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06-28 投稿




英:['lesnd]  美:['lesnd]

英:  美:



adj. 减少的, 减弱的


动词过去式: lessened | 动词过去分词: lessened | 动词第三人称单数: lessens | 动词现在分词: lessening |


thin out | abridge | fade away | quell | alleviate | assuage | let up | stem | mollify | thin | constrict | erode | depress | reduce | ebb | fall | decay | out | tail off | moderate | abate | curtail | decimate | melt away | take away | short | take | soften | minimize | relieve | bate | diminish | pare | minify | shrivel | subside | waste | deplete | shorten | narrow | silence | dwindle | extenuate | subtract | languish | ease off | wither | lower | appease | lighten | ease | palliate | mitigate | taper | modify | away | soothe | decrease | allay | cut | loosen | waste away | temper | melt | slacken | cut short | deduct | abbreviate | truncate | retrench | clip | underestimate | scale | wane | condense | fade | decline | shrink | weaken | relax | contract | fail | die down | attenuate


raise | increase


1 、The contract should be in writing in order to lessen the chances for misunderstanding and future disagreement.───合伙合同应是书面形式的,以减少误解和将来可能发生的争执。

2 、She upbraided herself for the sentiment, but could not overcome or lessen it.───她为这种感情而自责,但她既不能抑制也不能减少这种感情。

3 、Won’t that lessen the excitement though?───不过 这样兴奋感不就会减少吗?

4 、Thus friction between two rough planks can be lessened if they are made smooth.───两块粗糙厚木板经过打磨后,它们之间的摩擦力会减小。

5 、Treated by SCC, the time to build up lawn or produce sod was lessened, and the quality of sod was improved.───使用适合的种衣剂处理草种,可缩短建坪时间和提高成坪质量。

6 、Doctor: I can lessen your inconvenience by making you an immediate denture.───医生:我会为您做一副暂时的假牙来解决这个问题。

7 、To lessen or attempt to lessen the magnitude or seriousness of, especially by providing partial excuses.───减轻缩小或努力缩小重要或严重的程度,尤指为了提供偏心的借口

8 、The tension that exists among nations could certainly be lessened if misunderstanding and mistrust were removed.───存在于国家间的紧张一定能被减轻,如果误解和不信任被消除。

9 、If severe enough, the condition can lessen the amount of oxygen available to brain cells.───如果病情过于严重,可能减少大脑细胞氧的含量。

10 、By morning my fever lessened as well as the redness to my right leg.───到今天上午我发烧减弱以及发红我的右腿。

11 、Take some aspirin for(ie to lessen the pain caused by)your headache.───你头痛吃点阿司匹林吧.

12 、But some are likely to lessen competition.───但也存在一些可能弱化竞争的合并。

13 、That lessens the sting of a failed opening.─── 让开幕失败所带来的伤痛轻了一点

14 、Malolactic fermentation is vital to lessen the wine's acidity.───乳酸发酵是至关重要的减少葡萄酒的酸度。

15 、The bitterness of war can be lessened by the practice of sports and physical education.───参加体育运动可以减轻战争带来的悲痛和仇恨。

16 、After you have done some research and made a plan you will probably have lessened your fears and anxieties a bit.───在你做了一些研究并制定了计划后,你可能已经少了很多无谓的担心和焦虑。

17 、We thought we could lessen the danger with it under our control.─── 我们以为把孩子置于我们的控制下 可以减少它带来的危险

18 、If a relief sculpture is made, the height of the various parts may be magnified or lessened to the scale of the sectional drawing.───四、如制作浮雕,其各部位之高低,可根据断面图之比例放大或缩小。

19 、Results Essential oil from Angelica sinensis Diels obviously lessened the pain induced by acetic acid and dysmenorr...───对正常雌性小鼠离体子宫平滑肌和由缩宫素所致的子宫平滑肌剧烈收缩亦均有明显抑制作用;

20 、But she said it did lessen her desire to eat cabbages!───但她说,却使她不太愿意吃卷心菜了。

21 、To lessen in intensity; temper.───使强度减轻;调和

22 、But all that does not lessen his importance as a pioneer.───不过,所有这一切并不贬低他开辟新途径的研究者的功绩:

23 、So as he calms down, the pressure lessens.─── 他一冷静下来 压力就减小了

24 、They have made great effort to lessen the noise of planes .───他们尽力减小飞机的噪音。

25 、It would have been so easy to lessen your suffering by divulging the secret.─── 只要泄露这个秘密 你的痛苦 本可大大减轻

26 、The principle of faith is to lessen words and to increase deeds.───巴哈依教。

27 、Understanding does not lessen my contempt for you.─── 明白不会减少我对你的鄙视

28 、To lessen the pain, some people chose to relinquish all responsibility.───为了减少痛苦,有些人选择放弃所有责任。

29 、The tendinitis in his left knee has lessened and he’s nearly recovered.───他的左膝肌腱炎症有明显的减轻。

30 、He was already exhausted, and then we should lessen his misery rather than disappoint him.───他已经很疲惫了。我们应该减轻他的痛苦,而不是让他失望。

31 、Coming back here didn't lessen my confusion and pain.───回来之后我的困惑和苦恼并没有减轻。

32 、To lessen the force, strength, purity, or brilliance of, especially by admixture.───削弱减小强度、浓度、纯度或变淡,尤指搀和

33 、In comparison with cowper stoves, not only investment and construction time are lessened, but thermal efficiency is improved to above 76%.───同考贝式热风炉比较,它不仅投资少,施工方便,建设周期短,而且热效率可高达76%以上;

34 、The fear of being stranded on a lonely stretch of highway is lessened when you carry a duct tape.───只要你备有管道胶带,对在公路的偏僻路段上束手无策的担心就会少多了。

35 、Some are a bit troubled at first, but that lessens.─── 刚开始的时候有几只有点麻烦 但慢慢就好了

36 、Moreover, Jianru's illness can even lessen a little of my own feeling of self-condemnation.───并且剑如病,还可以减少点我从前自怨自艾的烦恼。

37 、Prune birch, beech and maple trees after a hard frost to lessen sap flow.───樺樹,山毛櫸和楓樹應在結霜之後修剪,以减少樹液的流失.

38 、In a word,without rhetoric, the appeal of couplets will be drastically lessened.───可以说,如果离开了修辞,对联的联趣将大为减色。

39 、The peace talk lessen the tension of the two nations.───和平谈判降低了两国之间的紧张关系。

40 、We should be able to lessen the damage to the city here.───在这里我们必须能够减少对这个城市的损坏。

41 、Some drugs lessen a person's sensibility.───一些药物会减低一个人的敏感度。

42 、This did not lessen the enthusiasm of Eurosceptics for bashing the document.───但是这也不减少欧洲怀疑论者对这个文件进行批评的兴趣。

43 、That 's the reason they are call lesson , because they lessen from day to day .───其所以被称为lesson(功课)的理由,是因为日见其lesson(减少)。

44 、Another kind of change that is motivated by the need to lessen the burden on memory is called internal borrowing.───引起语言变化的又一原因是旨在减轻记忆复旦的语言规则的内部借用现象。

45 、Garlic is supposed to lessen the risk of heart disease.───人们认为大蒜能够低心脏病的危险性。

46 、I wish something would happen to puncture her ego, ie lessen her conceit.───她自以为是, 我希望让她碰个钉子.

47 、In the past year attacks by cults have lessened after police cracked down on them.───危害信徒的异端邪教,经过公安一年来的扫荡已经减少。

48 、Some measures should be taken to lessen them.───应该采取措施以减少遗漏或重复记录。

49 、But health campaigners fear that the details will lessen any impact theban might have.───但是推崇健康生活的人们担心,很多细节问题会削弱禁令的效果。

50 、Therefore, "the goal of common morality is to lessen the amount of harm suffered by those protected by it".───因此,“普遍道德的宗旨即减少在其保护之下的人们受到的损害”。

51 、Anything that lessened concerns on that score would weaken deterrenee.───任何减少在这方面的关切,都将削弱对它的威慑。

52 、At this point, you would attempt to find ways to prevent this failure or at least lessen its severity or impact.───在这个时候,你会想要找出避免失效或至少减轻严重度冲击的方法。

53 、I had early labor from the third month, and was told that I had to stay in bed to lessen the chance of losing Noah.───从**的第三个月起我就有早产的迹象,医生让我卧床以减少失去小诺亚的可能。

54 、However, there are ways to lessen the financial burden.───不过,有些方法可以减轻财政负担。

55 、Anything that lessened concerns on that score would weaken deterrence.───任何减少在这方面的关切,都将削弱对它的威慑。

56 、It seems to have lessened somewhat.───好像有点减轻了。

57 、To reduce in amount, degree, or intensity; lessen.───减少,降低使在数量、程度或强度上减少;减轻

58 、You must be frank with me, if you wish to secure my good opinion, and lessen the risk of inconvenience to yourself.───你必须对我老老实实,如果你希望我替你说好话,而减轻你的不便。

59 、The guarantor will be lessened or exempted from obligation for the rights waived by such creditor.───保证人在债权人放弃权利的范围内减轻或者免除保证责任。

60 、The doctor's anxiety was considerably lessened.───博士的忧虑也逐渐地消散了。

61 、Accordingly, the disadvantage of RDO algorithm is lessened so that the encoder work efficiency is improved effectively.───从而缓解了率失真优化算法的缺陷,极大提高了编码器的工作效率。

62 、Creepy immediately sprayed another kind of chemical substance on Boban and the gluish membrane lessened a little.Dr.───千奇立刻在波班身上喷了一种化学物质,胶带便松弛了一些。

63 、Students suggested to reduce the number of BBQ sites so as to lessen the pollution problems.───同学亦建议减少公园内的烧烤场地,因烧烤活动经常为公园带来各种污染。

64 、My aim is to lessen his pain by providing him with the truth.─── 我旨在還他真相 減少他的痛苦

65 、He lessened his brother's importance.───他贬抑他兄弟的重要性。

66 、That's the reason they are called lesson,because they lessen from day to day.───其所以被称为lesson(功课)的理由,是因为日见其lessen(减少)。

67 、It tends to lessen inequality among countries and increase it within them.───全球化减少国与国之间的贫富差距,但是却加剧了一个国家内部的不均衡现象。

68 、Breathing is lessened when the mind becomes absorbed, and the mind becomes absorbed when the Prana is restrained.───当大脑的思考停止、心灵宁静时,呼吸就会停止;当呼吸悬止时,心灵的波动就会消融。

69 、And the IMF still hopes to lessen the need for import controls. How do IMF operations work?───国际货币基金组织还希望减少控制进口的需要。国际货币基金组织是如何进行工作的?

70 、They are doing everything possible to lessen tensions between the two nations.───他们正在尽一切可能缓和两国之间的紧张局势。

71 、Then king Pasenadi of Kosala gradually lessened the amount of food he took to one fourth the previous amount.───七时,拘萨罗国之波斯匿王,即渐次满足于一陀那量之饭食。

72 、Much of marital bickering can be lessened or mitigated if you wait before you respond to something that has made you angry.───如果你在面对那些让你火冒三丈的事时,能等一下再回复对方时,婚姻中的争吵会减少很多。

73 、As to postoperative complications of the mother,if appropriate care is given,it may be lessened or prev...───因此,我们认为,只要指征明确,在有准备的情况下进行剖宫产术是合适的。

74 、The tension in the room had lessened.───屋里的紧张气氛有所减缓。

75 、They believe it helps cure diseases. A piece of ice can help lessen the pain. This cream will help stop the bleeding.───他们相信洗咖啡浴有助于治疗疾病。一块冰块有助于减轻疼痛。这药膏有助于止血。

76 、Helpful to augment efficiency, lessen dealing Costs, promote exchanging amount are its economic feature.───其深刻的经济义理表现为有助于效益的提高,减少交易费用,提高成交量。

77 、The surgeon could only do a shunting operation to lessen the headaches that would occur when the tumor grew big.───外科医生只能为她做一导管手术帮她在肿瘤增大时减少头痛。

78 、He wouldn't lie to us just to lessen these interrogations.─── 他不会为了减轻审讯去骗我们

79 、Diminish, lessen, subside, reduce, curtail The rain did not abate the crowd's enthusiasm for the baseball game.───下雨并没有消减观众看棒球比赛的热情。

80 、It especially was curative effect to eliminate and lessen anisometropia.───LASIK术后近视眼患者裸眼远近距离立体视觉有一定的改善,尤其是LASIK对消除或减轻屈光参差有良好的疗效。

81 、While the danger had not lessened, it had not as yet materialised, and with him no news was good news.───到目前为止,他的危险并没有减少分毫,但是也还没有成为现实。在他目前的思想状态中,没有消息就是好消息了。

82 、Perhaps the peculiar effect of his fine appearance and great stature was increased rather than lessened, by this unstudied and disdainful air of indifference.───也许他的这种讥讽的、不修边幅的气派增加了而不是减少了他那堂堂仪表和魁伟身材的特殊魅力。

83 、AF was ended or lessened after the iniation of "post PAC response program" in 17 patients.───7例AP后间歇触发的AF超速起搏有效,17例启动AP响应程序后AF发作停止或减轻。

84 、The flexibility of a man's muscles will lessen as he becomes old.───人老了肌肉的柔韧性将降低。

85 、Do you know how to set manifdder on the lessen or enlarge pattern?───你知道怎么将复印机设定在缩印(放大)模式上吗?

86 、He lessened the achievements of his rival .───他贬抑他对手的成绩。

87 、So I could, you know, lessen my...performance anxiety.─── 以便帮助我那啥 缓解一下我的表现焦虑

88 、That 's the reason they are called lesson, because they lessen from day to day .───其所以被称为lesson(功课)的理由,是因为日见其lessen(减少)。

89 、To lessen the *s who tested me.─── 藐视那些曾难为过我的混球

90 、Irritative symptoms lessened with repeated exposures.───刺激症状随着重复暴露而减轻。









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