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06-28 投稿





英:  美:


n.窥视者, 嘀咕的人


1 、7. Peeper Sheep sees dancer Doggie flying in the sky. "Help! Save dancer Doggie! Baa! Baa!" cries Peeper Sheep.───小羊佩佩看到丁丁在空中,大声喊:"救命啊,快救救丁丁!咩,咩!"收藏指正

2 、I mean, if you've ever heard the eerie song of the humpback whale [whale song], you know that it don't sound like those spring peeper [frog sound].───是啊,如果你听过座头鲸那神秘的歌声,就会知道它和北美雨蛙的叫声完全不同。

3 、spring peeper───小雨蛙(Hyla crucifer,产于美国东部), n. 【动物,动物学】小雨蛙

4 、there is purple fringing at wide angle in high contrast shots - especially if you are a pixel peeper !───高对比度拍摄时广角有紫边--尤其是假如您特别在意相素。

5 、We're gonna have to get your peepers checked as soon as we get home.─── 等我们回了家得给你 检查一下眼睛

6 、leaf peeper───赏秋游客

7 、Peeper Sheep sees dancer Doggie flying in the sky. "Help! Save dancer Doggie! Baa! Baa!" cries Peeper Sheep.───小羊佩佩看到丁丁在空中,大声喊:"救命啊,快救救丁丁!咩,咩!"

8 、No matter what's going on next, I just want to live in a world without peeper.───不管未来,现在只想活在不被人看穿的世界。

9 、Peeper Sheep sees dancer Doggie flying in the sky."Help!Save dancer Doggie!Baa/" target="_blank">Baa!Baa/" target="_blank">Baa!"───小羊佩佩看到丁丁在空中,大声喊:"救命啊,快救救丁丁!

10 、Even with bad peepers, you saw things I didn't.─── 尽管你眼睛不好 但你依旧能看见我看不见的东西

11 、Trees cover 95 percent of the park's 800 square miles, making it a leaf peeper's paradise.───这座面积八百平方英里的公园有百分之九十五为林木所覆盖,使其成为赏叶人的天堂。

12 、And vice versa for a whale-sized frog [adjusted peeper calls].───同样的情况也适用于鲸鱼一般大的青蛙。

13 、Peeper(Spring peeper)───啾鸣雨蛙

14 、Peeper Sheep sees dancer Doggie flying in the sky. "Help! Save dancer Doggie! Baa! Baa!"cries Peeper Sheep.───小羊佩佩看到丁丁在空中,大声喊:"救命啊,快救救丁丁!咩,咩!

15 、Heat olive oil,add garlic,snow peas,sweet peeper and cook for one minute.───加热橄榄油,加入大蒜,雪豆(?),甜辣椒煮一分钟。

16 、Peeper Sheep sees dancer Doggie flying in the sky. "Help!Save dancer Doggie!Baa!Baa!"cries Peeper Sheep.───小羊佩佩看到丁丁在空中,大声喊:"救命啊,快救救丁丁!咩,咩!"

17 、You are not a good boy, but a peeper!───新网友您好,能生活在大海边,那可真好啊!

18 、They got all their peepers peeled for you.─── 他们的眼睛都擦亮了在找你呢

19 、I mean, if you've ever heard the eerie song of the humpback whale [whale song], you know that it don't sound like no spring peeper [frog sound].───我的意思是,如果你曾经听说过的怪异的座头鲸歌,你知道它不是蛙叫。


1.eye汉语意思是眼睛的意思。属于身体部位类。还有ear 耳朵。face脸.hand手foot脚。arm胳膊。leg腿。

2.英语学习中名词有可数名词和不可数名词。按照类别记忆比较好。比如文具类:ruler.pen pencil eraser pencil case school bag

3.还有动物类:panda tiger等


同类?:ear,nose,throat,hand,toe,… 同义词:peeper,glim,ocular,puddings and pies

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