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06-28 投稿




英:[pa?t?]  美:[pa?t?]

英:  美:



n.小袋, 小包, 囊状袋

vt.装 ... 入袋中,用袋运输


形容词: pouchy | 动词过去分词: pouched | 动词第三人称单数: pouches | 动词过去式: pouched | 动词现在分词: pouching |


1 、Kit includes CPRotector, two latex gloves and one antiseptic towelette in a convenient carrying pouch.───工具包括CPRotector,两副橡胶手套和一条杀菌的湿纸巾,是一个方便的携带的小袋。

2 、To cause to resemble a pouch.───使成袋状使变得象袋子

3 、Looking for seller to supply pouch with agreed design.───寻找能供应小袋的卖家,样式设计需经同意。

4 、An organic sac or pouch, such as the udder of a cow.───(牛的)乳房有机体器官的液囊或袋,如牛的乳房

5 、These are awesome because they come with a supercute document pouch.─── 这些都很酷 因为它们装在超可爱的文件袋里

6 、We found Mr Yap's pouch outermost layer was unzipped.───叶先生的腰包最外层的拉链被拉开了。

7 、Even after the baby is hatched, it's dad who keeps the baby in the brood pouch.───即使在幼鸟孵出后,把幼鸟放在育仔囊中仍是爸爸。

8 、How to eliminate pouch quickly?───怎样快速消除眼袋啊?

9 、The Netherscale Ammo Pouch is no longer a Unique item.───不再是“唯一”物品。

10 、On Dragon Boat Festival, parents also need to dress their children up with a perfume pouch.───在端午节的那天,父母还要给他们的孩子戴上香囊。

11 、Why does my pouch always jump?───为什么我的眼袋总是跳?

12 、Go what good method do pouch and eye ministry microgroove have?───去眼袋和眼部细纹有什么好方法吗?

13 、The eggs eventually hatch inside the mother's pouch.───卵最后在母兽的育儿袋内孵化了。

14 、How OK Where is effective dispel pouch?───怎样可以有效的祛除眼袋呢?

15 、The size of pouch and pouch emptying function in aboral pouch group were(significantly) superior to the other groups.───反口组的贮袋大小及半排空时间显著优于Orr组及P袢组(P

16 、Consoling this new Sapphire gold brooder - note its brooding pouch, fully crossed scales and golden head features.───安慰这尾新蓝宝石种鱼-看它的孵卵袋,完全过背的鳞片及金**的头顶。

17 、The pouch after discharge makeup is serious Hei Qing, how repair?───卸妆后眼袋严重黑青,怎么修复?

18 、Use them as cell phone charms, key rings, or to accessorize your bag or pouch!───何不用作手机链、钥匙扣、坤包及钱包饰件呢!

19 、Go the best method of pouch?───去眼袋的最好方法?

20 、Not too big a brooding pouch but the full golden lower jaw is very obvious in this picture.───不是很大的孵卵袋但它的下巴可是全黄金色的。

21 、Something that resembles a bag or pouch.───和包或钱袋相似的东西

22 、Facing each other, they throw or catch a stuffed pouch made of cotton print with two streamers.───一只用彩色花布缝制,佩有两条飘带的荷包飞向小伙子。

23 、Go of pouch the handiest what is the method that has curative effect most?───去眼袋的最简便最有疗效的方法是什么?

24 、She kept her money in a pouch around her neck.───她把钱装在脖子上挂的荷包里。

25 、The middle portion of a sail, especially a square one, that is shaped like a pouch to increase the effect of the wind.───帆的鼓起部分帆的中央鼓起部分,尤指形状象袋子似的用来增加风力的矩形帆

26 、Having no marsupial pouch, the mother presses the patagium into service.───但是它们没有像有袋动物一样的育儿袋,这时猫猴妈妈的翼膜就派上用场了。

27 、A small vestigial blind pouch of the prostate gland.───前列腺囊前列腺的一个小的发育不全的囊

28 、How to make pouch decrescent?───怎么使眼袋变小?

29 、How ability purify black rim of the eye, pouch and piscine end grain!───怎样才能去除黑眼圈、眼袋和鱼尾纹呢!

30 、How should be next pouch dropsy done not?───下眼袋浮肿要怎么弄没?

31 、How purify pouch? pouch decrescent ah?───怎样去除眼袋啊?把眼袋变小啊?

32 、It borrows from the way mother kangaroos carry their young in front in a pouch.───他是借用袋鼠妈妈携带他们的幼崽在前面的一个育儿袋里。

33 、He weighed out the tobacco and put it in the pouch.───他称出了一些烟丝,放进烟丝袋里。

34 、The diplomatic pouch shipped to him, already sealed.─── 寄给他的外交邮袋已经是封好的

35 、Sodium dexaflorite is loaded in these pouches.─── 这些保护套里有大量的六氯化钠

36 、Special soft PVC allows to use mmobile phone right in the pouch.───使用物种材料柔软塑料,袋内手提**可直接始用。

37 、This pouch contains red and green marbles.─── 这个袋子里面有红色和绿色弹珠

38 、See the blackened brooding pouch of this huge-sized Rose Gold Cross Back?───可有看到这尾巨大玫瑰金过背抹黑了的孵卵袋?

39 、Possibly some *all fluid in morrison's pouch.─── 可能在肝肾隐窝之间有积水

40 、The diplomatic pouch wasn't the only thing missing.─── 丢失的不只有那个外交公文包

41 、Love pouch throwing is a popular game played during the festival.───“丢包”,就是丢荷包。

42 、Which is probably where he kept that pouch of goodies.─── 那袋子东西可能就放在外套上

43 、A temporary egg pouch in various fishes and crustaceans.───(鱼类和甲壳类动物的)临时卵袋

44 、He kept his tobacco in a leather pouch fastened to the belt.───他把烟草放进一个皮制的小袋当中,并拴紧了带子。

45 、An object that resembles a pouch.───囊状物类似袋子的物体

46 、He was going to make a tobacco pouch out of them.───他要用它们缝制一个烟草袋。

47 、Need not eye frost, what method ability gets rid of bored pouch?───不用眼霜,有什么办法才能把烦人的眼袋除掉?

48 、How to eliminate pouch forehead quickly?───怎样快速消除眼袋额?

49 、Why is my pouch always swollen swollen?───为什么我的眼袋总是肿肿的?

50 、To cause to bulge like a pouch.───使鼓胀使象囊一样鼓出

51 、We were not a tad surprise by the huge production of 40 fry as its brooding pouch was obviously large.───因为它的孵卵袋特别的大,对于四十尾仔鱼的产量我们一点也不惊奇。

52 、Back has pouch and ID window.───前面还有可以装卡和笔的袋子。

53 、Click tobacco pouch on gear to disassemble it to empty pouch and tobacco.───在工具栏将烟袋分解成空袋和烟草。

54 、Closed by liner plastic pouch, and packaged by corrugated carton.───内衬塑料袋封闭,外用瓦楞纸箱。

55 、Then he took out a tobacco pouch and a packet of papers and rolled himself a cigarette.───他接着掏出烟荷包和一盒卷烟纸卷了一支烟。

56 、The middle portion of a sail,especially a square one,that is shaped like a pouch to increase the effect of the wind.───帆的鼓起部分帆的中央鼓起部分,尤指形状象袋子似的用来增加风力的矩形帆。

57 、When I compare my flabby tummy to a kangaroo pouch, say nothing.───当我把自己的松垮肚皮比作袋鼠袋的时候,别说话。

58 、He had only to plunge his hand into his pouch to bring out instantly what he was looking for.───他只是把手伸进口袋就可以生产出需要的东西。

59 、How to go quickly transmissibility pouch?───怎样快速去遗传性眼袋?

60 、Why these days are next my pouch so big?───为什么这几天我的下眼袋这么大?

61 、He must have the pouch on him somewhere, but I can't see it.─── 袋子肯定就在他身上 但我看不到

62 、Does pouch leave how to many money want in cupreous sparrow stage?───在铜雀台开眼袋要多少钱啊?

63 、After becoming pouch operation, stay scar is solved?───做了眼袋手术后留有疤痕怎么解决?

64 、Do not know what to method can eliminate pouch?───不知道有什么方法可以消除眼袋呢?

65 、How can ability eliminate pouch?───怎样才能消除眼袋?

66 、The green-protecting technology of pouch packaged bale oenanthe javanica was studied in this paper.───对水芹菜软包装产品的护绿工艺进行了研究。

67 、It is a 16th-century pouch made of creamy white kid skin.───它是一个16世纪的小包,由奶油白小山羊皮制成。

68 、A kangaroo carries its young in a pouch.───大袋鼠以肚袋装小袋鼠。

69 、How can ability assure there is black pouch?───怎么样才能保证没有黑眼袋?

70 、A pouch or pouchlike structure in a plant or an animal, sometimes filled with fluid.───囊动物或植物身上的小袋子或袋状结构,有时装有液体。

71 、Your mother laid eggs and wrapped them in a special silk pouch.───你的妈妈产下卵后,用一个丝囊把卵包在一起。你就是其中之一。

72 、In the pouch were a club and a small knife, inscribed with strange characters, unfamiliar to everyone.───口袋里装着一根木棒和一把刻着无人认识的古怪符号的小刀。

73 、Why is the person pouch of big eye deeper?───为什么大眼睛的人眼袋比较深呢?

74 、I'd be living in your pouch like a kangaroo.─── 我就得像个袋鼠一样住进你的育儿袋里

75 、What disadvantage does excision pouch have?───切除眼袋有什么坏处?

76 、Andre Firebeard no longer has a chance of dropping a Wastewander Water Pouch.───安德雷·尔比德不再掉落废土水袋。

77 、How is ability the fastest dispel pouch?───怎么才能最快祛除眼袋啊?

78 、Why is my pouch always blacker and blacker?───为什么我的眼袋总是越来越黑呀?

79 、There, now I have a little pouch for some cobbler.─── 看 现在有地方吃水果馅饼了

80 、The herd lad put his hand in his pouch and brought them forth.───少年把手伸入钱袋里,递上前去,果然没错。

81 、When not in use, large leather items should always be stored in the original pouch.───大型皮具在不使用时,应放置于原装袋内存放。

82 、Hey, inherent big pouch how take out? ?───哎,天生的大眼袋怎么去掉??

83 、How to eliminate " black pouch " ?───如何消除“黑眼袋”?

84 、How does methodological ability go pouch ah?───怎么方法才能去眼袋啊?

85 、Packing: Each in Nylon pouch (style could be similar to the pouch for the Hostess Wrap that Shui Kei produced).───包装方法:每条装入尼龙袋(袋子款式应该与Shui Kei生产的女士围巾的袋子款式相似)

86 、At birth, the baby kangaroo lives in its mother's brood pouch.───小袋鼠自从出生起就一直生活在妈妈的育儿袋里。

87 、She kept her money in the pouch around her neck.───“你曾看过在母袋鼠育儿袋里的小袋鼠吗?”

88 、The unique design of this pouch endows it with excellent stand-up stability.───平底袋是具有独特设计,能使袋子具有直立的特殊功能。

89 、Between the rectum and bladder, the peritoneum forms a retrovesical pouch.───在直肠和膀胱间,腹膜形成膀胱后隐窝。

90 、Choking with anger Daiyu burst into tears. She picked up the pouch meaning to cut it to piecces as well.───"黛玉见如此,越发气起来,声咽气堵,又汪汪的滚下泪来,拿起荷包来又剪."




作为名词使用的话,通常来说pouch 是比较小的bag ,而且带有拉带;

作为动词使用,bag 是指放入袋中,pouch 指放入并使成袋状

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