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06-28 投稿




英:[densl?]  美:[?d?nsl?]

英:  美:


adv. 密集地, 浓厚地


名词: denseness | 副词: densely | 形容词比较级: denser | 形容词最高级: densest |


impenetrable | solid | complex | obtuse | dumb | dim | obscure | compressed | full | thick | crowded | heavy | jam-packed | close | slow | wooden | condensed | involved | compact | complicated | gross | dull | packed | stupid | difficult


dilute | thin | sparse | weak


1 、Bracteoles spinelike, to 1.2 cm, densely lanate.───小苞片刺状,对1.2厘米,浓密棉状。

2 、There is no den in the wide world to hide a rogue.───恶棍没有藏身之地。

3 、Lass diese Scherz / den L?rm / das Weinen !───别开玩笑了/别吵闹了/别再哭了!

4 、A grandfather clock would look great in the den.───休息室里放一座落地钟会很漂亮的。

5 、A path through a dense, dark forest.─── 一条穿过浓密的幽暗森林的小径

6 、Bist du krank, erkennst du den Wert der Gesundheit.───一旦有病,你就会认识到健康的价值(宝贵)。

7 、DEN for QoS may still apply for WAN applications,Edholm says.───Edholm说:实现QoS的DEN还可以应用于广域网上的应用程序。

8 、A densely napped finish for certain woolen fabrics,such as flannel.───密绒制品如法兰绒等制造毛织物的密绒制品

9 、Umbel hemispheric, densely many flowered.───伞形花序半球形,浓密多花的。

10 、He den that he have leak the news to the press.───他否认曾将这则消息泄漏给新闻界。

11 、The bandits fled in disorder when they heard that a regiment of soldiers were maching to their den.───土匪们听说有一个团的士兵正向他们的巢穴进军就四处溃逃。

12 、He give to his friend what he den to his family.───他宁可赠予朋友也不给家里人。

13 、He would often retire to his den.───他往往是回自己的书房去。

14 、Herbs, perennial, densely white lanose-villous.───多年生草本,浓密白色具长柔毛。

15 、Probiereb Sie mal den deutschen Dr.Hauschka!───亲爱的,试试来自德国的德国世家!

16 、Big cities are densely populated.───大城市中的人口分布十分稠密。

17 、Er stellt den Wecker auf sieben Uhr.───他把钟调到七点。

18 、Page 28: They arrived at his den and prepared food.───他们到达了猫怪的窝准备做饭。

19 、Twigs terete, densely brown hispid.───小枝圆柱状,密被棕色。

20 、He finds himself in a den of ruffians.───他发现自己在流氓的巢穴中。

21 、He has made his house a den of thieves.───他把自己的家变成了一个贼窝。

22 、An der Frucht erkennt man den Baum.───什么树结什么果(好树结好果,劣树结劣果。)

23 、The forest is dense and elephants are shy.─── 森林枝叶茂密而大象又羞于见人

24 、Or snorted we in the seven sleepers den?───不是就像在洞里鼾睡了百年的七少年吗?

25 、But you have made it 'a den of robbers.───你们倒使他成为贼窝了。

26 、Densely build areas of cities trap heat.───城市建筑密集区分外炎热.

27 、A sly rabbit will have three openings to its den.───一只狡猾的兔子会造三条路到它的洞穴。

28 、"Setz dich auf den hinteren Sitz , Viktor .───坐到后面的坐位去,维克多!

29 、How densely the reeds here are growing.───大牛:这里的芦苇长得十分茂密。

30 、The mother panda keeps the den meticulously clean as she raises her cub.───在熊猫妈妈育儿时,它把窝打扫得特别干净。

31 、He enjoys reading in his den.───他喜欢在他的幽静小巧的书房里看书。

32 、Israel, hoffe auf den HERRN von nun an bis in Ewigkeit!───以色列啊!你要仰望耶和华,从现在直到永远。

33 、They made themselves a den in the woods.───他们在树林里为自己搭了个窝,在里面玩。

34 、Of course! I'm sorry to be so dense. I remember you very well.─── 对啊 抱歉 我真傻 我当然记得你

35 、Wow, they're good, because he is dense.─── 他俩真般配 因为他太笨了

36 、It's buried under a dense fog of narcissi* and cologne.─── 他的本质深埋在自恋和浓重香水的迷雾之下

37 、"Den us'll walk," said Mammy sternly.───"那好,我们走,"嬷嬷断然地说。

38 、The slopes of the hills have been densely planted with tea bushes.───山坡上种了稠密的茶树。

39 、Young and mature twigs densely hirsute.───年轻和成熟的小枝密被长硬毛。

40 、All right, guys, I'm notI'm not dense here.─── 好了 伙计们 我不傻

41 、He complain that he is is den access to the main road.───他抱怨说他的使用主要道路的权利正被拒绝。

42 、The bears den up together during the winter.───冬天熊一起在洞穴里冬眠。

43 、Du kannst den Bengel nicht allein zu Hause lassen .───你不能让这个调皮鬼一个人呆在家里。

44 、A dense concentration of streets and buildings.─── 这里有着密集的街道和建筑

45 、He thinks of new york as a den of iniquity.───他认为纽约是个藏污纳垢之处。

46 、A fault once den is twice committed .───一次不认错,必定再犯错。

47 、Koennen Sie den Platz mit mir wechseln?───可以和你换个座位吗?

48 、Twigs densely puberulous, glabrescent.───小枝密被微柔毛,后脱落。

49 、Wanda had been sleeping in the den ever since she had begun to have nightmares.───婉达自从做噩梦以来一直睡在那小屋里。

50 、Attacking this candidate in Boston is like bearding the lion in his den.───在波士顿攻击这位候选人,真好比是在太岁头上动土。

51 、They lured the bear out of its den.───他们把熊从穴中诱出。

52 、Man soll den Tag nicht vor dem Abend loben.───天黑之前不能夸天好。

53 、He den have any money squirrel away in foreign bank.───他否认在外国银行里有存款。

54 、His father was a waiter in an opium den.───但是父亲是个伺候偷吸鸦片的小伙役。

55 、Won't you take a step into the lion's den.───你不准备采取措施走入狮子巢穴吗?

56 、Bei den Erwachsenen allerdings sind sie umstritten.───当然这在成年人中是有争议的。

57 、Leaf blade abaxially densely puberulous.───叶片背面的密被微柔毛。

58 、Er hat den ganzen Tag in der Fabrik gearbeitet.───他在工厂工作了一整天。

59 、They have been in the lion's den.───他们已陷入困境。

60 、Sterile ovary globose, densely ferruginous villous.───不育的子房球状,密被具铁锈色长柔毛。

61 、Spar dir/Sparen Sie sich den Weg bitte!───回去吧! 别送了。

62 、Sie hatte Sympatie mit den irdischen Menschen.───十分同情下界的人们。

63 、In der Mode geben Wien und Paris den Ton an.───在时装方面,维也纳和巴黎。

64 、Justice must not be den to anyone,however poor he may be.───人无论多么穷,都该受到公平的待遇。

65 、Many a diabetic have stay alive by stealing the bread den him by his doctor.───很多糖尿病人全凭偷吃被医生禁吃的面包才保住了性命。

66 、In winter bears usually hibernate in their dens.───冬天熊通常在穴里冬眠。

67 、Sie legt das Buch auf den Tisch.───书从不在桌上到被放到桌上,“动四”。

68 、It only has some of the most densely populated beaches in the world.─── 那里只有全世界 人数最多的海滩

69 、Come the summer, mother and cub leave the den for good.───到了夏天,熊猫妈妈和它的小熊猫就离开了它们的窝。

70 、Twigs terete, densely rust-colored hirsute.───小枝圆柱状,密被锈色具长硬毛。

71 、Thich la khi di cung nhau moi nho den doi phuong.───喜欢,只有在一起的时候,才惦记着对方。

72 、And what I'm going to do is loosen off this mixture because it's quite dense.─── 我要做的就是稀释一下这些混合物 因为它有点过于粘稠了

73 、The den or dwelling of a wild animal.───兽窝野生动物的巢穴或居住地

74 、Sie legt das Buch hinter den Tisch.───(动四) 她把书到的桌子后面。

75 、A crate provides a den for your puppy when you are not home.───当你不在家的时候,箱式狗窝为狗狗提供了一个睡觉的好地方。

76 、The hills have been densely planted with fruit trees.───山上种满了稠密的果树。

77 、Aber es wird nicht nur gegen den Ball getreten.───但事情并不仅仅止于踢这个皮球。

78 、Hm. Machen Sie sich bitte den Oberkoerper frei!───嗯,让我们来试试您的脉搏。

79 、Petiole and leaf blade abaxially densely pubescent.───叶柄和叶片背面密被短柔毛。

80 、Wir ziehen gemeinsam in den Krieg!───与子偕行。

81 、You go to attack his den directly, and we attack the uprising army.───你去直接的攻击他的兽穴,和我们攻击起义军队。

82 、So, we have a very dense, very hard slab.─── 首先是一层粘结紧密的坚硬雪层

83 、By the door of the gar- den a soldier was standing.───只给那个队长,然后他会告诉你怎么去做的。”

84 、And so he went on scolding to his den beneath.───他就这么骂骂咧咧地回到他的窝里。

85 、Noise pollution is at its worst in densely populated areas.───在人口密集的地区噪音污染的影响最糟。

86 、No one will thank you for a doze in such a den!───凡是在这么一个洞里睡过觉的人是不会感谢你的!

87 、Zu kaempfen, zu siegen, zu sterben den Tod.───去战斗,去胜利,去于死神殊死搏斗。

88 、George Bush dens he is in the loop regarding the irangate scandal.───乔治·布希否认他是伊朗军售案的主宰人物之一。

89 、There is a big fox den on the back hill.───后山有一个很大的狐狸窝。

90 、De Cunnel, he tell her ter call me 'Sam' an' den she do it.───后来上校告诉她叫我'萨姆',她才叫我'萨姆'的。


The stero radio is now a standard feature.

If water is cold enough,it changes to ice.

There is no clue to the identity of the murderer.

Lower temperatures are associated with lower growth rate.

We had barely dropped off to sleep when the doorbell began to ring.

Mankind has always reverenced what Tennyson called "the useful trouble of the rain".

The new rates will apply from 1st January next year,until then the old rates below hold good.

Usage is the only test.I would prefer a phrase that was easy and unaffected to a phrase that was grammatical.

The determination of what element or elements are present in a substance is called qualitative analysis.

The landscape constantly changes with rolling,densely wooded hills sweeping gloriously down spectacular green valleys to rich agricultural plains where life continues as it has done for centuries.(行进中的车窗外的景色)


The stero radio is now a standard feature.


If water is cold enough,it changes to ice.


There is no clue to the identity of the murderer.


Lower temperatures are associated with lower growth rate.


We had barely dropped off to sleep when the doorbell began to ring.


Mankind has always reverenced what Tennyson called "the useful trouble of the rain".


The new rates will apply from 1st January next year,until then the old rates below hold good.


Usage is the only test.I would prefer a phrase that was easy and unaffected to a phrase that was grammatical.


The determination of what element or elements are present in a substance is called qualitative analysis.


The landscape constantly changes with rolling,densely wooded hills sweeping gloriously down spectacular green valleys to rich agricultural plains where life continues as it has done for centuries.(行进中的车窗外的景色)
























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