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06-28 投稿




英:[bj??'r?kr?s?]  美:[bj??rɑkr?s?]

英:  美:


n.官僚制度, 官僚主义, 官僚


名词复数: bureaucracies |


1 、In the meantime he left me to manage the bureaucracy.───在此期间,他把我留下来对付官僚机构。

2 、The government of the Shang dynasty was highly centralized, with a king and royal bureaucracy.───商朝的政权高度集中在国王和贵族官僚的手中。

3 、Having too many deputy posts leads to low efficiency and contributes to bureaucracy and formalism.───副职过多,效率难以提高,容易助长官僚主义和形式主义。

4 、They partner with the state, even when they are dismissive of its bureaucracy.───他们同国家合作,即使他们也看不惯政府的官僚主义。

5 、Bureaucracy spawns many rules that complicate our life.───官僚主义产生了许多使我们生活复杂化的条条框框。

6 、The bureaucracy has become ossified.───官僚主义已变得僵化了。

7 、Shang Yang believed that defending and fathering bureaucracy delict was the chief assignment of law building.───商鞅认为,预防和治理官吏犯罪是法治建设的首要任务。

8 、You can enjoy your life without the stress of managerial bureaucracy.───你可以在没有管理系统官僚主义压力的情况下享受生活。

9 、He advised me to ensure that the bureaucracy was loyal.───他向我提出忠告,必须设法做到使僚属忠贞不二。

10 、If it is a government bureaucracy or a powerful monopolist, thats a loathsome but sustainable choice.───如果是一家政府机构,或一个势力强大的垄断机构,这倒是个令人讨厌、但可以持续下去的选择。

11 、From the start popular writers have seen bureaucracy as an irrational force, dominating the lives of people.───一些著名的作家从一开始就认为官僚制度是统治人民生活的一种不合理的力量。

12 、Despite new freedoms, she says, that government bureaucracy still makes it hard to be an entrepreneur.───她说,虽然有新的自由,但是政府的官僚主义仍然阻碍企业家的成长。

13 、One of its trickiest tasks would be handling Japan's unwieldy bureaucracy.───一项艰巨的任务是改革日本庞大的政府机构。

14 、He represented himself as a hard-working, self-made small businessman victimized by mindless, bullying bureaucracy.───他把自己说成是一个勤勤恳恳、自食其力的小商人,深受冷酷无情、扶强欺弱的官僚机构所害。

15 、To adhere to perfectness, and to tolerate bureaucracy by no means.───坚持完美,决不容忍官僚作风。

16 、They do not like competition or bureaucracy.───他们不喜欢竞争或官僚作风。

17 、The other six are incumbent policy secretaries who will leave the bureaucracy to become political a ointees.───另外六名原为决策局局长,现将离开公务员体系成为政治任命官员。

18 、I won't go into bureaucracy today and will deal only with subjectivism and sectarianism.───官僚主义那个东西我今天不讲,只讲主观主义和宗派主义。

19 、Robert K.Merton,Reader in Bureaucracy[M].Glencoe,IL:Free Press,1952.───周志忍.当代国外行政改革比较研究[M].

20 、Rather than have the gene bureaucracy merely edit random variations, have it produce variations by some agenda.───与其说基因管理局仅仅对随机变异进行编辑,不如说它按一些计划表自己产生出变异。

21 、Bureaucracy remains a major and widespread problem in the political life of our Party and state.───官僚主义现象是我们党和国家政治生活中广泛存在的一个大问题。

22 、A large praetorian bureaucracy filled with ambitious and often sycophantic people makes work and makes trouble.───充满野心勃勃、阿谀谄媚之人的庞大、腐败的官僚机构,既搞工作也搞麻烦。

23 、The main target is the bureaucracy, which has wielded extraordinary power from its bunker-like compound in Tokyo.───主要目标是政府机构,在像堡垒般严实的东京掌握着巨大的权力。

24 、Failure in bureaucracy means not bankruptcy but writing self-justifying memos, and at worst a transfer elsewhere.───官僚体制中的失败并不意味着破产,只需要写些自我辩白的备忘录,最坏也就是调到别处。

25 、Bureaucracy is a hotbed of bribery and corruption.───官僚主义是贿赂和腐败的温床。

26 、A bureaucracy that headed up in the king.───一个以国王为首的官僚机构。

27 、The old restraints were formidable: family, caste, religious fatalism, Byzantine bureaucracy.───古老的束缚令人生畏,家族、种姓、宗教宿命观,繁文缛节僵化的官僚体系。

28 、Pit one's wits against the bureaucracy of the tax office.───与税务局的官僚作风斗智。

29 、My job is mostly paperwork and bureaucracy.─── 我的工作主要是处理文件和手续工作

30 、They are the product of a bureaucracy that rewards discipline and discourages initiative.───他们是一个提倡纪律性,反对主动性的官僚机构的产物。

31 、In Sri Lanka officials say most of the containers are stranded in Colombo because of missing paperwork and bureaucracy.───在斯里兰卡,官员们表示,大多数集装箱滞留在科伦坡,原因在于单证缺失和官僚作风。

32 、How to interaction between political bureaucracy and religion organization in mainland China? 2.───2.在台湾政治官僚组织和宗教团体的互动方式为何?

33 、The dead hand of bureaucracy is exerting its enormous influence on our work.───官僚主义严重地影响了我们的工作。

34 、You will find a lot of bureaucracy in this company.───你会在这个公司看到很严重的官僚作风。

35 、The bureaucracy paralyzes the entire operation.───官僚主义使整个机构瘫痪了。

36 、Their dream is to establish a just, orderly society without a bureaucracy.───他们的梦想就是要建立一个公正有序、没有官僚政治的社会。

37 、After only two or three years, some people will forget all about it and then bureaucracy will return.───只要过两三年,他都忘记了,那个官僚主义又来了。

38 、It was realistic to solve these conventional problems in the term of typical bureaucracy system.───典型的官僚制度办事方式用以解决这些常规问题是很理想的。

39 、Where does the bureaucracy that controls these choices get invented?───从哪里能获得那种能够控制这些选择的管理机构呢?”

40 、The bureaucracy nominally under his control is huge and probably unmanageable.───名义上归他领导的那个官僚机构,庞大而且有些无法控制。

41 、A big bureaucracy like GE needed something as systematized as Work-Out to break the ice and get people to open up.───像GE这么大的机构需要系统化的集体讨论来打破冰点,让人们开口。

42 、Indonesia has an enormous bureaucracy, which gobbles up one-eighth of all public spending.───印尼有庞大的官僚机构,消耗了所有公共支出的八分之一。

43 、The word "bureaucracy" often includes contempt when used.───“官吏”这个词在使用时常常带有轻蔑的含义。

44 、Uruk also saw the rise of the state in Mesopotamia with a full-time bureaucracy, military, and stratified society.───乌鲁克也目睹了美索不达米亚地区全盛时期的官僚机构、军队和分阶层的社会。

45 、It must protest against bureaucracy and prevent it from power alienating to guarantee affinity to the people.───人民政府必须反对官僚主义,防止政府权力的异化,确保政府的人民性。

46 、Keep close ties with the people; do not go in for formalism and Bureaucracy.───坚持密切联系群众,反对形式主义、官僚主义

47 、There is too many bureaucracy involved in the whole registration process.───在整个注册过程中有太多官僚式的繁文褥节。

48 、She talked vaguely of streamlining the bureaucracy.───她含糊其词地强调了会整顿官僚作风。

49 、Despite new freedoms, she says, the that government X bureaucracy still makes it hard to be an entrepreneur.───她说尽管新的自由政策,那个政府官僚仍然觉得很难成为一个企业家。

50 、Still, we must oppose bureaucracy and a cumbersome apparatus.───但是,必须反对官僚主义,反对机构庞大。

51 、Below the imperial family was the imperial bureaucracy.───在皇室家族以下是**官僚集团。

52 、Therefore, Weber's Bureaucracy theory should become the aim of the turnaround of Chinese modern bureaucratic system.───因此,理性官僚制应成为现代中国官僚组织转型的目标导向。

53 、Meanwhile, since our Party is the party in power, some of our comrades are prone to be tainted with subjectivism, bureaucracy or sectarianism.───同时,由于我们党的执政党的地位,我们的一些同志很容易沾染上主观主义、官僚主义和宗派主义的习气。

54 、Office: A department of the Magical Bureaucracy, ruled by a Kuei Tsu.───司:玄秘廷的部分机构,由贵族统领。

55 、Any city that large has to be a bureaucracy.─── 那么大的城市一定有官僚机构

56 、Therefore, administration is not quite bureaucracy in Palmerston's sense of government by appointed office holders.───因此,在帕默斯顿所讲的那种政治意义上,管理并不是由被任命的官员进行治理的官僚政治。

57 、One manifestation of bureaucracy is slacking at work due to indifference or perfunctoriness.───官僚主义的表现,一种是不理不睬或敷衍塞责的怠工现象。

58 、A just ordered society without a bureaucracy has yet to be established.───一个公正、有秩序而没有官僚体制的社会还有待建立。

59 、The same critics often seem to regard bureaucracy as both aggressive and passive.───同一些批评者似乎认为官僚政治既是有为的,又是无为的。

60 、Females become increasingly rare at the higher levels of the Soviet bureaucracy.───在苏联较高的官僚阶层中,妇女就越来越少了。

61 、The bureaucracy controls the government.───官僚主义控制了政府。

62 、Unfortunately, his words did not seem to percolate through their bureaucracy with customary efficiency .───可惜,他的话似乎并没有通过其素以效率著称的官僚机构传达到下面。

63 、I'll leave all the politics and bureaucracy to the pros.─── *和官僚那一套还是留给专业人士吧

64 、Bureaucracy may be said as a disease in our very vitals.───官僚主义可说是我们的心腹之患。

65 、Grumbling about the economy, about corruption and bureaucracy is tolerated.Grumbling about politics is not.───如今对古巴经济、腐败现象与官僚主义的牢骚是默许的,但对政治发牢骚则不能容忍。

66 、Bureaucracy is the cancer of our society.───官僚主义是我们社会的弊端。

67 、The victor will be expected to inject new life into a bloated U.N. bureaucracy.───人们期待竞选的胜利者对臃肿的联合国官僚机构注入新活力。

68 、He is no doubt determined to shake up the bureaucracy and act against corrupt officials.───他对贪官的痛恨是无庸置疑的,他整顿吏治的决心也是无庸置疑的。

69 、The impression one gets is of a highly flexible bureaucracy of genes managing the lives of other genes.───人们得到这样的印象:有一个高度灵活的基因官僚机构管理着其它基因的生活。

70 、Our bureaucracy, which is a result of small-scale production, is utterly incompatible with large-scale production.───官僚主义是小生产的产物,同社会化的大生产是根本不相容的。

71 、Operating outside the confines of NASA's bureaucracy, Tarter says, the SETI Institute runs like a nonprofit business.───塔特说,现在SETI研究院在NASA官僚体系之外运作,比较像是非营利事业。

72 、Their overbearing bureaucracy and their self-satisfied airs are really more than one can stand.───他们那种神气十足的官僚架子实在叫人吃不消。

73 、At the same time the State Department bureaucracy tended to tempt fate.───同时,国务院的官僚机构有铤而走险的倾向。

74 、Medieval bureaucracy, with its constant duplicating, petitioning and delaying, sometimes threatens to bury the reader.───不断重复、情愿、拖延的中世纪政府让读者沉迷其中。

75 、It is necessary to firmly overcome formalism and bureaucracy that endanger both the country and the people.───坚决克服误国害民的形式主义、官僚主义。

76 、Why, Mr Keller wonders, has none yet been written with the title "The Imperial Bureaucracy"?───可令凯勒疑惑的是,为什么就没人以“手握重权的官僚体制”为题进行研究呢?

77 、Bureaucracy is an age-old and complex historical phenomenon.───官僚主义是一种长期存在的、复杂的历史现象。

78 、He lumped the whole problem under one label, "bureaucracy".───他把全部问题归于“官僚作风”这个标签下。

79 、The dead hand of bureaucracy is slowing our progress.───官僚主义的流毒拖慢了我们的进步。

80 、But these big bureaucracies are all the same.─── 但是这些官僚体制依旧不会改变

81 、Promised to reorganize the federal bureaucracy.───发誓整顿联邦官僚作风

82 、Bureaucracy is ever desirous of spreading its influence and its power.───官僚主义无时无刻不想扩大它的影响和权力。

83 、You're dealing with a very multilayered bureaucracy.───“你正在和一个等级非常多的官僚机构打交道。

84 、Chinese seem to produce bureaucracy as instinctively as the West creates heroes.───中国善于制造官员的能力类似于西方善于制造英雄。


rationalization美 [.r??(?)n?la?'ze??(?)n]英 [.r??(?)n?la?'ze??(?)n]n.合理状态;数有理化;心文饰(作用);理论解释 合理化;理性化;合理化机制复数:rationalizations 例句筛选1.The space rationalization and the feel give people US are to design thefundamental mission.空间的合理化并给人们以美的感受是设计基本的任务。2.For Weber, the rational bureaucracy was the major element in therationalization of the modern world.韦伯认为合理的官僚制度是现代世界合理化的主要因素。





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