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06-28 投稿




英:  美:


n. 朱迪(女子名)


1 、Quick, let's get some wet paper towels,” said Judy, springing into action.───快点儿,咱们弄点儿湿纸巾来。”朱迪一边说一边马上开始行动。

2 、Oscar winner Judi Dench was honoured with a EFA lifetime achievement award.───奥斯卡获奖者,英国女演员朱迪-丹茨获得本届**节的终身成就奖。

3 、Hey, Judi, how did your ski weekend go?───嘿,朱蒂,周末的滑雪怎么样啊?

4 、CNN's Judy Fortin takes a look at why puberty is starting at an earlier age.───CNN记者调查报道了为什么青春期来临的越来越早的问题。

5 、You're right! Judy's the cream of the crop and I'm the luckiest fellow in the world!───你说得对,Judy可爱极了,而我则是世界上最幸福的人!

6 、Judy, I'm not the one who can't be left alone.─── 朱蒂 我不需要别人盯着我

7 、Judy had a right to come and go as she pleased.───只要她自己乐意,朱蒂有权回来或离开。

8 、Grauer, Keith Mulbery, Judy Scheeren.───作者声明: Robert T.

9 、What did Judy do last weekend?───朱蒂上周末做些什么?

10 、Judy wrote a dozen applications for jobs but got nothing.───朱蒂写了十几份求职信,但一无所获。

11 、Judy claims the money was planted on her and returns it.───朱蒂说钱是栽赃给她的并且她已经归还了。

12 、May I ask you, Father, to once again heal Judi...───并请祢软化她的心,好让她早日可以尝...

13 、Hinshaw, Judy Wilson Wright, Linda L.───放大图片 作者: Gregory P.

14 、Judy: You look like you're fuming. What's going on?───朱蒂:你气得快冒烟了。怎么了?

15 、Judy? Nicky is on the phone.───朱蒂,尼可在线上。

16 、Judy, you know you are not welcome here.─── 茱迪 你知道这里不欢迎你的

17 、Sergio and Judy are reading magazines in the coffee shop.───塞吉奥和朱迪正在一家咖啡店阅读杂志。

18 、Paul see that Judy and Sara look very surprised.───保罗看到裘蒂和莎拉的表情很惊讶。

19 、She thanked Judy again at the end of the letter.───她在信的末尾再次感谢朱娣。

20 、After me there came Julius, Janis, JoAnn, Jerome, Jude, Jeff and Judy.───我的后面是裘力斯、贾尼斯、约安、杰罗姆、裘德、杰夫和朱迪。

21 、Judy Witwicky: Get your hands off my bush!───不许碰我的灌木丛!

22 、Judy had finished writing the book before she went to Queensland.───朱娣在去昆士兰之前已经写完了那本书。

23 、Five weeks later, Judy left Beijing for Australia.───五周之后,朱娣离开北京去了澳大利亚。

24 、She's sitting over there near the window, Judy White's talking to her.───她坐在靠近窗口的地方,朱迪?怀特在跟她谈话呢。

25 、Judy has a toothache and she has gone to the dentist's.───朱蒂牙疼去看牙科医生了。

26 、I'll never reason against you, Judy, for you beat me with beauty, if you can't with sense.───我永远不跟你辩论,尤达,因为即使你不能以理论说服我,你也能以你的美貌征服我。

27 、The song Over the Rainbow was sung by Judy Garland.───《彩虹之上》这首歌是由朱迪·加伦演唱的。

28 、Joe and Judy are blood relations.───乔和朱迪有血缘关系。

29 、Judy was trapped in the ice because of me.─── 朱迪被困在冰里就是因为我

30 、Judy's ideas looked excellent at first blush.───乍看起来,朱迪的主意好像极妙。

31 、Judy's gaze raked over her sharply, then settled on her face.───朱莉严厉的看了看她,然后就注视她的脸。

32 、Geisler, John Guest, Peter Grant, Judy Salisbury, J.───放大图片 创作者: Ravi Zacharias, Norman L.

33 、Judy Garland, he recalls, was also fond of a tipple(9).───据他回忆,茱蒂嘉兰也很喜欢烈性酒。

34 、DiGianni, Katherine A.Schneider, Anu Chittenden, Judy E.───作者:Andrea Farkas Patenaude, Michel Dorval, Lisa S.

35 、Karen, Judy and I were the last ones back in the school room after lunch.───卡伦、朱迪和我是最后三个吃完午饭回到教室的。

36 、Judy: Sure. Well, first let me double-check.───我很乐意帮你,先让我仔细检查一下。

37 、Hudak Gary Kosko Jim Schneider Judy...Patricia Tallmanstunts Judy...───Welker Judy Zazula 特技演员及其他部份参与职员...

38 、Judy and I appreciate your congratulations and good wishes.───我和Judy非常感谢你的祝贺和良好祝愿。

39 、Judy, I'm in the middle of changing the world here.─── 朱蒂 我正在改变世界呢

40 、His 1954 movie debut was with Judy Holiday.───他的首部**是于1954年与朱迪·贺黛莉合作。

41 、Ex:Judy's position has been filled by Francine.───例:茱蒂的职位已由法兰辛接任。

42 、A:Do you think Mike will marry Judy?───你认为迈克会和朱蒂结婚吗?

43 、Judy: So what did you tell him?───你跟他说了什么?

44 、Judy wrung out a sponge and scrubbed down the fridge.───它还拧干了一块海绵,把冰箱擦了一遍。

45 、Judy is a copywriter for a toy manufacturer.─── 朱蒂是一家玩具制造商的**撰稿人

46 、Sue and Judy had gone side by side to the grave.───休和朱迪,原先是并肩往坟地里去的。

47 、Judy, I'm sorry, but that is not what I'm trying to do.─── 朱迪 我很抱歉 但我没有那种想法

48 、LAU Sau Yu, Judy ceased to be a partner of Wilkinson &Grist as from 1 May 2002.───刘秀瑜**自2002年5月1日辞去高露云律师行合夥人一职。

49 、I never met Judy again, w h ich w as a p ity.───我再也没有见到朱迪,非常遗憾。

50 、Judi can be reached atjlapin@lapincg.comor at (714) 434-1300.───以一种有意义的方式,进一步安置我们的媒体景观和巩固美国商场的据点。

51 、Judy just can't go through with the divorce.───无法实现离婚。

52 、Judy collects stamps, and the stamps on the envelope made her mouth water.───朱蒂爱好集邮,所以这信封上的邮票颇使她心动。

53 、Judy told me she was teaching English at school.───朱娣告诉我她正在学校教英语。

54 、You can arrange our insurance cover. But try to get a low premium for us, Miss Judy.───你们可以帮我们申办保险。但是,尽量替我们争取较低的保费,朱迪**,

55 、Judy, you won't believe what I found.─── 朱迪 你不会相信我发现了什么

56 、Judy is looking for something nice to wear for a job interview.───朱蒂正在寻找求职面试时要穿的一件好衣服。

57 、Judy, I'm back. I'm gonna get you out of there.─── 朱迪 我回来了 我要把你救出来

58 、The actresses Marilyn Monroe and Judy Garland were left-handed,and so was Charlie Chaplin.───女演员玛莉莲·梦露和茱迪·嘉兰都是左撇子,查理·卓别林也是。

59 、Joining Craig is veteran actress Judi Dench, who continues her role as M.───与克雷格一同搭档的是老牌女星茱蒂.丹契,她将接续M夫人的角色。

60 、Peter and Judy seem made for each other, don't they?───彼得和朱迪像是天生的一对,是吧?

61 、Judy: I've got to go to pick up a friend at the airport.───我要到飞机场接朋友。

62 、Teacher Judy Garber says it”s hard to get the kids away from the computers.───加利福尼亚圣卡洛斯的阿让代尔小学可以说是美国最先进的在线学校。

63 、As you enter a room, others read your description: "Judi enters.───当你进入一个房间之后,其他人就会读到一个对你的描述:“Judi进来了。

64 、I'm afraid that Judy has become booked on pep pills.───我担心朱迪已开始对兴奋剂上瘾了。

65 、In the future please always address me as Judy.───今后就请叫我朱蒂。

66 、Through the night one after another crept into Judy's room to explain how deeply they opposed such a marriage.───其实谁也睡不着,又一个接一个到朱迪房间里劝她回头,讲给她听这门亲事如何要不得。

67 、Don't make a Judy of yourself.───你别自欺欺人了。

68 、I never met Judy again, which was a pity.───我再也没见到朱迪,十分遗憾。

69 、Judy: Why are you so sweaty and filthy?───你怎么浑身是汗,还脏兮兮的?

70 、Judy: So you figure my marriage is a mathematical error.───所以你认为我的婚姻是个概率学上的错误。

71 、Assume that Ann Phillips and Judy Ryan are partners, each having a capital account of $100.───假设菲利普和雷安是合伙人,每人拥有100美元的资本。

72 、Oh, hi, Mr. Miller. This is Judy Park from the Wanli Shipping Co.───噢,你好,米勒先生。我是万利船运公司的朱迪?帕克。

73 、Nancy, Judy and Margaret, Peter, Dandy ,Paul and John.───南希,朱迪,还有玛格丽特,彼得,丹迪,保罗和约翰。

74 、Judy can speak a little Chinese.───朱蒂会说一点中文。

75 、There are fan notes from Henry Fonda, Laurence Olivier and Judy Garland.───其中有亨利方达、劳伦斯奥利佛、朱蒂嘉兰等戏迷写的便条。

76 、Judy: I can't. I'm swamped with work. My job is no picnic.───我有一大堆工作要做。我的工作并不轻松愉快。

77 、Judy:DId you read about the terrinle fire?───朱蒂:你看到那则可怕的火灾新闻了吗?

78 、You're right that Judy's pretty,but it would be taking things too far if you said she's beautiful.───你说朱迪漂亮,这没错;你若说她美,那就言过其实了。

79 、Cathy, this is my wife Judy.───凯西,这位是我的妻子朱蒂。

80 、A: Do you think Mary will marry Judy?───你认为麦克会和朱蒂结婚么?

81 、He still pours with a steady hand, just as he did for Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland and the Duke of Windsor.───他的手在倒酒时依然很稳,就象从前他为玛丽莲·梦露,茱蒂佳兰和温莎公爵服务时那样。

82 、She screamed into the darkness "Judy, where are you?───她在黑暗中尖叫道“朱蒂,你在哪?”

83 、Judy and her family were no longer allowed to sell it.─── 茱迪一家不能继续售卖这种奶酪了

84 、Hence, I told Judy SJ that I can only help till around 11 plus.───因此,我告诉小芳师姐,街头募款我只能帮忙到约十一点。

85 、"I think Judy is the winner," said Karen. "Hers is the best.───“我觉得朱迪赢了,”卡伦说,“她的字最棒。

86 、In a short span of five months, Judy rose in the ranks to become project leader.───在短短的5个月里,朱蒂得到了提升,成为项目主管。

87 、Judy, you've worked so hard to get here.─── 朱迪 你付出那么多努力来到这里

88 、Judy works for a large American chemical corporation.───朱蒂为一家美国大化学公司工作。

89 、From that day on, I was a huge Judy Collins fan.───从那一天起,我就成了热情的朱迪.考林斯迷。

90 、Do you know Judy, Jack? No, I don't believe we've met.───不认识。我认为我们彼此不认识。






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