巴,短的腿和针状的牙齿,类似于史前的鳄鱼。

57 、She shed crocodile tear over his death.───她为他的死而假哭了一场。

58 、Once more, they were regaled by stories of giant crocodiles.─── 他们再一次听到了巨型鳄鱼的故事

59 、A German tourist died in Kakadu national park last year after being attacked by a saltwater crocodile.───去年,一位德国游客在卡卡都国家公园被鳄鱼袭击而送命。

60 、If you fail to be a lizard in your own land, you can never become a crocodile in a foreign land.───在自家算不上蜥蜴者就别指望到别处当鳄鱼。

61 、He showed his crocodile tears when his aunt died.───他姑妈死的时候他留下了假惺惺的眼泪。

62 、Consistent with being ripped off by a crocodile.─── 与被鳄鱼撕咬下来的推测一致

63 、She shed crocodile tears when she dismissed him from his job.───她把他解雇时, 流出了鳄鱼的眼泪.

64 、How do you spell @Crocodile@?───你如何拼 “ crocodile“?

65 、She go up the Nile as far as the first crocodile.───她溯尼罗河之源而上,直至遇上第一条鳄鱼。

66 、A BUSINESSMAN who was attacked by a crocodile in Malawi, Africa eacaped by biting the reptile on its nose last week.───上周,一位在在非洲的马拉维遭受鄂鱼攻击的商人打了这个爬行动物的鼻子后得以逃脱。

67 、She went up the Nile as far as the first crocodile.───她溯尼罗河之源而上,直到遇上第一条鳄鱼。

68 、Authorities in Australia nabbed a crocodile cruising the waters of a local sewage pond after a week of hunting.───在袭击事件过后的一周,澳大利亚当局终于抓住了这条游弋在下水道中的鄂鱼。

69 、Baby, you can't have crocodile for dessert.─── 亲爱的 鳄鱼可不能给你当甜品吃呀

70 、"Monetary crocodile" was demonizing : "financial shrimp" because the property market?───“金融鳄鱼”被妖魔化:“金融虾米”闹楼市?

71 、Therewasn't a bigger,hungrier,lazier crocodile on the whole river.───在这整条河,再也找不到比它更大、更饿、更懒的鳄鱼了。

72 、Like the Leviathan, the Nile crocodile is aquatic, scaly, and possesses fierce teeth.───像列维坦一样,尼罗河鳄鱼是水产,有鳞的,并且拥有凶猛的牙齿。

73 、The woman cried crocodile tear as she told the court how she was for deserting her children.───当那个妇人在法庭上陈述他抛弃孩子的心情时假装悲伤地哭了。

74 、How doth the little crocodile Improve his shining tail, And pour the waters of the Nile On every golden scale!───小鳄鱼怎样保养 它闪亮的尾巴, 把尼罗河水灌进 每一片金色的鳞甲。

75 、I saved this crocodile in the desert, but he tried to bite me.───“我在沙漠中救了这只鳄鱼,但他却想咬我。”

76 、It is actually the possession and retreat of a thundering absolute crocodile.───它实际上确是一条庞然大物--鳄鱼--独占的栖所。

77 、Don't shed crocodile tears to me; you know you are really glad that they're met with misfortune.───别在我面前装慈悲,你自己知道你对他们遭遇不幸有多高兴。

78 、Therefore, the albinos crocodile became an obvious choice as a guideline .───因此,白化鳄被最终当作参考。

79 、A fish and a crocodile live in the river.───一条鱼和一只鳄鱼生活在河里。

80 、No wonder he hooked up with the crocodile.─── 难怪他和那"鳄鱼女"搞在了一起

81 、An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.───姑息者乃喂食鳄鱼希望它会最后一个吃他。

82 、His aunt, Margaret Rinybuma, 53, attacked the crocodile with her fists and feet.───53岁的姨母里莉布玛不断挥拳、踢腿,击向鳄鱼。

83 、The crocodile's jaws snapped shut.─── 鱼的嘴啪的一声合上了。

84 、Irwin created a furor in 2004 when he was shown holding his one-month-old son near a crocodile.───厄文在2004年时曾因将他一个月大的儿子抱近一只鳄鱼而引起喧然大波。

85 、He was all, "I'm afraid of crocodiles and bats.─── 他就说"我害怕鳄鱼和蝙蝠

86 、With these words, he threw the big stone at the crocodile.───他扔起那块大石头砸鳄鱼。

87 、She also feels that the people who shed the biggest crocodile tears are not necessarily the most concerned.───她还认为,那些鳄鱼眼泪掉得最多的人不是最关心这些人的人。

88 、He showed his crocodile tears when aunt died.───姑姑去世时他流了几滴假惺惺的眼泪。

89 、Don't shed crocodile tears over his leaving. I know very well that you're glad to see him go.───别为他的离开难过了,我很清楚,他走了你很高兴。

90 、She shed crocodile tears when she dismissed him for his job.───她解雇他时,故意装作流下了同情的眼泪.





是鳄鱼恤品牌  始于1952年



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