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06-28 投稿




英:[ta?l]  美:[ta?l]

英:  美:


n.瓷砖, 瓦片



动词过去分词: tiled | 动词过去式: tiled | 动词第三人称单数: tiles | 动词现在分词: tiling |


be (out) on the tiles (=go on the tiles)
-[俚]花天酒地, 纵情玩乐
tile in
fly a tile
have a tile loose


cork tile
burner tile
-炉瓦; 耐火瓦
plaster-base finish tile
perforated acoustical tile
damper tile
anti-static tile
acoustic tile
glazed facing tile
-釉面砖, 琉璃瓦
bonnet hip tile
mission roofing tile
book tile
bow-shaped abrasive tile
white ceramic tile
lipped cover tile
fire tile
asbestic tile
-石棉瓦, 石棉水泥板
wall tile
-瓷面砖, 墙面砖
face tile
-贴面砖, 饰面砖
channel tile
mosaic tile
-锦砖, 镶嵌地砖(俗称马赛克)
segmental tile
-圆板瓦, 弓形瓦
natural clay tile
encaustic tile
-烧彩砖瓦, 玻璃砖(瓦)
hollow clay tile
unglazed tile
ceramic tile
combed finish tile
porous tile
load bearing tile
vitrified tile
-瓷化瓦, 玻璃化瓦
hanging tile
flat arch floor tile
encarpus tile
drainage tile
structural clay facing tile
plain tile
stove tile
-炉衬砖, 炉面砖
heat-resisting tile
Dutch tile
-饰瓦; 彩砖
concrete tile
nonlustrous glazed tile
flat and raised abrasive tile
garden tile
ship-and-galley tile
ridge tile
water-rib tile
ceramic mosaic tile
rear lip tile
crest tile
header tile
smooth finish tile
under-ridge tile
hollow tile
dust-body tile
roughened finishtile
acid resisting tile
spool tile
-圆筒瓦, 筒形砖
acoustical tile
-隔音砖, 吸声砖
glazed interior tile
clay tile
facing tile
gutter tile
front lip tile
clip tile
porcelain tile
-铺地砖, 锦砖
gypsum partition tile
angle tile
gate tile
flat abrasive tile
embossed tile
-浮雕瓷砖, 雕纹花砖
asphalt tile
glass tile
end-construction tile
-竖孔砖(应 力与孔轴平行的多孔砖)
plastic tile
-塑料瓦, 塑料瓷砖
convex tile
faience tile
-釉陶面砖, 釉陶锦砖
load-bearing speed tile
quarry tile
-大铺地砖; 机制地砖
bonnet tile
exposed finish tile
graphite tile
clear ceramic glazed tile
grooved tile
dry-press tile
structural clay tile
interlocking tile
glazed ceramic mosaic tile
lining tile
cement tile
sewer tile
-污水管, 排水管
asbestos rubber tile
plain floor tile
hip tile
bent tile
metallic -tile
-金属瓦片, 金属挂片(燃烧室用)
floor tile
-锦砖, 地面砖, 耐火砖
extra-duty glazed tile
furring tile
-墙面磁砖, 衬里陶砖
glazed tile
acoustolith tile
short side round edge tile
trapezoid abrasive tile
arris tile


1 、Floor tile should tilt to ground leak, otherwise easy seeper.───地砖要向地漏处倾斜,否则轻易积水。

2 、Most when, the ceramic tile weight with better quality is heavier, realer.───大多数的时候,质量越好的瓷砖重量都比较重、比较实。

3 、Two of the houses are built of bricks with tile roofs.───两幢房子是瓦顶砖房。

4 、The following image is the tile floor of the ship's Solarium.───下列的图像是船的日浴室的砖瓦地板。

5 、The ancient Egyptians could make glass, tile, turpentine, soap and dyes.───古埃及人制造了玻璃、瓷砖、松脂、肥皂和染料。

6 、Based on the theory of L-shaped tile,a method for finding non-unit step integers is presented.───在L形瓦理论的基础上,给出一个求非单位步长双环网络的方法,求得两个关于模型G(N;r,s)的紧优双环网络无限族;

7 、Once the item of pottery has taken its shape as a jug, tile or plate, it must be left to dry for twenty days.───一但陶器被作成水壶、墙砖或盘子的形状,它就必须要风乾20天。

8 、They faced the bathroom with tile.───他们将浴室铺上瓷砖。

9 、The walls are covered with tile, the ground with ribband materials. Have geosyncline and suspend ceiling.───墙面满铺瓷砖,用防滑材料满铺地面,有地槽、有吊顶;

10 、What calls the chromatism of ceramic tile?───什么叫瓷砖的色差?

11 、When arrives the tile Connie island, the warship has sphered this base.───到达瓦康尼岛时,军舰已围住该基地。

12 、Floor Adhered with double-color patterned plastic floor tile .───地板贴双色拼花塑胶地砖。

13 、Jane gripped his hands as he slowly slid his feet to the tile floor.───他慢慢地把双脚伸向瓷砖地,这时简紧紧地抓住他的手。

14 、The reconciled reptiles rest on a fragile tile.───和解的爬行动物歇在易碎的瓷砖上。

15 、The reconciled reptilesafter effect 大纲 rest on a fragile tile.───和解的爬行动物歇在易碎的瓷砖上.

16 、That's not backing me up! Look, you said with the off-stage and the heat, and the onstage and tile heat.───你这可不是在支持我!你总结了那些有关台上、台下是否存在激情的理论。

17 、Today I got the thousand tile stare after making a map for our eventual game demo.───今天,我在作我们最终游戏演示的地图时,我就感受了"千片凝视"。

18 、All sorts of color mix Floor tile closes along with aircrew by a variety of color, can make a person very excited.───各种颜色混合地砖由多种颜色随机组合,可以令人非常兴奋。

19 、The adornment material inside toilet, should use ceramic tile, plastic wall paper and marble commonly.───卫生间内的装饰材料,一般应采用瓷砖、塑料墙纸和大理石。

20 、The secret of the effect is not actually abstruse, the tile is one of apian brand, important still depend on using.───其实效果的秘密并不深奥,磁砖是蜜蜂品牌中的一款,重要的还在于使用。

21 、Straight copy, Transparent copy, Center, Tile, Stretch, Shrink, and Move.───包括直接复制,透明复制,居中,平铺,伸长,收缩以及更多。

22 、One night, a marble tile in a museum talked to a marble statue.───一晚,博物馆里的大理石地砖与大理石雕像攀谈起来。

23 、Choose a tile image for desktop access buttons.───为桌面访问按钮选择一个平铺图像。

24 、Fundamental key is one azure, the floor tile of blue mosaic, bice.───基调是一片蔚蓝,蓝色的马赛克、灰蓝色的地砖。

25 、Tile salesman cut a large piece from the cloth.───售货员从布匹上截下一大块。

26 、In the midst of a patch of deep, shady green, they caught sight of a glazed tile roof shining golden in the sunlight.───在一片浓郁的绿荫上头,他们看见一个金灿灿的琉璃庙顶在阳光中闪耀。

27 、The astral record figure of floor tile, make a space red-blooded.───地砖的星状花纹,令空间布满活力。

28 、A piece of tile is falling off the weather-beaten house.───一块瓦片从那饱受风雨的房子上掉下来了。

29 、General good floor tile ply is in 8 millimeter above.───一般好的地砖厚度都在8毫米以上。

30 、Not if you cement the tiles with a cobalt resin.─── 如果你用钴树脂加固瓦片就不会爆炸

31 、Your house is covered with tile.───你的房子铺的是瓷砖。

32 、Due to the complexity of the work, each tile was stamped with a number.───因为工作的复杂性,每一片瓦片上都印了一个数字。

33 、Then, you slip it into the slot at the tur tile and push the tur tile to get in.───你在入口处那儿把辅币塞进投币孔,就能推转门去了。

34 、The rain came in for want of tile on the roof.───因房顶缺少瓦片,雨渗进来了。

35 、Usage:Tile,Paint,protective slag for smelting,wilding rod,etc.───主要用途:建筑瓷砖(油面砖)、油漆涂料、冶金保护三、电焊条等。

36 、A man who is dazed by hit of a flying tile doesn't revenge the tile.───一名被飞来的瓦片击中头部,被打得头昏目眩者,他也不会对该瓦片报复。

37 、Randomisation of decoration makes each tile absolutely unique, as in nature.───同时,它也给制造商提供了许多空间。

38 、Toggles the tile grid (selects or clears the Tile grid option in the Grid Settings dialog box).───切换平铺网格(选中或清除“网格设置”对话框中的“平铺网格”选项)。

39 、This tile is too large for this space.─── 这个瓷砖太大 装不进去

40 、GameSpy: You've unveiled three tile sets for the new game: tundra, redrock, and swamp.───你已经展示了三种地形,冻土,火星地表,沼泽。

41 、To repair cooking stove and tile the floor of galley.───修理炉灶,厨房地板铺瓷砖。

42 、To avoid having to use thousands of tiny wires on each page, tile ink itself must be conductive.───为了避免每一页上使用繁多的微型导线,油墨本身必须能够导电。

43 、Every one of these tiles was handlaid.─── 这一砖一瓦 都是手工铺成

44 、Farmers are upstream collecting water samples from their tile lines, collecting river water samples.───在上游的农人从瓦沟中收集水样,又从河流中采集水样,然后迪莫伊水厂则对这些水样进行分析。

45 、In some countries tile word "public" school means private, or schools not supported by the state.───在一些国家里,冠上“公”字的学校是指私立学校或没有政府资助的学校。

46 、Surgery is hot. It's the marines. It's macho. It's hos tile . It's hard-core.───外科很热门.它具有领航性.有男子气概.有竞争力.很强大.

47 、For clarity, the first line of text in a tile is always the item's name; it cannot be changed.───为了清楚起见,平铺视图中的第一行文本总是该项的名称;该名称无法更改。

48 、Extraction at Berkeley of a keystone from a tile on the Stardust cometary dust collector.───在伯克利进行的从“星尘”号彗星尘埃收集器中提取楔石。

49 、The day before she had cleaned the whole house, scrubbed the tile floor, made the boards shine, put fresh ribbons around the window curtains.───前一天,她将整个屋子打扫干净,擦洗了花砖地板,把家俱擦得闪闪发亮,窗帘的四周都挂上了彩绸。

50 、Material, such as lumber or tile, used in making floors.───地面材料如木料或瓷砖等铺地板用的材料

51 、Floor tile need not worry to be wetted by water or by good thing cut.───地砖不必担心被水弄湿或被硬物划伤。

52 、Yeah, I know, but there'sthere's mold under the floor tiles and the ceiling tiles are rotting, so it's a necessary mess.─── 是啊 但是地砖下面发霉了 天花板也开始腐烂 所以我也没办法

53 、Choose a tile image for Quick Browser buttons.───为快捷浏览按钮选择一个平铺图像。

54 、Glass Mosaic and Tile Co., Ltd.───出售玻璃镶嵌砖瓷砖。

55 、What the supplier insists to think to send in consumer home is Spanish bronzing floor tile.───供货商坚持认为送到消费者家中的就是西班牙烫金地砖。

56 、You slip the token into the slot at the tur tile and then push the tur tile to get in.───你在入口处那儿把辅币塞进投币孔,就能推动转门进去。

57 、I'm so hot and this tile floor is so cool.─── 我太热了 这瓷砖地板真凉快

58 、Bass unit power is 20 tile, high and unit power is 7.5 made of baked clay X2.───低音单元功率为20瓦,高音单元功率为7.5瓦X2。

59 、That new tile in your bathroom is my poem to you.─── 厕所里的新瓷砖就是我为你写的诗

60 、Kitchen with tile floors and an eating area.───厨房里有瓷砖地板和饮食区。

61 、Brush origin The point at which the top left corner of the pattern reference tile is positioned.───刷子原点在屏幕最左上角的那个点即为刷子原点。

62 、The tiles weren't stolen because they never existed.─── 瓷砖没有失窃因为根本就没有瓷砖

63 、They sew around the leaflet, on tile new film.───他们散发新**的传单。


65 、Juran has said tile 21St century is the century of quality.───一般地说,集成理论实质上是指将集成思想创造性地应用于管理实践的过程,即在管理思想上以集成理论为指导,在管理行为上以集成机制为核心,在管理方式上以集成手段为基础。

66 、Acoustical tile absorbs sounds.───吸声砖能吸声音。

67 、Floor tile chose gray, shallow ash.───地砖选了灰色,浅浅的灰。

68 、Tired of the sterile look of chrome and tile many people are choosing the warmth of wood again.───人们厌倦了毫无生气的铬金属材料和瓷砖,再一次选择了有温暖感的木质材料。

69 、They were the same color as the tiles in the courtyard.─── 它们和庭院瓷砖的颜色一样

70 、Ever heard the phrase "thousand tile stare"?───听说过一个成语"千片凝视"吗?

71 、Drilling ceramic tile requires a speical bit.───在瓷砖上钻孔需要特殊的钻头。

72 、Choose a tile image for buttons that launch applications.───为启动应用程序按钮选择一个平铺图像。

73 、Emser Tile is a supplier of tile and natural stone.───但在东方健康网说到喝水就不能不提茶水。

74 、For clarity, the first line of text in a tile is always the item's name.───为明晰起见,平铺视图中的第一行文本始终是项名。

75 、The floor was marble tile, and the columns alabaster.───地板是由大理石铺成的,柱子则是雪花石膏打造而成。

76 、The report focuses on the US brick and structural clay tile manufacturing industry.───公司最近公布美国粘土制造品生产与销售调查报告。

77 、See these 11 effects that pass ceramic tile go after living comfortable sex together.───一起来看看这11款通过瓷砖的效果来追求居住的舒适性。

78 、Beijing KaPu Tile Science and Trade Co.───北京卡普泰尔科贸有限公司是一家专业研发、设计、生产、销售金属屋面瓦及建筑外墙金属板的公司。

79 、Choose a tile image for window list buttons.───为窗口列表按钮选择一个平铺图像。

80 、The model is verified by the data from different tile factories.───在不同的瓷砖生产厂家实际所测量的数据验证了这一数学模型的有效性。

81 、Why did he pitch on the little boy as the one who broke tile cup?───他为什么偏偏要说是那个小男孩打碎的杯子呢?

82 、An oval shaped bar table is built on the marble tile floor corresponsively.───一盏愧丽的水晶吊灯在店中浮游著?高贵气派已叫人平静身心?大增食欲。

83 、I cried a little when I finished your tiles.─── 我给你铺完瓷砖后眼泪都出来了

84 、His foot slipped and he grasped at a piece of jutting tile.───他脚滑了一下,试图抓住一块突出的砖瓦。

85 、Small holes are pierced through the scoops to the upper surface of the tile.───一些小洞穿过了铲子一直到瓷砖上表面。

86 、Bladesinger will receive two point addition to defence for every crossed tile.───剑吟者将获得每走一步得到2点额外临时防御的奖励。

87 、Fee will be levied for extra provision of tile and painting tools.───参赛者如需额外之瓷砖及绘画工具,将收取有关费用。

88 、Unfortunately she let go before I had a firm grip, and the glass shattered on the tile floor.───不幸的是,我还没抓牢,她就松手了,玻璃瓶在瓷。

89 、My tiles, they've been chattering about you for days.─── 我的拼字方块这几天一直说起你

90 、They are still mopping tile.───他们还在用拖把擦磁砖。



但是建议不要删除,因为Tilecache 是一个地图瓦片缓存器,大大提高访问地图的响应速度,只有当请求的地图不在tiles之列时,才与wms等其他服务交互请求地图,消耗空间服务器资源。


你好! tile SUKIight name 瓷砖SUKIight名字

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