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06-29 投稿




英:[?s??kh??l]  美:[?s??k?hol]

英:  美:


n. 阴沟的入口处;排水口;污水坑


1 、The winged reptavians are solitary and nomadic.Within a sinkhole, a dactillion could use its limbs to climb along the cliff faces, and use its wings to ride the rising thermals.───这种有翼的鸟蜥类动物行独居的游牧生活,戴克提鳞恩在下沉岩穴中用四肢爬上峭壁表面,然后以翅膀乘著上升暖气流而上。

2 、Sinkhole swallows part of Mo. Man's home───巨大地洞吞没美国一幢住宅楼

3 、loess sinkhole───黄土陷穴

4 、"Maybe you can find your dream job, or a way out of a career sinkhole, or a financial windfall.───或许,你可以找到自己的梦想工作,找到一条摆脱职业困境的出路,或是在薪酬上有意外的收获。

5 、Entire vertical character is that epikarst zone is below plane of denudation in fifty meters, dissolution vug and sinkhole develop highly.───潜流岩溶带溶蚀孔洞多沿水平方向展布,常发育大型的水平溶洞。

6 、- A leisurely Sunday morning turned frightening for one southwest Missouri man when a giant sinkhole opened up and swallowed a portion of his home, including his garage and a car parked inside.───一个巨大的地洞吞没了他的部分住所,其中包括车库和里面的一辆车。

7 、An experiment study of monitoring sinkhole collapse by using BOTDR optical fiber sensing technique───岩溶塌陷的光纤传感监测试验研究

8 、His eloquence is all the more remarkable because migraines are a sinkhole for language.───他的描述很引人入胜,因为偏头疼就像是语言的排污口。

9 、2. Go northeast to the Geyser Fields, where you'll find the first sinkhole (70,37).───向东北走到水泉原野,那儿你会找到第一个排水口(70,37).

10 、At the Cai sinkhole, the rise of Cai preceded the rise of epicardial membrane potential in 5 episodes.───在Cai穴中,5次情况下Cai产生在心外膜电位前。

11 、So you don't drill through the sinkhole wall and impale him.─── 这样你就不会打穿落水洞然后钉死他

12 、In fact, it determines how deadly sinkholes are.─── 事实上 它决定着天坑到底多致命

13 、Having to constantly find documents, forgetting commitments and appointments puts is a huge sinkhole.───爱因斯坦终身学习与研究的,一是音乐,二是物理。

14 、Adam and Eve drove onto a dead-end street and into a huge sinkhole, bringing the curse of sin on themselves and the rest of creation.───亚当和夏娃已步入死胡同,无法自拔,为自己和所有受造之物带来了罪的咒诅。

15 、The tall Utapaun revealed that the world had been under Separatist martial law, and that General Grievous and the Separatist leadership were on planet, on the Tenth Level of the sinkhole city.───这位高大的乌塔堡人告诉他,这星球已经被分离主义军队控制,而葛里维斯将军和分离主义**也在这星球上,位于沉穴都市的第十层。

16 、sinkhole of underground river───地下河天窗

17 、Check this out: it went into a sinkhole in Oklahoma.That's a truck.The driver said that when he got to the top of the hill, it looked like a road.───请看以下报道,在俄克拉荷马州一辆卡车冲入了一个深沟,卡车司机称当他像小山顶开的时候,看起来还有一条路。

18 、Check this out: it went into a sinkhole in Oklahoma.That's a truck.───关注一下这个:一辆卡车在俄克拉荷马州掉进了一个下陷的洞。

19 、Their dry ashen faces and scarlet wardrobe, well suited for the molten world, now stood in contrast to the neutrally-colored desert sinkhole planet.───他们没有表情的苍白面容和猩红色的服装相当适合这个模样有如浇铸出来般的星球,与这个沙漠下沉岩穴星球的中立色彩形成对比。

20 、the ceiling above was hung with yellowish lamp-rods that cast a light the same color as the sunbeams striking through an arc of wide oval archways open to the interior of the sinkhole outside.───天花板上挂着淡**的灯管,颜色与阳光别无二致的灯光洒落在一座拱门上,其下方是一个宽敞的椭圆形拱道,一直通向溶洞深处。

21 、Small enough not to compromise the sinkhole.─── 这个尺寸足够小 不会影响到落水洞

22 、A 500 metre perimeter has been cordoned off around the hole. Authorities had apparently suspected something was wrong with the site before the sinkhole appeared.───这个地洞周长长达500米。有关当局怀疑地洞的出现是由于事发地有异常情况发生。

23 、These Utapauns control the planetary government and administer the port facilities in the sinkhole cities.───这些尤塔帕人掌管着行星政府,管理每个灰岩坑城市的港口设施。

24 、karst sinkhole───岩溶塌陷

25 、“The economy is slipping deeper into a recessionary sinkhole that is getting broader,” said Stuart G.───位于匹兹堡的PNC金融服务公司的首席经济学家StuartG.

26 、The ship is immobilized, sir. Vega's man are ready to blow down a sinkhole.───这船不能动了,长官。维加的人正准备炸出一个坑来。

27 、This 100m-deep sinkhole in Guatemala City, Guatamala swallowed about twelve homes, Feb. 23, 2007.───今年二月二十三日,瓜地马拉市得一处地表凹陷一百公尺深,吞噬了十二间左右的房舍。

28 、Obi-Wan sprang to the saddle, and Boga leapt to the sinkhole's rim in a single bound.───欧比旺翻身跳上坐垫,随即波佳纵身一跃,便落到了溶洞的边缘。

29 、Discussion on construction technology to pass sinkhole structure with grouting technology───利用注浆工艺通过陷落柱构造的施工技术初探

30 、It's the sand that's key to there being so few sinkholes in this area.─── 正是因为沙子 这里才少有天坑

31 、The sinkhole was caused by rains and an underground sewage flow.───这个塌方的污水池是由于雨水和地下污水流动造成的。

32 、It is an immense deep hole on the sea surface.It is actually a massive underwater sinkhole which is 60 kilometers off the coast of Belize.It is an incredibly beautiful place.───蓝色大洞是一个位于海面上的巨大深穴,具体位置在伯利兹位大陆60公里处是一个难以置信的美丽地方。

33 、We have to go into the sinkhole and fix it by hand.─── 我们得进入裂洞 人工修复了

34 、sinkhole Plain───灰岩坑平原

35 、But to understand why there's no sinkholes here, we have to get to the shore.─── 要了解为什么这里没有天坑 我们必须到岸边

36 、Four claw-footed arms deployed, dig ging into the rock to carry him down the side of the sinkhole, an gling away at a steep slant.───四只带有尖爪的机械臂随即伸出,迅速嵌入到了岩壁当中,随后便带着他沿着峭壁攀爬而去。

37 、In essence, the entire south polar region is a giant sinkhole.───就本质上而言,整个南极区域就是个超大型排水口。

38 、H***ing to constantly find documents, forgetting commitments and appointments is a huge sinkhole.───经常在寻找文件、忘记该完成的承诺事项和约会是个严重的漏洞。

39 、No sinkhole or waterfall, those must be further downstream.─── 这里没有落水洞或瀑布 应该在更下游的地方

40 、Basement、Vacant room in B1、Sinkhole &gutter、Garbage can、Outer circle.───楼层垃圾桶、排、污水井(沟)、生活用房、外围地下室、、B1空置房、排水井(沟)、垃圾房、外围.

41 、I can't believe you're gonna be mayor of this sinkhole.─── 真不敢相信你要当这个阴沟的市长

42 、Any more, the whole sinkhole could collapse.─── 太高的话整个岩坑都会坍塌

43 、2. Ride south/southwest to the Southern Sinkhole (51,72). Blow it up.───前往南或西南至南部排水口(51,72),炸掉它。

44 、So, sure, we grow up and we have kids in this sinkhole?───|那么 好吧 我们长大结婚 然后在这个破地方生孩子?

45 、collapse sinkhole───塌陷落水洞

46 、sinkhole collapse───塌陷

47 、Officials cut off power to the area.The sinkhole is about 50 yards long.───政府已经切断了该地的电能,凹陷(落水洞)大概有50码长。

48 、The sinkhole is in there, under that rock.─── 落水洞就在那里 在岩地下

49 、Grievous climbed aboard his waiting wheel bike and tore off into the alleys and corridors of the sinkhole city.───葛里维斯爬上他待命的飞轮机车,冲入下沉城市的巷子与走廊。

50 、The crane lifts the cars from a huge sinkhole that opened up in Moscow's Buto-vo district, April 2, 2009.───4月2日,俄罗斯莫斯科,由于地面下陷,四辆停在路边的汽车陷进一个大坑中,救援人员使用吊车将汽车吊起。

51 、Sinkhole attack───Sinkhole攻击

52 、Three people have been killed and at least a dozen homes have been swallowed up by a giant sinkhole that has appeared in Guatemala City.───近日,危地马拉首都危地马拉市出现一个巨大的地洞。地洞共吞噬了3人的生命,摧毁了10多间房屋。

53 、He further sought to fend off the inquiry by saying he would pay for some of the damage to infrastructure from the accident, a mine collapse that injured no one but left a gaping sinkhole.───他还试图抵挡的调查说,他将支付的一些基础设施的损坏的事故,煤矿塌陷受伤,但没有人留下了巨大的污水池。

54 、The photos below were taken early this year when the accident just happened, ten-odd homes and at least 3 people fell into the sinkhole (swallowed by the sinkhole) in the incident.───这些照片是生于今年年初的地洞事故,该洞吞下了十几家,并至少活吞了3人。

55 、Cenotes are created when limestone in the cave system erodes and the roof collpases, forming a water-filled sinkhole.───当洞穴系统内的石灰岩发生腐蚀而且顶部开始下沉的时候,就形成了盛满湖水或河水的灰岩坑。

56 、His spokesman used blunter language, saying that AECL was “dysfunctional” and a “sinkhole” that has cost the Canadian governments C$30bn ($26.5 billion) since its creation in 1952.───他的发言人更加直言不讳地表示,加拿大核能公司经营运转不良,经费投入好像“无底洞”,自1952年成立以来,已经耗去加拿大政府300亿加元(265亿美元)的经费了。

57 、This ten minutes ride on our one-fifth scale miniature train carries you around Horseshoe Curve, across Apache Flats, by Kissing Rock and Sinkhole Overlook, and through Boothill Tunnel.───沿途可以观赏马蹄弯,阿巴其平原,接吻岩和水池高地,最终穿越靴子山隧道。

58 、Returned grouting technology to control inrush water from insidious sinkhole───返流注浆治理隐伏陷落柱突水技术

59 、Preliminary study on the technology and method of sinkhole collapse monitoring and prediction--As an example of sinknole collapse monitoring station in Zhemu Villgae, Guilin City───岩溶塌陷灾害监测预报技术与方法初步研究--以桂林市柘木村岩溶塌陷监测为例



奥卡拉国家森林是一座巨大而又古老的公园,面有好几处天然泉水和湖泊,适合远足、划独木舟、钓鱼和游泳。你可以在公园的任何地方露营。公园内有三大泉水:位于公园的中央杜松泉(Juniper Springs)、位于公园的北端的盐泉(Salt Spring)和位于东南面的亚历山大泉(Alexander Springs) 。

杜松泉清澈透明,非常美丽,可以在这划独木舟。盐泉和亚历山大泉的柏树林间有许多小路。伊顿湖灰岩坑(Lake Eaton Sinkhole)深24米,直径135米,有一段楼梯直通坑底。附近的伊顿湖是游泳和享受阳光的好地方。




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