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fa cup,cupful是什么意思,cupful中文翻译,cupful发音、用法及例句

06-28 投稿

fa cup,cupful是什么意思,cupful中文翻译,cupful发音、用法及例句



英:['k?pf?l]  美:[?k?p?f?l]

英:  美:


n. 满杯;半品脱


1 、Can you put me in the picture about the World Cup Football Match?───你能给我讲讲关于世界杯足球赛的状况吗?

2 、She drank a cup of pineapple juice.───她喝了一杯凤梨汁。

3 、How about a cup of coffee at a nearby coffee shop?───去附近的咖啡屋喝杯咖啡吧?

4 、He chipped a piece off the edge of the cup.───他把茶杯的边打碎了一块。

5 、He drank a cup of strong tea to sober himself up.───他喝下一杯浓茶以使自己清醒过来。

6 、The cup final is an important date in the sporting calendar.───世界杯足球总决赛在运动日程表中是个重要日子。

7 、A dish, cup, or other article of silver or gold offered as a prize.───奖杯作为奖品授予的银的或金的盘,杯或其它物品

8 、His frail hands could hardly hold a cup.───他虚弱的手连杯子也拿不住。

9 、He filled the cup to the brim.───他倒了满满一杯。

10 、I need a cup of coffee to wake me up enough to make a cup of coffee.─── 我需要喝一杯咖啡唤醒自己 然后才能去煮咖啡

11 、Do stop off on your way home and have a cup of coffee with me.───你回家路过我家时,请一定顺便过来一起喝杯咖啡。

12 、Would you like a cup of tea?───你想喝杯茶吗?

13 、The cup lay in pieces on the floor.───地上是那杯子的碎片。

14 、He has drunk one cup of coffee to refresh oneself.───他喝了一杯咖啡提神。

15 、Fifty US dollars for a cup of coffee is daylight robbery.───一杯咖啡五十美元简直是光天化日之下抢钱。

16 、She brimmed the cup with tea and offered it to me.───她倒满一杯茶给我喝。

17 、He was regarding with dismay the cup on the table.───他垂头丧气地盯着桌上的杯子。

18 、Upset a cupful into a hole in the yard, and a mustard-seed will be your boat.───作百里之远的旅行,就必须筹备三个月的粮食。

19 、Here's a cup of tea to be going on with; we'll have something to eat later.───先喝杯茶垫垫底儿,咱们等一会再吃东西。

20 、The World Cup Final was beamed live from Britain to Japan.───世界杯决赛从英国向日本作了实况转播。

21 、He sat down and asked for a cup of cocoa.───他坐下来,要了一杯可可。

22 、Italy had been drawn to play Spain in the world cup.───在世界杯足球赛中意大利队抓到斗龟儿定与西班牙队比赛。

23 、He inadvertently knocked over his cup of coffee.───他不留神碰翻了自己那杯咖啡。

24 、So all the plastic containers berry containers, keg cups, plastic cold cups, you know, from starbucks.─── 所有的塑料容器 草莓包裝 小桶杯 星巴克的塑料冷杯

25 、He drink a cup of strong tea to sober himself up.───他喝下一杯浓茶以使自己清醒过来。。

26 、He clacked the cup against the saucer.───他将茶杯与碟子相碰发出丁当的声音。

27 、Would you like a cup of malt whisky?───你想喝杯麦芽威士忌吗?

28 、He kept jabbing (away) at the paper cup with his pencil.───他用铅笔(不停地)戳著纸杯。

29 、Some tea left at/in the bottom of your cup.───你杯底剩下一些茶。

30 、They chatted over a cup of coffee.───他们一边喝咖啡一边聊天。

31 、Soon after "Cheers!" he drained off the cup.───刚说完“干杯”, 他便一饮而尽。

32 、He's bad at flip cup. I'm bad at flip cup.─── 他翻杯游戏玩得超烂 翻杯我超烂

33 、You knock over a cup of coffee, you clean up a cup of coffee.─── 打翻了一杯咖啡 就要清理

34 、Cup of emptiness for her, cup of tranquility for me.─── 一杯让她得享空虚 一杯让我得享安宁

35 、Liverpool were in a jubilant mood after their cup victory.───利物浦队夺得优胜杯后喜气洋洋。

36 、He brimmed a cup with wine.───他斟满一杯酒。

37 、I've got two cups here two cups not one, two.─── 我这儿有两个杯子 两个 不是一个 两个

38 、He went over and laid down his cup on the tray.───他走过去把茶杯放到茶盘上。

39 、Tree, pour what's in the cup out into space and go in the cup again.─── 树人 把杯子里的东西 倒进太空里 然后再用杯子

40 、A cup fell down to the ground.───一个杯子掉到地上。

41 、The two teams were disputing the cup.───两队正在争夺奖杯。

42 、A cup of tea helped to thaw out our guest.───一杯茶有助于我们的客人变得不拘束。

43 、The World Cup final is being transmitted live to over fifty countries.───世界杯决赛现在正向五十多个国家现场转播。

44 、A nice cup of tea will soothe your nerves.───一杯好茶可以使你的心绪平静下来。

45 、This sauce recipe calls for a cup of onions, but all of our cups are different sizes.─── 这个酱料配方说要用一杯洋葱 可我们家杯子都不一样大啊

46 、In one drink he drained(the wine in) the cup.───他一口把那一杯(酒)干掉了。

47 、Will you have another cup of tea?───你再喝一杯茶吗?

48 、You cannot judge between this cup of coffee or this cup of coffee or this cup of coffee.─── 你无法在这杯咖啡 这杯咖啡或这杯咖啡之间评出个优劣来

49 、It was a foregone conclusion Newcastle would beat Chelsea in the Cup Final.───在争夺足协锦标赛中,纽卡斯尔队会击败彻尔西队,那是预料中的必然结果。

50 、A coffee cup; a coffee grinder.───咖啡杯; 咖啡研磨器

51 、Not a cupful of water remained.───剩下来的连一杯也不到。

52 、The two teams were drawing with only three minutes of play left in the Cup Final when Chelsea's centre forward pulled a master stroke and headed the ball into the net from outside the penalty area.───在足球锦标赛的最后3分钟时,两队还是不分胜负,突然切尔斯队的中锋非常出色地在罚球区之外将功赎罪球顶入了网内。

53 、Would you like to have a cup of cocoa?───你想要喝一杯可可吗?

54 、Hey, Bryan, do you have time to grab a cup of coffee and catch up on things?───嘿,布莱恩,你有时间喝一杯咖啡、聊一聊天吗?

55 、A cup or plate that, according to medieval legend, was used by Jesus at the Last Supper and that later became the object of many chivalrous quests.───圣杯,圣盘据中世纪传说为基督在最后的晚餐上用过的那个杯或盘子,后来成为许多骑士追求的目标

56 、He cupped his cold hands round the cup of hot chocolate.───他用冰凉的手捧起一杯滚热的巧克力饮料。

57 、Do you feel like a cup of tea now?───你现在想喝杯茶吗?

58 、A cup of coffee thawed out the guest.───一杯咖啡使客人变得不那么拘束。

59 、The World Cup was the event of the year, good for ten full pages in the magazine New Sports.───世界杯是当年的大事,《新体育》杂志上可用10页来大写特写。

60 、A cup of beer will satisfy your thirst.───喝杯啤酒可为你止渴。

61 、What is that which you have just stuffed into the plastic cup?───你刚才塞在塑料杯里的是什么东西?

62 、He flumped his cup on the table.───他砰地把杯子放在桌上。

63 、Would you like a cup of chocolate?───你想要杯巧克力饮料吗?

64 、It's daylight robbery to charge60 pence for a cup of tea.───一杯茶卖60便士,简直是漫天要价。

65 、A cup of coffee may sober him up.───一杯咖啡能使他醒酒。

66 、Would you like another cup of tea?───你要再来一杯茶吗?

67 、He put the cup on the saucer.───他把茶杯放在茶托上。

68 、They think they'll win the election easily, but there's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip.───他们以为能在选举中轻易取胜,但事情往往会功败垂成。

69 、After the World Cup 94, Ronaldo moved to Holland.───94年世界杯结束后,罗纳尔移居荷兰。

70 、He swallowed the pills with a cup of water.───他用一杯水吞下了这些药丸。

71 、She make a cup of instant coffee.───她冲了一杯速溶咖啡。

72 、A cup of coffee will soon perk you up.───你喝一杯咖啡马上精神会振作起来。

73 、A prize or memento, such as a cup or plaque, received as a symbol of victory, especially in sports.───奖品,奖杯(牌)尤指体育比赛中,作为胜利的象征而授予的奖品或纪念品,例如奖杯或奖牌

74 、I'd be glad of (ie I'd like) your help/a cup of tea.───你若能帮忙[给我一杯茶]本人十分感激。

75 、On the evidence of their recent matches it's unlikely the Spanish team will win the cup.───从西班牙队最近的比赛情况来看,他们难以在这一锦标赛中夺标。

76 、A charge of£1.20 for a cup of coffee is daylight robbery.───一杯咖啡索价1.20英镑,真是明目张胆的劫夺。

77 、He sniffed the green tea in the cup appreciably.───他欣然闻了闻杯里的绿茶香味。

78 、He lifted a cup off the table.───他从桌上拿起一只杯子。

79 、A cup of coffee will refresh you.───你喝杯咖啡就会提神。

80 、Between the cup and the lip a morsel may slip.───吃到嘴里的才算是你的。

81 、He chipped a piece off the edge of a cup .───他把一只杯子边缘打破了一块。

82 、Can I entice you to a cup of milk?───你喝杯牛奶好吗?

83 、Must you dash off? Why not stay for a cup of tea?───你一定要急急忙忙走吗?为何不留下喝杯茶呢?

84 、The people are all agog to know the news about the World Cup.───人们都渴望得知世界杯足球赛的消息。

85 、He's in his cups more than out of them.─── 他喝醉的时候比清醒的时候多

86 、He filled my cup but not overbrimmed.───他给我斟了满满一杯酒,却没让酒溢出。

87 、Park yourself in that chair while I make you a cup of tea.───你坐在那张椅子上,我给你沏茶去。

88 、Football fever gripped the town when the local team reached the cup final.───在当地的足球队打进了优胜杯的决赛圈后,全市掀起一阵足球热。

89 、A seaman went below to fetch the captain a cup of coffee.───一位水手下舱去为船长拿一杯咖啡。

90 、Can I pour you another cup of tea?───再给你倒杯茶好吗?


beautiful 美丽的

useful 有用的

helpful 乐于帮助的

skillful 有技巧的

bagful 一袋之量,满袋

basketful一满篮, 一满筐


carful 一车之量

cupful 一杯之量,满杯

dishful一碟, 一碟的量



mouthful 一口, 满口

plateful 满盘, 一盘

scoopful 满满的一勺子

spadeful 满满一铲子

spoonful 一匙的量


doubious---可疑的 anxious---焦急的 precious---珍贵的 efficacious---有效的,odious---讨厌的,studious---好学的,tedious---讨厌的,envious---嫉妒的,previous---先前的infectious---传染的,superstitious---迷信的,furious---猛烈的,ambitious---有报复的,various---各种各样的,conscious---有意识的,avaricious---贪婪的,juducious---贤明的,delicious---好吃的,gracious---和蔼的。




-ster,-eer,-er(or) 意为:从事某种职业或参与某种活动的人(person engaged in an occupation or activity)例词:gamester,gangster,songster,engineer,profiteer,mountaineer,auctioneer,driver,teacher,director,actor,professor

-let 意为:小或者不重要的东西(small,unimportant things)例词:booklet,leaflet,starlet

-ette 意为:1)小的东西(small)例词:cigarette 2)假的东西(imitation)例词:leatherette,usherette

-ess 意为:女性(female)例词:actress,poetess,hostess,paintress

-hood 意为:时期(status;etc.)例词:boyhood,childhood,manhood

-ship 意为:才能,状态,资格,品质等(skill,state,condition,status,quality)例词:leadership,friendship,membership,lectureship,sportsmanship

-ful 意为:量(the amount which noun contains)例词:cupful,handful, mouthful,spoonful

-tion,-ion 意为:1)状态,行动等(state;action;etc.)例词:action,oppression,possession,education,starva- tion 2)机构等(institution;etc.)例词: organization,foundation

-ment 意为:状态,行动等(state; action;etc.)例词:movement,enslavement,pavement

-al 意为:动作(action)例词:arrival,refusal,revival,recital,removal

-age 意为:程度,数量等(extent; amount;etc.)例词:wastage,coverage, acreage,shrinkage,breakage,hostage

-ness;-ity(ty) 意为:状态,品质(state;quality;etc.)例词:happiness, usefulness,selfishness,kindness,rapidity,activity,sanity,changeability

-ism 意为:道义,主义,学说等(doctrine of,practice of)例词:idealism, impressionism,absenteeism,racism

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