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06-28 投稿




英:[?fe??r?]  美:[?f???r?]

英:  美:


adj.生有羽毛的, 柔软如羽毛的


名词: featheriness |


1 、The rocks presented a high impenetrable wall over which the torrent came tumbling in a sheet of feathery foam, and fell into a broad deep basin, black from the shadows of the surrounding forest.───岩石宛如一面密不透风的墙,巨浪侵袭而上,激起一片白色泡沫,迅而转落深谭,不见踪迹,仿佛被黑漆漆的森林所覆盖。

2 、Only two types of irons were used during the feathery ball era, the sand iron with a large concave face and the rut iron which had a very small head.───在羽毛高尔夫球时代,仅有两种高尔夫球杆被使用,一种是带有大凹杆面的沙铁杆,另一种是杆头很小的。

3 、primitive echinoderms having five or more feathery arms radiating from a central disk.───原始的棘皮动物,有五只或更多的软臂从中心圆盘放射状伸出。

4 、They could see distinctly, still glistening from the rain, the feathery grass which always grows beside by-roads.───乡村道路上总是生长着的卷曲的小草,由于夜雨的湿润看起来更加鲜亮了;

5 、feathery fern of tropical Asia and Malaysia.───亚洲和马来西亚的一种羽状蕨类。

6 、3. marine crustaceans with feathery food-catching appendages; free-swimming as larvae; as adults form a hard shell and live attached to submerged surfaces.───海生甲壳动物,有羽毛状捕食的附肢;幼体独立游水;成体形成硬壳附着生活于水下。收藏指正

7 、He's great with his back to the basket and sports a feathery touch around the rim.───但他在攻防转换方面做得不太好,另外他的运动能力也不是很强。

8 、This was what the lady had so carefully plucked,carried home so safely covered, so that not one of the delicate feathery arrows of which its mist-like shape was so lightly formed, should flutter away.───他们回到他们华贵的公馆里来。这里面有高大的厅堂和美丽的房间。洁白的窗帘在敞着的窗子上迎风飘荡;好看的花儿在透明的、发光的花瓶里面亭亭地立着。

9 、any of various small to minute sucking insects with narrow feathery wings if any; they feed on plant sap and many are destructive.───各种小型至微小型的吸食类昆虫,若有翅膀即是窄而有毛;以树汁为食,其中许多都有破坏性。

10 、feathery alkaliine───[医] 羽毛形**酸盐

11 、marine crustaceans with feathery food-catching appendages; free-swimming as larvae; as adults form a hard shell and live attached to submerged surfaces.───海生甲壳动物,有羽毛状捕食的附肢;幼体独立游水;成体形成硬壳附着生活于水下。

12 、aquatic North American salamander with red feathery external gills───北美长有红色柔软如羽毛的外部鳃的水栖蝾螈

13 、"At once out came several fairies, lotus sleeves swaying, feathery garments fluttering, lovely as spring blossom, entrancing as the autumn moon."───"一语未了,只见房中又走出几个仙子来,皆是荷袂蹁跹,羽衣飘舞,姣若春花,媚如秋月."

14 、medium to tall fast-growing tree with orange flowers and feathery bipinnate leaves silky-hairy beneath; eastern Australia───中等尺寸到高大的长速快的树,有橙色的花和生有羽毛的两羽状的叶子,其下丝滑多毛;分布在澳大利亚东部

15 、The leaf was two-sided and was composed of upper epidermis, lower epidermis and mesophyll.There had feathery stockwork in the mesophyll.───叶为两面叶,由上、下表皮和叶肉组成,在叶肉中有羽状网脉,具有药用价值。

16 、Barnacles trap tiny particles of food with their cirri, feathery retractable organs that emerge from openings between the shell plates.───由蔓足(胸肢变化而成,顶端弯曲,形如瓜蔓,可伸出壳外)捕食微小的食物颗粒。

17 、Balut are duck eggs that have been incubated until the fetus is all feathery and beaky, and then boiled alive.───巴鲁特是孵化到一半的鸭蛋,蛋里的小鸭子刚刚长出羽毛和嘴巴,却被活生生煮熟。

18 、Where stripy fish with feathery fins and sharks with hideous toothy grins swam round the whale and the snail on his tail.─── 这里的条纹鱼长着羽毛般的鱼鳍 鲨鱼露齿一笑 丑陋无比 绕着座头鲸和他尾巴上的海螺游走着

19 、Observation and analysis of feathery austenite of hypoeutectoid steel───亚共析钢羽毛状奥氏体观察与分析

20 、Any of numerous crinoids of the genus Antedon and related genera, having a free-swimming, stalkless adult stage with branched, feathery arms.───毛头星,海羊齿:一种海羊齿属海百合及其亲缘种属植物之一,在其能自由浮游的无柄的成熟阶段,生有多枝的,羽状的手臂

21 、sessile hydroid that forms feathery colonies.───具有细弱分支软水母亚目水螅体的一个属。

22 、And one day we started saving up for a couple of lovebirds of our own:the feathery kind.───我们开始攒钱给自己买一对情侣鹦鹉,羽毛轻软的那种。

23 、lightly hairy rhizomatous perennial having aromatic feathery leaves and stems bearing open clusters of small buttonlike yellow flowers;───一个多年生植物属,轻微多毛,地下茎,芳香羽状叶,茎上有盘形**小花丛;

24 、aquatic North American salamander with red feathery external gills.───北美长有红色柔软如羽毛的外部鳃的水栖蝾螈。

25 、Dasey was only just conscious, but she was able to communicate with a faint nod, and a feathery touch of her fingers on the back of my hand.───德茜仅仅是有知觉,但她能用微微的点头和在我的手背上轻轻抚摩进行交流。

26 、any shrub or small tree of the genus Tamarix having small scalelike or needle-shaped leaves and feathery racemes of small white or pinkish flowers; of mostly coastal areas with saline soil.───怪柳属的任何一种灌木或小乔木,具有鳞状或针状的叶,花小、白色或淡粉色、成羽状总状花序。

27 、But while the earth has slumbered, all the air has been alive with feathery flakes descending, as if some northern Ceres reigned, showering her silvery grain over all the fields.───天地酣睡着,可是空气中仍旧充满了生机,鹅毛片片,不断落下,好似北方五谷女人在统治着大地,将银色谷种撒向田野。

28 、Still others present animalistic aspects , with feathery , furry and leathery qualities , that can be spotted , dotted and printed like young wildlife .───另有一些表达动物概念的纱种,鸟类羽毛、兽毛及皮革等质感,可以是带斑点的,甚至印花图案,带出年少而狂野的生命力。

29 、Furry and feathery animals are a common trigger of asthma symptoms.───动物的毛发(包括羽毛)是一种常见的哮喘过敏原。

30 、The utilizing of pyramids, crosses, and other rigid geometric shapes added a unique sense of history and character to the feathery blends of interwoven colors.───在轻柔的色彩的交织上运用金字塔、十字架和其他刚性几何形状增加了独特的历史感和文字符号。

31 、primitive echinoderms having five or more feathery arms radiating from a central disk───原始的棘皮动物,有五只或更多的软臂从中心圆盘放射状伸出

32 、A soft, silky, or feathery substance, such as the first growth of a human beard.───毛状物一种柔软、丝质或羽毛状物质,如人初次长的胡须

33 、any of numerous insects of the order Lepidoptera,generally distinguished from butterflies by their nocturnal activity,hairlike or feathery antennae,stout bodies,and the frenulum that holds the front and back wings together───任一种灰色鳞翅目昆虫,一般在夜间活动,长有毛发状或被羽毛覆盖的触角以及短粗的躯体,还生有将前后翅膀连在一起的翅缰,并以此特征与蝴蝶相区别

34 、The wind has gently murmured through the blinds, or puffed with feathery softness against the windows, and occasionally sighed like a summer zephyr lifting the leaves along, the livelong night.───寒风私语,轻透帘席,柔若翎羽,微拂窗棂;偶如低叹,似夏之风,抚动细叶,长夜不休。

35 、I took my hat, and, after a four-miles' walk, arrived at Heathcliff's garden gate just in time to escape the first feathery flakes of a snow shower.───我拿了帽子,走了四里路,到达了希刺克厉夫的花园口口,刚好躲过了一场今年初降的鹅毛大雪。

36 、4.typically crepuscular or nocturnal insect having a stout body and feathery or hairlike antennae.───典型的晨昏或夜间活动的昆虫,身体短胖,触角柔软如发。

37 、A few feathery tendrils of fog issued from her fingers.───几缕雾气流过指间。

38 、9.large rhizomatous perennial grasses found by riversides and in ditches having jointed stems and large gray-white feathery panicles.───多年生有根茎的高大的草本植物,见于河边、水沟,茎有接头,有巨大的灰白色羽状圆锥花序。

39 、a low tuberculate cactus with white feathery spines; northeastern Mexico.───低矮的长有小球的仙人掌,有白色羽毛状的刺;墨西哥东北部。

40 、Gnea seemed about to bring her halberd's curved blade into the ready position, glaring beneath feathery black brows.───妮雅则似乎就要摆开架势挥舞长戢,在她柔软的眉毛下,怒目圆睁。

41 、lightly hairy rhizomatous perennial having aromatic feathery leaves and stems bearing open clusters of small buttonlike yellow flowers; sand dunes of Pacific coast of North America.───一个多年生植物属,轻微多毛,地下茎,芳香羽状叶,茎上有盘形**小花丛;生长于北美太平洋海岸沙丘。

42 、They have feathery gills which enable them to breathe underwater, as well as on land.─── 它们有着羽状的鳃 能够在水里呼吸 在陆地上也可以

43 、Snow fell in big feathery flakes.───下了一场鹅(蛾)毛大雪。

44 、marine crustaceans with feathery food-catching appendages; free-swimming as larvae; as adults form a hard shell and live attached to submerged surfaces───海生甲壳动物,有羽毛状捕食的附肢;幼体独立游水;成体形成硬壳附着生活于水下

45 、But while the earth has 10)slumbered, all the air has been alive with feathery flakes descending, as if some northern 11)Ceres 12)reigned, showering her silvery grain over all the fields.───天地现在是睡着了,可是空气中还是充满了生机,鹅毛片片,地落下,好像有一个北方的五谷女神,正在的田亩上撒下无数银色的谷种。

46 、Sybil Dennant, seated on the sofa, with a feathery laugh, shot a barking terrier dog at Shelton.───坐在沙发上的西比尔·丹南特,轻轻地笑了一声,纵容一只正在狺狺的小猎狗箭也似地向谢尔顿那儿窜过去。

47 、I have a feathery hat.───我有一顶饰有羽毛的帽子。

48 、These are the caves beneath the waves, where stripy fish with feathery fins and sharks with hideous toothy grins swam round the whale and the snail on his tail.───海浪下面是珊瑚洞穴,长着羽毛一样的翅膀和全身条纹的鱼儿,还有龇牙咧嘴长着可怕牙齿的鲨鱼,在鲸鱼和他尾巴上的小蜗牛身边游来游去。

49 、If such a reptile had developed feathery scales on its forelegs and then spread them out then it might easily lift into the air and so escape a landbound predator.─── 如果这样的爬行动物前腿进化出羽状鳞片 然后将鳞片展开 或许就能轻而易举地飞上天 逃离陆地捕食者

50 、It is an effective way to cure metacarpophalangeal fracture with minor external fixation which the features of feathery weight, minor form, simple operation and so on, especially for the comminuted fracture and the bone coloboma.───微型外固定支架器具小,重量轻,操作简单,稳定性好,适用范围广,尤其是粉碎性骨折或伴有骨缺损者,为一种有效的外固定治疗方法。

51 、Well, that is a little less cryptic than usual, o' feathery one.─── 这次怎么不像以前那样神秘兮兮的了 你这长翅膀的家伙

52 、Yesterday in curio city I bought a sword which has a protuberant point and a narrow body after removing the rust.It looks like a waist saber with feathery pattern on the blade.───昨天,我在古玩城买了一把直刀,刀尖有一些突起,有些象雁翎刀,但刀身窄,把锈去掉后。

53 、vine with feathery leaves and white or pinkish flowers; sometimes placed in genus Fumaria───有皮革似叶子和粉白色花的藤蔓植物;有时归为蓝堇属

54 、Sybil Dennant, seated on the sofa, with a feathery laugh, shot a barking terrier dog at Shelton───坐在沙发上的西比尔?丹南特,轻轻地笑了一声,纵容一只正在狺狺的小猎狗箭也似地向谢尔顿那儿窜过去。

55 、Eurasian plant apple-scented foliage and white-rayed flowers and feathery leaves used medicinally; in some classification systems placed in genus Anthemis.───欧亚大陆的一种植物,散发一种苹果香味,具有带白边的花和羽状叶子,其叶通常入药。

56 、I heard feathery taps, barely audible whispers, as individual leaves fell from shedding trees.───当一片片叶子从正在落叶的树上飘下时,我听到了轻软的拍打声,就像勉强能咱见的低声细语。

57 、feathery leaves into 2-4 Stephanopyxis Order, round lobular moment, that is inconsistent with the closing down;───叶羽状,2-4片成掌状排列,小叶矩圆形,触之即闭合下垂;

58 、northeastern tropical African plant having feathery panicles.───东北非热带植物,有羽状圆锥花序。

59 、medium to tall fast-growing tree with orange flowers and feathery bipinnate leaves silky-hairy beneath; eastern Australia.───中等尺寸到高大的长速快的树,有橙色的花和生有羽毛的两羽状的叶子,其下丝滑多毛;分布在澳大利亚东部。

60 、Eurasian plant apple-scented foliage and white-rayed flowers and feathery leaves used medicinally───欧亚大陆的一种植物,散发一种苹果香味,具有带白边的花和羽状叶子,其叶通常入药

61 、large rhizomatous perennial grasses found by riversides and in ditches having jointed stems and large gray-white feathery panicles───多年生有根茎的高大的草本植物,见于河边、水沟,茎有接头,有巨大的灰白色羽状圆锥花序

62 、any of various tall perennial grasses of the genus Calamagrostis having feathery plumes; natives of marshland fens and wet woodlands of temperate northern hemisphere───拂子茅属任何一种多年生高草;原生于北半球温带的沼泽和潮湿林地

63 、A feathery tuft or fringe of hair, as on the legs or tail of some dogs.───丛毛软软的一束垂毛,如在某些狗的腿部或尾部

64 、On his head was perched the pointiest clown hat anyone had ever crowned by a feathery orange ball.───头项上带了一顶尖尖的不丑帽子,帽子顶上还有个金**的小绒球。

65 、It is snowing with feathery snowflakes.───天下起了羽毛般的雪片。

66 、There they take in air through the breathing tubes on their tails, and weave bits of animal and plant matter into their mouths with the feathery brushes on their heads.───它们用尾部的呼吸管吸气,并用头上毛状的小刷子把细小的动植物颗粒编织进嘴里。

67 、They have a light feathery touch to them that brings smiles and good feelings to everybody they come in contact with.───他们还有一种轻如羽翼的质感,那就是将微笑和良好感觉带给同他们接触过的所有人。

68 、any of various small to minute sucking insects with narrow feathery wings if any; they feed on plant sap and many are destructive───各种小型至微小型的吸食类昆虫,若有翅膀即是窄而有毛;以树汁为食,其中许多都有破坏性

69 、Very cautiously the large leaves were removed, and there appeared the feathery seed-crown of the despised dandelion.───接着这枝子就被折断了。她把它握在柔嫩的手里,并且还用绸阳伞替它遮住太阳。

70 、It is an enormous insect, over three meters long, with gossamer wings that strobe an a fantastic rate, creating a buzzing drone as it flits through the skies, trailing behind it a feathery tail.───牠是一种巨大的昆虫,超过三公尺长,薄纱般的翅膀以极惊人的频率闪动著,掠过天空时会发出阵阵的嗡嗡声,后面曳著一条有羽毛的尾巴。

71 、long-lived tropical evergreen tree with a spreading crown and feathery evergreen foliage and fragrant flowers yielding hard yellowish wood and long pods with edible chocolate-colored acidic pulp.───热带常绿树种,寿命长,大型展开树冠,羽状常绿叶,花香,木质**且坚硬,长豆荚内长有可食的巧克力色的酸性果肉。

72 、Those who have a waist saber with feathery pattern on the blade can post it for me?Thanks!───各位如果有雁翎刀的图片能否贴图欣赏一下,谢谢!

73 、And one day we started saving up for a couple of lovebirds of our own: the feathery kind.───我们开始攒钱给自己买一对情侣鹦鹉,羽毛轻软的那种。

74 、This morning, it began to snow with feathery flakes. I liked the snow shower and started to play in the snow with my buddies.───留学解答资讯网:1.今天早晨下起了鹅毛般的大雪,我非常喜欢,便和小伙伴在雪中玩耍.

75 、I have dreamed of the day you'd come crawling back to us on your soft feathery belly.─── 我夢想著有一天 你會拖著毛茸茸的肚子來找我

76 、A few sparse, feathery flakes drifted into our slipstream and were swept away.───几片羽毛似的雪花轻轻落下,被车后的气流吹走。

77 、In reality, the bird is not bigger than the mountain, but it sure looks that way when the feathery fellow is perched on my window ledge and the mountain is far away in the distance.───事实上,鸟并没有比山还大,只是当那毛绒绒的鸟栖息在我的窗棂上,而山只是远距离外的一角时,牠看起来好像就是这样。

78 、If that early enterprising reptile with feathery scales did have specially long ones on its arms, then they too would have enabled it to glide from tree to tree.─── 如果那种长有羽状鳞片的早期爬行动物 前肢上的鳞片足够长 那它们也能利用这些鳞片在树木间滑翔

79 、medium to tall fast-growing tree with orange flowers and feathery bipinnate leaves silky-hairy beneath;───中等尺寸到高大的长速快的树,有橙色的花和生有羽毛的两羽状的叶子,其下丝滑多毛;

80 、No one but a pre-Raphaelite would have painted, hair by hair, those feathery masses of ringlets with every glimmer of gold, and every shadow of pale brown.───只有一个拉斐尔前派,才会把头发一根根的画出来,把大量的羽毛似的鬈发及其星星点点的金光闪烁和淡棕色暗影描绘出来。

81 、a low tuberculate cactus with white feathery spines;───低矮的长有小球的仙人掌,有白色羽毛状的刺;

82 、In the early nineteenth century, even the best craftsman was able to produce no more than four to five "feathery" balls a day.───在十九世纪初的时候,工匠们每天最多能缝制出四、五个合格的球来。

83 、You had me kidnapped, dumped in the desert, somehow made my feathery burdens grow back, and then took away my devil face.─── 你让我被绑架 被丢入荒漠 不知何故还让我长回了翅膀 并夺走了我的魔鬼脸


85 、any of various tall perennial grasses of the genus Calamagrostis having feathery plumes; natives of marshland fens and wet woodlands of temperate northern hemisphere.───拂子茅属任何一种多年生高草;原生于北半球温带的沼泽和潮湿林地。

86 、Any of various ferns of the genus Adiantum, having purplish to black stalks, usually feathery fronds, and delicate fan-shaped leaflets with marginal sori.───掌叶铁线蕨:任何一种属于铁线蕨属的各种蕨类植物,常长有呈微紫色至黑色的梗、羽毛状的复叶,以及纤细呈扇形的,边缘带有囊群的嫩芽

87 、vine with feathery leaves and white or pinkish flowers; sometimes placed in genus Fumaria.───有皮革似叶子和粉白色花的藤蔓植物;有时归为蓝堇属。






"有时我们够幸运来知道我们的生命已经被改变, 丢弃老年人,拥抱新者, 而且头向前地跑下来不可变的课程。 它发生在我身上了。。。 在之上夏日, 当我的眼睛对海洋开放的时候。"----------雅克 Yves Cousteau

海洋虫是叫做 annelida 的一只属于一个团体的大和不同群体的动物。 他们被分割虫, 而且全部忍受对通常的蚯蚓至少一些相似处。 在大海中,然而,虫已经进展许多不同的外表。 比较有趣多样性之一是管虫。 这些动物形成提供他们保护的难-有壳的管。 鸡毛掸子虫在用来过滤来自水的营养物的顶端上有一系列的生有羽毛的触须。 当藉着掠夺者威胁, 他们很快地撤回深处进入他们的管家。 另外的种 , 圣诞树虫,有能在各式各样的明亮颜色被发现的一个逐渐强烈触须的非常装饰安排。 如果威胁,像刚毛虫这样的一些海洋虫, 用能递送一个痛苦的刺的一个极小刚毛的复盖游荡海洋地板。 当他们在岩石上为食喂的时候,扁形虫已经将身体变平而且看起来更像口胶。 在下面是在暗礁上发现的一个一些比较通常虫的项目表。

这些动物已经展现显着的能力沟通而且获悉。 他们的天然生命在照顾他们的亲近的家庭团体被花费年轻的和彼此。 他们的歌能被听到为里在波之下附和。 可耻的是认为人类狩猎了对灭绝的边缘这些出色的动物的大部分。 但是今天,在世界的政府的大部分的保护之下,他们正在回来。 在海产的全球公园中,他们的大使正在帮助藉由帮助我们更了解他们解救他们的类型。 在下面是一个一些世界的更熟悉海产的哺乳动物的项目表。

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