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06-28 投稿




英:[?ri:k?n'str?kt]  美:[?rik?n?str?kt]

英:  美:


v.重建, 修复,重现


形容词: reconstructible | 动词第三人称单数: reconstructs | 动词过去分词: reconstructed | 动词过去式: reconstructed | 动词现在分词: reconstructing |


1 、I didn't consent to any reconstructive surgery.─── 他們要做修復手術我能阻止得了嗎

2 、You were able to reconstruct this killer's fantasies.─── 你之前重构了这个凶手的幻想

3 、Much has been done to reconstruct the monodic ensemble music tradition from medieval Europe.───他们对于重建欧洲中世纪的单音合奏传统已经做了很多工作。

4 、Human fossils unearthed there are helping to reconstruct the earliest stages of human existence.───出土的人类化石有助于复原人类生活的最早期阶段。

5 、Therefore it is still a challenging question for knee surgeons to reconstruct the function of meniscus which was injured or resected.───因此,对于半月板损伤或切除后患者,如何重建半月板的功能,是膝关节外科医生面临的问题。

6 、Finally, we use a iterative method to interpolated reconstruct the high resolution images.───在图象配准的基础上,我们利用一个迭代的散乱点**值方法来重构高分辨率图象。

7 、It is necessary to reconstruct and design new experiment device to satisfy with education.───化工原理实验紧跟形势增加了离心泵流量变频调节章节。

8 、Conflicting ideas on how to reconstruct the reef itself also lead to conflict.───关于如何修复礁石的不同观点也导致了冲突,

9 、Workers tried to reconstruct destroyed railroads.───工人试着重建被毁的铁路。

10 、But given a header with only the lengths, how are we to reconstruct the binary codes you ask?───不过,只有给出代码长度的注释头,我们又如何将其转化成想要的二进制代码呢?

11 、He tried to reconstruct his dreams.───他企图把这些梦重新回忆出来。

12 、One cannot today even reconstruct the state of mind which would render such gestures possible.───即使到了现在,人们也很难设想出,当时究竟是什么心理状态使他采取那样的姿态。

13 、A chronological record of changes made in a set of data; the record may be used to reconstruct a previous version of the set.───一种对数据集的变更所进行的按时间顺序的记录,此记录可以用来重新构成该数据集先前的版本。同log。

14 、TC volunteers are setting out to reconstruct a cyclone-hit school in Yangon, Myanmar.───慈济志工为缅甸仰光第四小学进行学校重建。

15 、Using the difference equations, we can try to reconstruct the deep past.───我们可以尝试使用差分方程式重建非常久远以前的历史。

16 、It should set right its values, perspectives and distance of criticism in order to reconstruct its critical position and restore its criticalness.───“先锋批评”应当对批评的价值观、视野和距离做必要的自我校正,重建批评立场,恢复批评性。

17 、You'll have to do a facial reconstruction to confirm.─── 你可能需要做一个面部重建 来确定死者的身份了

18 、Help incubated businesses reconstruct assets, debts and capital structure.───帮助孵化器内企业进行资产、债务和资本结构的重组。

19 、This method uses digital image processing techniques to reconstruct the vector of the airplane.Then the pitching, yawing and roll angel are computed.───在终端机中利用图像处理技术重构出机身和机翼的空间向量,计算出无人机的俯仰角、偏航角和翻滚角。

20 、Everything was reconstruct for us,it really looks like a ghost train right now.───一切修复(指的是画面加上电脑效果)都是为了我们,它现在看起来真的像一列幽灵火车.

21 、Philosophy of Medicine must reconstruct the publicness in the new context,then seek its own rationality back.───医学哲学学科必须在新语境下重建“公共性”,才能寻回自身的合理性。

22 、Successful demographic transition should take into account the lowest boundary line of family planning and reconstruct the stable family structure.───成功的人口转变需要坚守计划生育的底线伦理和重建坚强有力的家庭结构。

23 、We had no computer backup and had to rely on old paper files to reconstruct the records.───我们没有计算机备份,只得靠落后的纸档案重做记录。

24 、A projective silhouette based method was proposed to reconstruct the shape of little convex polyhedron.───为实现小凸多面物体面形快速重建,提出了基于投影轮廓的新方法。

25 、A good notebook will enable someone to reconstruct, long after the fact, exactly what was done and why.───一份好的实验记录可帮助一个人在一段时间后确实的重建当时的实验。

26 、Meanwhile, the old district is the location where the living conditions are worse and residents have urgent request to reconstruct .───同时,旧区又是居住条件较差的地段,居民有着改建的迫切要求。

27 、You want a reconstruction? If you can.─── 你是要给它做个重建吗 如果你做得到的话

28 、Be a ascular surgeon: presere, repair, or reconstruct essels. Life and function run through them.───做一个血管外科医师:保护,修复或重建血管。生命和功能在血管中流动。

29 、The author thinks that it is necessary to rethink and reconstruct the discipline position of rhetoric and its teaching.───作者认为,应对修辞学的学科地位、教学地位进行重新考量。

30 、Are there Any Needs to Reconstruct the Oriental Nations'Cultural Identity?───东方民族文化身份需要重构吗?

31 、Indian taxpayers footed the bill in the hope that one day the graduates would help reconstruct the nation.───印度的纳税人支付税单,希望有朝一日大学的毕业生们能帮助重建这个国家。

32 、Numerical simulation of two dimensional examples shows the possibility of using this method to reconstruct flow patterns.───对二维流场的数值模拟例子表明,这种流场重建的方法是可行的。

33 、Instead of encouraging the keeper to reconstruct a life with which he would have to sympathize, he would have preferred his own company and thoughts.───与其撺掇管家重建他将予以同情的生活,他宁可孤独的奉陪自己的思想。

34 、For selected cases, using omohyoid myofascial flap to repair the partial laryngeal defect and reconstruct glottis is available and practicable.───:经过仔细选择病例 ,肩胛舌骨肌瓣修复喉部分切除术后缺损、重建声门是积极有效和切实可行的。

35 、That is, they take a plaintext string, and transform it into a small piece of ciphertext that cannot be used to reconstruct the original plaintext.───也就是说,它们接收一个明码字串,将它转换成一小段无法用来重建原始明码的密文。

36 、Strauss considered that the puzzledom of Formalism rest with its incapability to reconstruct the e xperience from which it depart.───他认为形式主义的困境在于它不能重构其本身由以出发的经验。

37 、We reconstruct our accounts of events in line with prototypical models of those events (i.e.,based on what usually happens).───我们会根据事件的原来模式去推想事件进展过程(基于以往所发生的)。

38 、You have displaces some pieces on the board, as the rules defined you should re-establish the correct position (reconstruct the moves)on your own time.───你把棋子摆乱了,按照规则你可以恢复到正确的位置但要算你的时间。

39 、During operation, sufficient dissociation was made in the base of the ala base and orbicularis oris muscle to reconstruct these structures.───应用原长法的原则进行唇裂整复,术中解剖口轮匝肌,复位后进行框式缝合;唇珠的形态由侧唇红唇肌肉瓣完成;

40 、Array members are copied in a specific order so that the other side can reconstruct the array exactly.───以特定顺序复制数组成员,以便另一方可以精确地重新构造该数组。

41 、I can't paint all of them in one pass, because even me would not know how to reconstruct the cube if I seperate it now!───不能够一次个松上所有积木,因为若现在拆散的话我都未必能够再砌回原好的样子。

42 、We'll know more after the skull's reconstructed.─── 等颅骨重组完成之后我们就能知道更多了

43 、We reconstruct what the dinosaur look like from a few of its bone.───我们根据恐龙的一些骨头重组恐龙的原貌。

44 、So, we haul in the wreckage and then reconstruct the boat.─── 所以我们把残骸拉回来 重建这艘船

45 、Until that time, the array controller must reconstruct the data from the remaining disks on the fly in response to each disk access request.───在此期间,为响应每个磁盘的访问请求,阵列控制器必须动态地使用剩余磁盘重新构建数据。

46 、Uh, this should be an accurate reconstruction of the murder.─── 这个应该可以 准确重建了谋杀经过

47 、I thumbed through the notes I wrote back then to reconstruct a more vivid memory about him.───在笔记里,我翻出了当时的记录。

48 、Another problematic method is to reconstruct former climates on the basis of pollen profiles.───另外一个值得怀疑的方法是在花粉研究的基础上重建以前气候。

49 、Ni che reevaluates christian moral value in order to reconstruct it and establish a new set of it.───尼采对基督教道德价值进行重估,目的是要对道德价值进行重构,建立一套新的道德价值表。

50 、But the historian attempting to reconstruct the distant past is always faced with a difficult task.───但是,试图再现远古情景的史学家,总面临着艰难的任务。

51 、The strategy to these challenges is to reconstruct jurisdictional bases.───应对这一挑战的策略是重构管辖权根据。

52 、People have donated a large sum of money to reconstruct the old temple.───人们捐助了一大笔钱重修这座古寺。

53 、If you write enough details, you can consciously reconstruct the information later, when you need it.───如果你写得很详细,当你需要它的时候你可以随后有意识重建信息。

54 、Instead of presuming to reconstruct the theory from scratch, why not take it apart and find out what makes it tick?───与其从头重新建造理论,为何不将它拆解开,找出究竟是什麽让它运作?

55 、Historical linguists have to identify and classify families of related languages in a genealogical family tree, and to reconstruct the protolanguage.───历史语言学家们通过对各语系中相关语言进行甄别,勾画出家族谱系图,从而重新构建语系的原始语。

56 、The first task for Astropulse then is to reverse the smearing effect and reconstruct the original strong signal.───Astropulse的第一个任务就是通过逆转拖尾效应来重建原始的信号。

57 、Using heavy materials to reconstruct the past memory, would that be touchable again?───作品利用重物料去重塑回忆,这样的回忆是否真的变得可触及起来?

58 、They've decided to reconstruct this building.───他们决定重建这栋大楼。

59 、They could reconstruct the last days of Hitler, but not give final confirmation about deth by bullet.───他们只能推想了希特勒最后的行为,但无法证实他是否死于子弹。

60 、Based on China's macroeconomy conditions,we are trying to reconstruct a new identifying criterion system.───基于中国的宏观经济关系,应当重新构建宏观经济运行态势的识别指标体系。

61 、We reconstruct our accounts of events in line with prototypical models of those events (i.e., based on what usually happens).───我们会根据事件的原来模式去推想事件进展过程(基于以往所发生的)。

62 、But when the horror passes we may begin to try to reconstruct the series of actions leading up to the concluding action of the blow.───但是当这一切都过去之后,我们平静下来也许会问自己:这种事情怎么会发生呢?

63 、Moreover, Innis hoped the oral community restore and reconstruct the human community.───他最终寄希望于口语社区的恢复,以此来重建共同体生活。

64 、Therefore, we should reconstruct it reasoningly by lawmaking.───为此,应当通过立法修正的形式对其进行理性重构。

65 、Once the redshifts of the galaxies have been measured, we can begin to reconstruct the history of star formation.───一旦测得星系的红移,我们便可开始重建恒星形成的历史了。

66 、The basic principle of the possession is the foundation to reconstruct the land contractual management rights.───占有权的基本原理应是土地承包经营权进行物权重构的基本法理。

67 、After World War II, the comparative method was applied successfully by Yakhontov, Haudricourt, and Gong Hwang-cherng to reconstruct Proto-Sino-Tibetan.───二战以后,雅洪托夫, Haudricourt, 和龚煌城等人成功地把比较方法用于共同汉藏语的拟构。

68 、The application of valve homografts are more frequently in cardiac surgery to reconstruct of the right or left ventricular outflow tract.───同种瓣膜在心脏外科使用越来越频繁,被用于右心室和左心室流出道重建,也被用于三尖瓣、二尖瓣替换。

69 、Therefore, we propose a topology maintenance algorithm to reconstruct the ring-based hierarchy.───为此本文提出了重构层次环模型的拓扑结构维护算法。

70 、Their expertise will help recreate a unique 3D module of the crime scene and reconstruct the last moment of the ancient queen.───专家组将帮助建立一个独特的3D模块,再现当时的犯罪场景,并设想了古代女王的最后时刻。

71 、Fossils allow us to reconstruct ancient ecology.───化石可以让我们知道古时的生态环境。

72 、Signals are modulated through amplitude modulator and phase modulator respectively then reconstruct at the PA stage.───两个信号再经由震幅调变器和相位调变器分别做调变,最后在放大器端重新将信号重建回来。

73 、So that, in RX needs a well estimator to reconstruct original signal.───因此,在接收端需要有一个良好的估测系统来还原信号。

74 、Our knowledge of how evolution operates is used to reconstruct the full tree.───人类对进化是如何起作用的知识被用来重建完整的系统树。

75 、Once you get all the images down, go back and try to connect them to reconstruct your dream.───一旦你获得所有图像,返回来试着把他们联系起来重新编织你的梦。

76 、The rich documents remained in Zhaitan prepare essential prerequisite for us to make field investigation and will help us reconstruct the old village.───宅坦村有着丰富的资料遗存 ,为我们在宅坦从事田野考察、重构古村落的实态 ,提供了必要的前提。

77 、In the Ireland's literary revival movement, Yeats tried to search Irishness from Celtic culture and reconstruct the Irish identity.───在爱尔兰文学复兴运动中,叶芝试图从古老的凯尔特文化中寻求爱尔兰性并重构爱尔兰身份。

78 、I'll have the detectives reconstruct where they all were.─── 我准备让警探们把它们 摆回发作时的位置

79 、We'll do a facial reconstruction at my lab.─── 我们会在我的实验室做面部重建

80 、They tried to reconstruct the crime from the fragmentary pieces of information.───他们试图根据一些零星资料设想出犯罪的情景。

81 、The main purpose of the project is to reconstruct the temple roof and to strengthen the main walls of the Tin Hau Temple.───工程项目主要是重建铜锣湾天后古庙的屋顶及加固其主要的墙壁。

82 、It is not possible to reconstruct the complete symphony from these manuscript sketches.───想要通过这些手写草稿恢复这一交响乐的全貌是不可能的。

83 、As far as the methods are concerned, we should introduce special ways, and reconstruct them indigenously.───在救助方法上应当注重引进专业的服务方法,并加以本土化的改造;

84 、They have tried to reconstruct the settlement as it would have been in Iron Age times.───他们已试着按铁器时代的样子重建这个小村落。

85 、On earth astronomers use computers to reconstruct the images and display them on television screens.───地球上的天文学家运用计算机来重现这些图像,并将它们展示在电视屏幕上。

86 、For the next 150 years or so, there is little information to reconstruct events.───在随后的150年来,几乎没有信息可以重组当时发生的事。

87 、If the whole place were swept away tomorrow, Letitia Dale could reconstruct it.───如果明天这里全部被夷为平地,利蒂霞·戴尔也能够重建它。

88 、They handed out the printed text of the mayor's speech; he wants to reconstruct the original text.───他们分发了市长讲话印好的。

89 、If you visit Delphi today, you will have to use your imagination, or a guidebook, to reconstruct the ancient site.───今天,如果你参观德尔斐古迹,你一定要发挥你的想像力,或阅读旅游指南,重建这一古迹。

90 、So what? the most recent of which had to have his jaw reconstructed.─── 那又怎样 最近的一次 打到他要去重塑下颌骨


Mayor orden stood, still half dreaming .


It was as still and steady as dreaming .


One is always rather fluid in a dream .


Her life closed in a gentle dream .


She just sits by the window and dreams away .


"wherever did you dream this up? "


Little did i dream of succeeding so well .


He tried to reconstruct his dreams .


Little did i dream of succeeding so well .


What became of the dreams of our youth ?




1. 打开婚纱的图像:在Photoshop中打开你想要编辑的婚纱照片。

2. 选择液化工具:在工具栏中选择“液化工具”(Liquify Tool)。该工具位于工具栏中的第二个选项,或者你可以按下Shift + Ctrl + X(Windows)或Shift + Command + X(Mac)来快速访问该工具。

3. 进入液化工作区:点击“液化工具”后,会弹出一个新的窗口,该窗口显示了图像的一个缩小版本。

4. 选择褶皱工具:在液化工作区的左侧工具栏中,选择“褶皱工具”(Wrinkle Tool)。该工具通常位于工具栏的底部。

5. 调整画笔大小和强度:在右侧的“画笔”选项卡中,调整画笔的大小和强度,以便您可以根据需要适应婚纱的大小和褶皱的程度。

6. 添加褶皱:使用“褶皱工具”,在婚纱上点击和拖动,以创建想要的褶皱效果。可以根据需要调整画笔的大小和强度,以便更好地操控褶皱的形状和大小。

7. 调整细节:如果需要,可以使用其他液化工具来进一步调整和删除褶皱,如“前景工具”(Forward Warp Tool)或“驱动工具”(Reconstruct Tool)。

8. 完成液化操作:当你满意添加的褶皱效果后,点击液化工作区右下角的“确定”按钮,以应用液化效果并关闭液化工作区。

9. 保存和导出:在Photoshop中进行任何其他编辑或调整后,最后保存图像并导出为所需的文件格式。


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