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06-28 投稿




英:['p?ld]  美:['p?ld]

英:  美:


adj. 牵引的

v. 拉;拖;牵;拔(动词pull的过去式和过去分词形式)


1 、"To pull a face" is an idiomatic expression.───"To pull a face""愁眉苦脸"是一个习惯表达法。

2 、A long pull across the mountains.───为翻越山脉的不断努力

3 、Let's have a pull after dinner.───咱们饭后去划船吧。

4 、First, I'm gonna pull the stick, then you pull the stick, then I'll pull the stick.─── 首先 我来拉这根棍子 然后你拉 然后我再拉

5 、Economically speaking the New Deal was an attempt on the part of the Roosevelt government to pull the United States out of the great economic crisis of1929-1933.───从经济方面来说,新政是罗斯福政府的一种企图,想借此摆脱1929-1933年的严重经济危机。

6 、His book was pulled to pieces by some critics.───他的书被一些评论家说得一文不值。

7 、How come you always get the night duty-They pulled rank on me.───你怎么老是值夜班?-他们仗势欺压我。

8 、He pulled on the oars to make the boat go faster.───他用力划桨使船行得更快。

9 、The plow was pulled by a yoke of oxen.───一对公牛同轭拉着一头犁。

10 、You push from the back and I'll pull at the front.───你在後面推,我在前面拉。

11 、The horse responds to the slightest pull on the rein.───只要缰绳稍稍一拉,这匹马就有反应。

12 、The driver pulled up at the gate.───司机在大门前停下车子。

13 、Plows are still pulled by oxen in some countries.───在一些国家犁头仍由牛拖拉。

14 、People who live in glass house shall pull down the blind.───住在玻璃房子里的人们,理应放下窗帘。

15 、He thought he would be elected, but his friends pulled the rug out from under him and voted for somebody else.───他以为自己会选上,但是他的朋友们突然放弃对他的支持,而投了别人的票。

16 、Come on. I'm pulling. I'm pulling.─── 用劲 我在拉 我在拉

17 、This is the only way to pull off what we have to pull off.─── 除了这样 我们别无他法

18 、He pulled a wad of 10 notes out of his pocket.───他从衣袋里掏出一沓面额10英镑的钱。

19 、Councilor Jones must have pulled a few strings to obtain planning permission to build another house in the grounds of his present one.───为了能在他现在土地使用范围再造所房子的计划得以批准,琼斯政务员一定是在背后拉了线。

20 、Pull out, pull out, wherever you are.─── 快出来 快出来 不管你们在哪

21 、Don't pull the pages so hard or they will tear.───别那麽使劲扯书页,那会撕破的。

22 、A tiger can pull a roebuck to pieces in a matter of minute.───一只老虎可以在几分钟内把一只雄鹿撕碎。

23 、He can pull in over£6,000 a year at that factory.───他在那家工厂一年可挣6千多英镑。

24 、He pulled at the reins.───他使劲拉住缰绳。

25 、He said he could beat any man there singled-hand-ed, but he pulled in his horns when Jack came forward.───他说他能单**匹马打败任何对手,但当杰克出现时,他退缩了。

26 、You must try to pull yourself together your family depend on you.───你应该振作起来--你的家庭都指著你呢。

27 、His mark in the geography paper pulled him up several places.───他地理卷的分数把他的名次向前提了几名。

28 、He got pulled in to help with the school concert again.───他又一次被说服来帮助搞校音乐会。

29 、At the mere mention of his name she pulled a face, which I took for a sign of disapproval.───一提到他的名字,她就做了个怪相; 我想这是表示她反对他。

30 、He's pulled a muscle as a result of trying to lift the end of the piano.───他试着把钢琴的一端抬起来,结果拉伤了肌肉。

31 、Don't pull at the rope, children; it might break.───别用力拉绳,孩子们; 它可能会断的。

32 、Take a firm grasp of the handle and pull.───力量; 权力; 支配; 控制

33 、So long as we pull together, there's no mountain top we can't conquer.───只要咱们一条心,就没有攀登不上的高峰。

34 、Joe tried to pull the heavy cart, but to no avail.───乔想拉那部笨重的大车,但是拉不动。

35 、The cinema she used to visit had been pulled down.───她常去的那家**院已经拆除了。

36 、She has pulled a stunt with her teacher.───她向老师耍了花招。

37 、Pull your dress up, pull your dress up.─── 把你的裙子拉上来 把你的裙子拉上来

38 、Better pull in now, or you'll be asking for trouble.───你最好现在就节约点,不然就会自找麻烦。

39 、Don't pull my hair!───别扯我的头发!

40 、Don't pull her performance apart as unkindly as you did last time even if it was bad; it could destroy her.───即便她的表演很糟,也不要像上次那样,毫无情面地把她的表演说得一无是处,这样会毁了她的。

41 、He will pull through his illness soon.───他很快就会恢复健康的。

42 、I am pulling, but there's something pulling back.─── 我用力拉着呢 但是有股力量在将他向下拽

43 、He is an amiable fellow, assured of his place in the world and certain that, given enough time and effort, others can simply pull themselves up by their bootstraps.───他和善可亲,自信他在世界上占有一席之地,并确信,假以时日及努力,别人根本也可以靠自己的力量成功。

44 、He pulled in ten pounds a week.───他一星期赚10英磅。

45 、There you go, now pull it, pull it, pull it.─── 好了 拉过来 拉过来

46 、The skills of the George Washington University medical team, plus his amazing determination and the grit and spirit of his wife, Sarah, pulled Jim through.───乔治·华盛顿大学医疗人员的医术,加上他惊人的决心,以及他太太萨拉的勇气精神,使他度过了难关。

47 、He grabbed my collar and pulled me towards him.───他抓住我的领子把我拉倒他面前。

48 、One after another rose to speak and pulled all his arguments to pieces.───他们纷纷起来发言,把他驳得体无完肤。

49 、Pull for shore!───向岸边划!

50 、He pulled over to the curb.───他把车子停靠在道路边缘。

51 、He pulled off his overcoat and began to work.───他脱下大衣,开始工作。

52 、Pull away, boys! A little more effort, and we'll soon reach the shore.───不停地划呀,孩子们!再加一把劲,我们就要到岸了。

53 、He pulled out a pile of used bank note.───他掏出一叠用旧了的纸币。

54 、An object designed to be pulled out.───为被拉出而设计的物体

55 、Jimmy pulled his punches and let Tom win the boxing match.───吉米未出全力,让汤姆赢了拳击比赛。

56 、They pulled hard and reached the shore quickly.───他们用力划船,很快就到了岸边。

57 、Paley had the cheek to say that he was one of those who had pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps.───佩利厚颜无耻地说,他属于靠自己努力而白手起家的那一类人。

58 、Perhaps if you could pull? I am pulling.─── 能请你拉一下吗 我在拉啊

59 、He goo the job because his father have a lot of pull in that company.───他得了那份工作,是因为他父亲在那公司有好多门路。

60 、Smith pulled the trigger, but the gun hung fire and the deer escaped.───史密斯扣动扳机,可是**打不响,因此那只鹿跑了。

61 、He ripped off one end of the envelope and pulled out the letter.───他撕开信封的一端,抽出里面的信件。

62 、She pulled on a sweater.───她匆匆穿上一件羊毛衫。

63 、Love thy neighbor, but pull not down thy hedge.───[谚]邻居无论多好,围篱不可推倒。

64 、The two teams were drawing with only three minutes of play left in the Cup Final when Chelsea's centre forward pulled a master stroke and headed the ball into the net from outside the penalty area.───在足球锦标赛的最后3分钟时,两队还是不分胜负,突然切尔斯队的中锋非常出色地在罚球区之外将功赎罪球顶入了网内。

65 、A pull on the rope will make the bell ring.───一拉绳子钟就响。

66 、Pull your socks up.───加把劲儿。

67 、Once in my school days, I had my composition pulled apart in front of other students.───在学生时代,有一次我的作文当着其他学生的面被批得体无完肤。

68 、The new theory of the origin of the universe was pulled to pieces by many of the world leading astronomers.───关于宇宙起源的新理论被世界上很多著名的天文学家批得体无完肤。

69 、He's the sort of person who would pull the wings off a fly just for kicks.───他就是那种人,会把的苍蝇的翅膀拉下来逗人玩。

70 、Two youths loitering near a supermarket were pulled in on suspicion.───在一家超级市场附近闲逛的两个年轻人涉嫌被捕。

71 、He pulled my ears/me by the ears.───他扯我的耳朵。

72 、He pulled the picture down from the wail.───他把画像从墙上扯下来。

73 、He pulled a red sweater on over his shirt.───他在衬衣外面套上了一件红色毛衣。

74 、From the ground, we could see the, plane pull out of its steep descent.───在地面上我们能看到飞机由俯冲变为水平飞行。

75 、He has a lot of pull with the managing director.───他对总经理有很大的影响力。

76 、He pulled the trigger of his rifle.───他扣响了他步**的扳机。

77 、He pulled the trigger and the bottle was shot to pieces.───他扣动扳机,瓶子当即被打得粉碎。

78 、She delved in her bag and pulled out a pen.───她在提包里翻找,拿出一枝钢笔。

79 、His Mends father pulled wires and got him a good job in a large company.───他朋友的父亲暗中牵线,帮助他在一家大公司找到一份好工作。

80 、He gave a quick pull on the rope.───他很快地拉了一下绳子。

81 、A car suddenly pulled out in front of me.───一辆汽车突然横冲到我面前。

82 、It's because you pulled off what you pulled off that they called me.─── 因为你做到了 你所做到的事 所以他们找到了我

83 、One error might make it necessary to pull the whole thing apart and start over again.───只要出一点差错,就可能要全部拆卸,重新装配。

84 、He pulled himself upright and began to run along the roof; his foot struck against a piece of stone and he fell, outwards from the roof.───他马上站起来,沿着楼顶逃跑; 因脚碰在一块石头上,他从楼顶跌到外面去了。

85 、The driver pulled up at the traffic lights.───司机在红绿灯前把车停住。

86 、He pulled a would-be suicide out of a river.───他将一位自杀未遂者从河里拖上来。

87 、Yeah, well, we wouldn't pull what they pull.─── 是 但我们做不出他们干的那些下流事

88 、Never expect me to pull up my roots and go to other places, I've lived here too long to make a new start in life.───别想指望我离开家乡,我在这儿住的时间很长了,不想再换一种新的生活。

89 、His long illness had pulled him down.───他因长期患病身体很虚弱。

90 、The pull of gravitation causes matter to have weight.───万有引力的吸引使物质具有重量。


PULL的过去式和过去分词都是pulledPUSH 的过去式和过去分词都是pushedclimb- climbed- climbedarrive-arrived-arrivedbe- was- been


pull 更多是强调“拉”,与push推相对应 drag 是“顺着地面拖”或“强行拉拖某物体或某人” He grabbed her and dragged her away. 他抓住她,把她拖走了。

1. 拉,拖,牵,拽;搬走 She pulled his sleeve to get his attention. 她拉他的袖子以引起他的注意。2. 拔;采,摘;揪下;拉开;扯破[(+out/up)] A tiger can pull a roebuck to pieces in a matter of minutes. 一只老虎可以在几分钟内把一只雄鹿撕碎。Why did you pull up these plants? 你为何把这些植物拔起来?

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